I am in serious crisis mode right now.


New Member
Ladies, I am in serious crisis mode right now. I know satan is trying to break me and destroy my faith. I really am not one to tell all my business, but I really need to share and have your support and immediate prayer for this situation. It is financial. For the past few weeks, our finances have been in total turmoil and we have not been able ot recoup. I thought we were in the clear after I transfered funds to my checking account last night. I found out today that that is not the case. This means 5 more $33 charges which will eat up my paycheck (a bunch ate up my last check and part of hubbys last check), and for the third time in a row, I won't have tithe and offerings. Not only that, we won't be able to pay important bills, buy gas or food or shoes for my kids, which they really need right now. Not to mention pay for my husbands board exam. Why is this happening to us? Should one mis calculation and one overlooked transaction cause so many weeks of utter stress and distress? I'm on the verge of tears and numb at the same time. I just need some ferverent and effectual prayer of some righteous ladies right now. I just don't know where else to turn. Can't take out a loan. Don't have any realtives with money to spare. Please pray right now that we can get through this and have the funds we need by Thursday or Friday. And pray that my faith will be strong becuase right now its teetering. Satan will NOT get the victory! Thank you ladies.
I said a prayer for you. Don't give satan the victory. Hold on to God. Keep your faith strong. He will see you through it. I believe that a blessing is in the making for you! You need to believe, also!
I said a prayer for you and your family and I truly understand how you feel. Satan also has my finances under attack. This has not happened to me in a very long while. I paid my tithes last pay, even though I knew I would not have enough to cover my other obligations. Just hold on and remember that He will supply all of our needs according to His riches and glory. I truly understand.......stay prayerful!!!!:kiss:
I am praying for you right now, that God will come through for you, deliver you, remove all anxiety from your heart. He is Jehovah Jireh, He may not come when and how you want Him to, but He will get you through this. I know it sounds easy for me to say, but keep your faith, and trust in Him.

"Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians (creditors) you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you, you only need to be still." Exodus 14:13-14
I will pray for you and please pray for me too. DH and I are facing some tough financial decisions this summer and are praying and fasting every day this week. I refuse to let Satan have the victory in this situation.

Its tough not knowing what lies beyond the corner and realizing that its not in our time but HIS time. We have to hold on to His promises and known that He will take care of us. I read the story of Joseph this morning and I think I will read about Job tonight for some encouragement.

Be strong my sister.:)
You have no idea how well I know that feeling. :look: The best thing I can say, though, is that you shouldn't panic, and you shouldn't let yourself believe there isn't a solution. That ALWAYS makes things worse.

I know it's a difficult step to take, but if you're facing a utility shut-off notice, an eviction or a similar emergency, there are typically government programs which can help you in situations like that. You should also look through the Community and Human Services (or whatever is similar) section in your phone book. Often, there are non-profit groups which can help as well.

Also, you never know when your prayers just might gent answered in an unexpected way, like someone somewhere will suddenly remember that they owe you money, or a sympathetic friend might help you out of the blue. It does happen. I know this firsthand.

So, please, keep praying, keep your eyes and ears open, and also keep your senses. I'll pray for you, too.

~R. :rosebud:
Thank you ladies for your words of encouragement. You don't know how much it means. I must now also add to my request for your prayers for our financial situation my husbands car. It's old and has been on its last leg for some time now. It started trippin' on his way home today. We really can't even think about another car anytime soon and he needs his car to last thorugh another 2 years at least. This includes one more harsh Minnesota winter. Please pray this this car will continue to function. Thank you.
Girl I know the feeling all to well. Pray about it and don't even let Satan think that he has the victory in this situation. He wants to see belivers lose their faith, but tell him to flee!!!!He has no place in your finances. Just stand still and know that HE is God!!!!
Been there done that and still going thought, but not giving up. Satan can't and won't win believe that. He won't win with me and he won't win with you. Pray and fasting. I know that God placed it on Star's heart to start teaching about fasting because we really needed it at this time.

In God's time nor owns. Also remeber that without a test there can't be a testimony. Stay encourged and read my post about me testimony and how God truly came thought and showed out for me and that was just the beginning. Praise Him
Lord, I come to you today to ask that you bless this family. Lord, they are believers and they KNOW that You will never fail them. You will not turn your back on them in this hour of need.

Whatever the trouble, You have their back; You will make a way for them to put food on the table. You will make a way to pay the bills. You will make a way for them to survive the storm.

Lord, please renew their faith in You and show them that you are listening; You are present and have heard their cries. Please, show Your never ending mercy Lord.

In Jesus' name,
webby said:
Lord, I come to you today to ask that you bless this family. Lord, they are believers and they KNOW that You will never fail them. You will not turn your back on them in this hour of need.

Whatever the trouble, You have their back; You will make a way for them to put food on the table. You will make a way to pay the bills. You will make a way for them to survive the storm.

Lord, please renew their faith in You and show them that you are listening; You are present and have heard their cries. Please, show Your never ending mercy Lord.

In Jesus' name,

Amen, Good2uuu and Natalied, you both will be in my prayers. Stay strong ladies.
I was just writing an e-mail to my friend going through her (financial) crisis right now. God is so good I was lead right to this thread. The devil is a liar and this you and your husband are going through has ALREADY been ordered. Trust in the Lord that He will see you through. What you need to do is start thanking Him right now and anyway. Just for what you DO have and what He is getting ready to do!!! Be encouraged, trouble don't last always!!

This is what I was writing to my co-worker:

"Every day our enemy Satan and his forces will try to take advantage of our weaknesses. The Devil will use lies and temptations in order to defeatus. But he will be unsuccessful when we are "battle ready".
Spiritual warfare is real. Every day an unseen battle rages around us and in us. "
Good2uuu, ur in my prayers girl.....continue to hang in there, tho it may be hard, but lift up praises to our God who is all powerful - the blessings WILL come down. Be sure to give us a praise report. I can't wait to hear how your deliverance came through.
I just prayed for you and I will continue to do so. God will get you through this.

Can't wait for your praise report!!!

I will pray for you, I know what you are going through TO THE T! I dont mean to get OT but I just had 4 $33 overdrafts plus what was already negative and that took a big chop out of my paycheck too so I know the feeling! Everything will be alright, so don't worry. God bless!