I am natural, why is my ends a mess


Well-Known Member
I pressed my hair out lightly and my ends are like brillo, what am I doing wrong. I co-wash every other day. I wrap my hair at night. I use leave in conditioner, moisturizer, I even have a spray I make to keep it moisturized if I have to style it real quick, I use jojoba oil. What am I missing. I have to go and get atleast 1.5 inches cut off. I am so mad I wanted to wait until one year before I get a trim and now I have to get one after five months. Well a few days to six months. I guess thats not bad but still I want to not trim for another six months. Has anyone waited six months for their first trim. after a BC?
To answer your question:

I have been natural for six months, and I haven't done a trim yet. I plan on doing one (very small) the next time I twist my hair.

I don't know why your ends are super dry. Maybe too much manipulation? Or possibly they got a little fried when you pressed. What are you covering your hair with at night?
Hi Trudy! :) It sounds to me like you need to work on builing up moisture in the ends of your hair. I was having the same problem a little while ago, and I learned that I was experiencing dryness from product build-up. The main thing causing it - CO washes and CON! Who knew! My ends were crunchy, and when I pressed, the hair closest to my scalp would get silky straight and the ends laughed at me. Here is what I did to correct my problem (may not necssarily be yours, but maybe...) :

1. I dusted it just a little - not even an eighth of an inch.

2. Gave myself a protein treatment (I now do it once a month using Joico K-Pak for 5 minutes in the shower).

3. I IMMEDIATELY switched shampoos. The CON feels great at first, but it is not worth it for the build-up it gives that can cause dryness and breakage. I now use ABBA Moisture Scentsations Moisturizing Shampoo. It is the BOMB!

4. I follow with ABBA Moisture Scentsations Moisturizing Conditioner (mixed with a little castor oil). I put it on in the shower and put on a plastic cap and let is stay for 15-20 minutes while I complete my shower, then gently comb out under the water.

5. I then add a little bit of hot six oil and ABBA Nourishing Moisturizer, put in a braid, and let air dry. The results are wonderful :love: !

I don't mean to sound like an ABBA ad, but I love the stuff :laugh: I do this entire process once a week (except for the K-Pak, I do that once a month). As for CO washes, I only do that every other day if I need to. Sometimes I don't do it at all, because completely rinsing every day dries out my ends, and this may be an issue for you too. I don't use conditioner though, I use castor oil and let it sit while I shower, then rinse it out (NO SHAMPOO, I shampoo only once a week). If it is really tangled, I use a little Mane-and-Tail. I don't CO wash more than 2-3 times per week. To stlye my hair without completely wetting it, I keep a spray bottle. I mist my hair with plain water until it is damp, apply a little moisturizer, add pomade to my edges, then smooth up into a puff. I put on a thin scarf for a few minutes to set it, and it looks the same way my avatar does without completely rinsing. This method has helped my hair retain more moisture, and feel really soft and strong. My end are now GREAT :) I am sorry this is so long, but I hope this helps. If you have any questions, don't hesitate ;)
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Possibly too much manipulation. Possibly your hair does not like something in your products. What conditioner and leave-in conditioner are you using?

Things that have made my hair dry in the past:


But that doesn't mean those things are causing your problem. Just throwing out ideas.

I did the big chop almost 15 months ago and I haven't trimmed yet. But I don't know how usual that is. I'm more anti-trim than most. I won't touch the scissors unless there is damage.

If you decide to trim, don't feel too badly about it. Think of it as a fresh start and try to change things around a bit in your regimen. I cowash daily and have been for a year. But some people find that washing/cowashing less works much better for them.

ETA: I have to cosign about the product buildup. That dries my hair out like nothing else! If you think that might be the problem, I suggest clarifying, deep condition and move on from there with less product if you can.
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Maybe you should try the baggie method in between presses. That way you can strengthen and moisturize your ends and they will be thanking you when you flat iron/press.
I have a similar problem. It seems like my ends are always ragged looking. It seems like I am constantly clipping my ends. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong either but I can't keep them healthy. I clarify weekly with baking soda and deep condition weekly. My CO washes have been varying. I'm trying to do it only 2 times weekly now to see if that was the problem. But I've had problems with my ends before I began CO washes frequently. I don't use heat often (maybe twice a year) and I wear protective styles often. I just can't seem to get ahead. :cry:
Thank you for starting this thread. I tried to press my hair, but my ends were so dry and crunchy. I think I'm going to try to dust and baggie 2x a week, based on what I heard on this.
ugh i totally have this problem thats y ive been the same length forever!!!
i baggie from time to time and keep my ends off my shoulders so i dont get it either
Cheleigh said:
To answer your question:

I have been natural for six months, and I haven't done a trim yet. I plan on doing one (very small) the next time I twist my hair.

I don't know why your ends are super dry. Maybe too much manipulation? Or possibly they got a little fried when you pressed. What are you covering your hair with at night?

I didn't keep the heat on for long just a light press and very very little oil, I wrap my hair with a silk scarf. I might comb my hair once a week if that.
Same issue here, but hopefully it's being corrected with my monthly dustings and moisturizing.
songbyrd517 said:
Hi Trudy! :) It sounds to me like you need to work on builing up moisture in the ends of your hair. I was having the same problem a little while ago, and I learned that I was experiencing dryness from product build-up. The main thing causing it - CO washes and CON! Who knew! My ends were crunchy, and when I pressed, the hair closest to my scalp would get silky straight and the ends laughed at me. Here is what I did to correct my problem (may not necssarily be yours, but maybe...) :

1. I dusted it just a little - not even an eighth of an inch.

2. Gave myself a protein treatment (I now do it once a month using Joico K-Pak for 5 minutes in the shower).

3. I IMMEDIATELY switched shampoos. The CON feels great at first, but it is not worth it for the build-up it gives that can cause dryness and breakage. I now use ABBA Moisture Scentsations Moisturizing Shampoo. It is the BOMB!

