I am embarrassed to admit it but..I smoke.


Active Member
Okay before you all attack me I quit from today! I totally HATE smoking but it is a bad habit I have.

I wondered why so many of you have got this beautiful lush THICK hair and mine is so thin in so many spots. It is so hard to give up but if there is one thing that will make me stop it is to save my hair. If not smoking means beautiful thick hair I will do it NOW!

Please can you offer me some words of encouragment as to why I should stop smoking in relation to my hair. I have also decided to replace tobacco with fruit. Wish me luck.

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I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!! Smoking constricts your blood vessels which will hinder blood and nutrients form getting to your scalp, thus slowing your growth. This constriction hinders blood flow everywhere, so you should find some other benefits too, if you know what I mean.

Now there's some extra incentive!
Congratulations!! Your hair and body will smell much better. No smoke smell that others can smell when they are around you. :blush:
My best friend from childhood used to smoke. She has type 3a hair. It would never get past shoulder length. It was stringy and very unhealthy looking. She quit smoking about 3 years ago and now her hair is MBL! I don't think I have any pics, but if i come across one, i will post it for inspiration. The only thing she has changed is smoking and her hair has definitely benefited. Congratulations and good luck!
Good Luck!

My bf quit cold turkey over a year ago. He didn't seem to have any problems. I was so glad. He still chews tobacco :ohwell: so he still needs to work on that.
Okay before you all attack me I quit from today! I totally HATE smoking but it is a bad habit I have.

I wondered why so many of you have got this beautiful lush THICK hair and mine is so thin in so many spots. It is so hard to give up but if there is one thing that will make me stop it is to save my hair. If not smoking means beautiful thick hair I will do it NOW!

Please can you offer me some words of encouragment as to why I should stop smoking in relation to my hair. I have also decided to replace tobacco with fruit. Wish me luck.

What a great decision. I have never been a smoker. I applaud you on your decision. Your hair will probably thrive even more now.
Congrats to you! Your heart and lungs will also benefit and you cant live without them, but you can live without hair.:yep:
Congratulations and good luck on your new non-smoking journey. I know how hard it is to quit (my grandad was a lifelong smoker--he quit drinking cold turkey but never could give up the smoking habit. :nono:).

You will feel so much better (mentally and physically) once you quit--you will be amazed at how different you will feel and look! :)
I applaud you HairQueen on your decision to stop smoking. I am right behind you. I already have a box of nicotine patches waiting for me. I want to replace my addiction with jumping jacks ,:bouncegre gotta be careful with the food.

Good Luck to you........................ WE CAN DO IT!!!
Congratulations on the decision.

I found the following information, maybe it will be helpful in providing another reason you should stick to your decision.

From the Daily Mail: Smoking--Hair, Brain and Skin

Starting with the head and face, we highlight what smoking really does to your body...
Hair: Smokers may notice that the top layers of their hair are quite brittle. This causes them to break off before they are fully grown and is most likely because they are malnourished.
Gay Sutherland, director of the Maudsley Hospital Smokers Clinic in London, says, "Cigarettes contain 4,000 different chemicals and gases, some of them deadly. When you smoke, your blood carries around poisonous carbon monoxide gas which hijacks the red blood cells. "This prevents the cells from carrying the right amounts of oxygen around your body. Ultimately, this will affect things like your hair as it is not being supplied with enough nutrients or fresh oxygen from the blood stream."

From HairLossExpert.co.uk
Cigarette smoking is a leading cause of numerous health problems and diseases, such as blood clots, heart disease, and cancer. Now, recent medical research has discovered a link between smoking and increased instances of hair loss.

New Evidence Points to a Correlation Between Smoking and Increased Hair Loss
Scientists in Taiwan recently completed a study involving 740 men who were suffering from premature hair loss or alopecia. Both smokers and non-smokers were enrolled in the study and the findings point to a significant correlation between moderate smoking and hair loss.
According to recent findings, men who smoke 20 or more cigarettes per day have a greater chance of developing baldness. These findings were determined after taking into consideration family history of baldness, general health, age, and other habits.

How Smoking Cigarettes May Increase Baldness
Although an exact relationship between cigarette smoking and hair loss is yet to be found evidence points to a disruption in circulation as a potential cause. For the hair follicle to function at optimal levels and produce hair growth at the normal rate the cells must receive adequate amounts of oxygen, nutrients, and minerals. Cigarette smoking has been shown to cause poor total body circulation, which can affect the amount of blood flow available to the hair follicles of the scalp. More specifically, scientists believe that smoking may actually disrupt or damage the circulation system that is responsible for delivering blood to the actual cells of the hair.
I quit cold turkey right before x-mas after smoking for 13 years. I never realized how unattractive smoking was till i moved to the US, in Europe smoking is not frowned upon like it is here and ALOT of people smoke.
I am so happy i kicked this disgusting habit and I have clear skin, shiny hair and healthy lungs to prove it.

