I am going to do it


New Member
I would like to thank you to everyone on the board you have really helped in understanding and convinced me to pay more attention to my hair.

For those of you that do not know I have not worn my own hair in 8 years, yes I know a very long time for someone who is only 21. Today I came to a decision that I have been thinking about ever since coming to the board! I Kereen *****(sorry can't put last name) is going to get a blow out tomorrow! I have 85% virgin hair so I am not going to get a perm just yet! I have been observing everyones hair that I come in contact with picking out hairstyles in my head and doing things of that sort! I know tomorrow is very soon but if I don't do it right away I may never do it. So everyone please wish me luck and of course I will be picking up some weave just in case everything doesn't work out, but I do plan to wear my hair for at least a week!

Thank you everyone in advance for your support, I will need it lol. I decided that I should post this so I won't back out.

Thank you
hope everything goes well for you.
Hooray for you girl !!!
I know you can do this because I have done it. You are going to love your hair being out.
thank you ladies you are making this experience seem soooooo exciting! You gals are my
and inspiration!
Best Wishes KayKay. This is a big step, but one you will not regret if you stick to it. I weaved for about 8 years (throughout my teens, until I graduated from undergrad), and can't imagine ever going back. Plus I have beautiful hair now and though it was long while weaved, it was in horrid condition. Be patient.