4. I follow with ABBA Moisture Scentsations Moisturizing Conditioner (mixed with a little castor oil). I put it on in the shower and put on a plastic cap and let is stay for 15-20 minutes while I complete my shower, then gently comb out under the water.

5. I then add a little bit of hot six oil and ABBA Nourishing Moisturizer, put in a braid, and let air dry. The results are wonderful :love: !

I don't mean to sound like an ABBA ad, but I love the stuff :laugh: I do this entire process once a week (except for the K-Pak, I do that once a month). As for CO washes, I only do that every other day if I need to. Sometimes I don't do it at all, because completely rinsing every day dries out my ends, and this may be an issue for you too. I don't use conditioner though, I use castor oil and let it sit while I shower, then rinse it out (NO SHAMPOO, I shampoo only once a week). If it is really tangled, I use a little Mane-and-Tail. I don't CO wash more than 2-3 times per week. To stlye my hair without completely wetting it, I keep a spray bottle. I mist my hair with plain water until it is damp, apply a little moisturizer, add pomade to my edges, then smooth up into a puff. I put on a thin scarf for a few minutes to set it, and it looks the same way my avatar does without completely rinsing. This method has helped my hair retain more moisture, and feel really soft and strong. My end are now GREAT :) I am sorry this is so long, but I hope this helps. If you have any questions, don't hesitate ;)

everything in here sounds so good, I think I will give it a try. I haven't deep condition in a while. I am so lazy. I hate to get in the shower and wash my hair then put the conditioner on and get out and then go rinse my hair. Once I leave the bathroom, thats It! I dont' want to be bothered. It was cool in the begining but sometimes our regiments are so tiring. This is something I will have to do to protect my ends I guess I better get to it. Thank you so much for responding to my question.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
Same issue here, but hopefully it's being corrected with my monthly dustings and moisturizing.

Bublnbrnsuga, What!! I am shocked, Your hair looks so lovely. I can't wait to flip this hair around. I am looking at another year, but anyway. I will have to do a lite dusting. and go from there-- no heat until at least a year from now. Thanks
Trudy said:
Isubabiedee, they feel wonderful that was what made me want to finally press. I haven't dealt with heat since I BC

Welp, I think you have found your problem. Maybe your hair doesn't like heat. I know you said you gave yourself a 'light' press but it can still be damaging to some people's hair. Get a good trim and leave the heat alone for the sake of your hair. ;)
For me...when my ends feel dry they need mositure...WGO seems to work best for that.

Dry and tangled...I need a trim or dusting :(
Trudy said:
everything in here sounds so good, I think I will give it a try. I haven't deep condition in a while. I am so lazy. I hate to get in the shower and wash my hair then put the conditioner on and get out and then go rinse my hair. Once I leave the bathroom, thats It! I dont' want to be bothered. It was cool in the begining but sometimes our regiments are so tiring. This is something I will have to do to protect my ends I guess I better get to it. Thank you so much for responding to my question.

Apply your deep conditioner to dry hair before jumping in the shower. :) I let mine "marinate" for a bit then shampoo. Adding honey to your deep conditoner my be of assistance too.

From my own experience my ends look crazy when I "lightly" straighten. To smooth my ends out a bit more I apply a small amount of Aveda Humectant. Then I roll my hair with Satin rollers. Sometimes I curl my ends after applying the Aveda and immediately roll them.
Trudy said:
everything in here sounds so good, I think I will give it a try. I haven't deep condition in a while. I am so lazy. I hate to get in the shower and wash my hair then put the conditioner on and get out and then go rinse my hair. Once I leave the bathroom, thats It! I dont' want to be bothered. It was cool in the begining but sometimes our regiments are so tiring. This is something I will have to do to protect my ends I guess I better get to it. Thank you so much for responding to my question.

No problem! Glad I could help! :rofl: As for deep conditioning, you don't always have to sit under the dryer or get out and let it sit - esp. since you're natural. I got sick of that too, so I feel you. I'm a college student and I work - "don't nobody haa tyme ta be doin al'dat ;) " You could try washing and applying conditioner as soon as you get in the shower (before you wash your body, etc.), then putting on a plastic cap - then just take a long hot shower, at least 15 minutes. That way, your hair can benefit from the heat of the shower and the plastic cap. Then, after you are finshed with showering your body, you can just rinse and detangle before you get out. I find that less annoying than getting out and in and out and in... And it works just as well. The only time I would sit under the dryer is if I planned on straightening my hair with heat.
Trudy said:
Isubabiedee, they feel wonderful that was what made me want to finally press. I haven't dealt with heat since I BC

I might be wrong, but this is what I think. You know how sometimes your ends feel differently depending on how your hair is? Like I see people saying their ends feel funny when they air dry. Or how when you dont completely straighten your hair, you leave some of the texture in it and it's not very smooth.

Maybe that's what happened in your case. Maybe your ends feel rough because they aren't smooth because you only lightly pressed. I mean, pampering them now can't be a bad thing, but before you cut, it could just be a difference in how you expect them to feel.
This tip was in the current Essence magazine, I haven't tried it but maybe it'll help you out!

Bewteen shampoos, heat almond oil or your favorite hot-oil conditioner, massage it onto the ends, and leave in while you watch a flick. When done, comb through and rinse.

Good luck. ;)