I am looking for a hair mentee

Anky, or any other teacher... I need a mentor. I don't have a set regimen and I could really use some guidance. My IM is cluelessaka.
I am sooooo in need of a mentor. I'm doing ok.... but I think having some help will definitely make a difference in my 9Z hair. :lol: I have all three messengers (aim, yahoo,msn)

asubeauty said:
Ooh, ooh, pick me, pick me!!! :wave:

Seriously, I would LOVE to have a mentor, especially since it looks like I'll have to cut AGAIN. I need someone to help me stay encouraged. I don't know if I'm a 6f, but I'm a very hard to manage 4a with fine hair...

I'm also a 4A fine haired asubeauty. Are you relaxed? I'd be willing to mentor you.
Does anyone want to be my mentor? I have 6f hair lol, its 4a/b but super thick and I usually have a lot of it (it would take 2 hours to comb 6-8 inches of hair). However I shaved my hair off on the 7th of march 06, and I've cut it 3x, the last time was may 9th, I want to grow it to about 8-10" by the end of the yr. I intend on keeping it natural, but its so hard to managw *shrugs* so who knows. Anyone want to by my mentor?
I would love to have a mentor!! I had a short pixie cut for a LOOOONG time and finally decided to grow my hair. I haven't had long hair since I was a little girl. I would love for someone to help me achieve my goals with their knowledge and support.
Um, my computer crashed about three days ago so I am just reading this thread. um... wow. I wasn't expecting all of this. :orders: Everybody pair up, NOW!