Stay strong sweetie and your health will improve in no time.
I am so super proud of you and it sounds like you are too:yep:. I know that smoking ages you externally and internally. Externally speaking it dries out the skin, by taking away the natural oils, the chemical by products of the cigarette include cyanide.. which as we all know is deadly but also one of the key components in the yellowing, wrinkling and large pore producers of smokers skin. We all will agree that the reason vitamin makers market vitamins for skin as being good for you hair and nails is because they are made up the same type of connective tissue. Therefore you quitting smoking is so great for your skin, hair and nails. Less drying, less breaking more quality cellular regeneration = better outcome.:kiss:

You are so smart for doing this Big Fat Congrats
I know you already know the health dangers of smoking and second hand smoke .......But it has be proven to effect, hair, teeth, and skin...

Smoking causes constriction of blood vessels and decreased blood flow to the scalp, predominantly due to its nicotine content. The carbon monoxide in smoke decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood...And cause brittle hair.....

There are many ways cigarette smoking can cause hair loss, and most of these are related to the effects of cigarette smoke on your hair follicle. Cigarette smoke contains almost 4,000 lethal and damaging chemicals that can cause normal hair loss.....

Good for you! Not only will your hair thank you but your lungs and every part of your body will benefit. I wish you well on your smoke free journey and happy growing to you!!!:grin:
Wow you guys are the best I was expecting loads of comment such as "uggh!" and "are you crazy why did you smoke?" I nearly deleted the thread after writing it becasue I just thought you guys would think it was insane to try grow hair and smoke.

I guess cos I have quit that is why I am getting positive words. Thankyou for the encouragment I can't wait to see the benefits in my hair.
My best friend from childhood used to smoke. She has type 3a hair. It would never get past shoulder length. It was stringy and very unhealthy looking. She quit smoking about 3 years ago and now her hair is MBL! I don't think I have any pics, but if i come across one, i will post it for inspiration. The only thing she has changed is smoking and her hair has definitely benefited. Congratulations and good luck!

Yes please - if you could get hold of the before and after pics that would be great!

I applaud you HairQueen on your decision to stop smoking. I am right behind you. I already have a box of nicotine patches waiting for me. I want to replace my addiction with jumping jacks ,:bouncegre gotta be careful with the food.

Good Luck to you........................ WE CAN DO IT!!!

Oooh I have a quit smoking buddy! Thats great. Lets do it together and give regular updates on our hair!
Congratulations on the decision.

I found the following information, maybe it will be helpful in providing another reason you should stick to your decision.

From the Daily Mail: Smoking--Hair, Brain and Skin

From HairLossExpert.co.uk

Thankyou for going through the effort of posting this for me that is so so helpful and I will refere back to it regularly to remind me of the benefits of stopping.

Excellent thanks.
I quit cold turkey right before x-mas after smoking for 13 years. I never realized how unattractive smoking was till i moved to the US, in Europe smoking is not frowned upon like it is here and ALOT of people smoke.
I am so happy i kicked this disgusting habit and I have clear skin, shiny hair and healthy lungs to prove it.

Stay strong sweetie and your health will improve in no time.

WoW you quit after 13 years congrats!! What was your motivation for stopping?
I am so super proud of you and it sounds like you are too:yep:. I know that smoking ages you externally and internally. Externally speaking it dries out the skin, by taking away the natural oils, the chemical by products of the cigarette include cyanide.. which as we all know is deadly but also one of the key components in the yellowing, wrinkling and large pore producers of smokers skin. We all will agree that the reason vitamin makers market vitamins for skin as being good for you hair and nails is because they are made up the same type of connective tissue. Therefore you quitting smoking is so great for your skin, hair and nails. Less drying, less breaking more quality cellular regeneration = better outcome.:kiss:

You are so smart for doing this Big Fat Congrats

Oh my goodness thankyou for your postive words. So encouraging x
Oh and congratulations on quiting .....You'll be fine .....I was told it gets easier every day

Thanyou thankyou thankyou! It gets easier every day I never thought of that - that really really helps me so encouraging I will remember your words..
Hi HairQueen,
My name is Kelly and I'm a smoker :wallbash:
I wish you all the luck in the world kicking this nasty habit. I plan on quitting as soon as I move to NC in a couple of weeks. Right now it's gonna be hard to do because DH smokes and dips (NNAAASSSTTTYYY). He's not going with me to NC so it should be alot easier. I wish you luck. In a couple weeks I'll PM you so you can give me some advice on how you quit.
Good luck HairQueen, just remember to take it one day at a time. Don't get frustrate if things don't go your way in the beginning.
Congrats on your great decision! I quit a couple of years ago and it really gets easier as time goes by. Keep reminding yourself of all the great reasons for quitting. Good luck!:grin: