I am embarrassed to admit it but..I smoke.

Thank God!!! Congrats! My mother was a smoker for a long time. She stopped about 8 yrs ago..cold turkey and has never gone back! Unfortunately, my grandmother could not. :sad: We lost her last year to lung cancer and emphysema. I'm so glad you quit! You hair your body and your loved ones will thank you! And so do we! :yep:
I recommend the patch. It helped me I quit before I got married. I did slip when I was in air assault school for ten days then after that I have been smoke free for almost three years now.
WoW you quit after 13 years congrats!! What was your motivation for stopping?

I quit after I started to experience shooting pain in my lungs and heart. I was scared into stopping really. After I had a cigarette my lungs felt like they were on fire. That's all the motivation I needed. My doctor took all kinds of tests and said it was the cigarettes.
The pain stopped after I quit smoking and I never had any cravings for a cigarette since.

You can do it, It's all in your mindset; If you want it, it'll be the easiest thing you have ever done, trust me.
Good luck to you!
I quit after I started to experience shooting pain in my lungs and heart. I was scared into stopping really. After I had a cigarette my lungs felt like they were on fire. That's all the motivation I needed. My doctor took all kinds of tests and said it was the cigarettes.
The pain stopped after I quit smoking and I never had any cravings for a cigarette since.

You can do it, It's all in your mindset; If you want it, it'll be the easiest thing you have ever done, trust me.
Good luck to you!

Yes I get them sometimes they are scary.
Congratulations!!! One day I will too...

Okay before you all attack me I quit from today! I totally HATE smoking but it is a bad habit I have.

I wondered why so many of you have got this beautiful lush THICK hair and mine is so thin in so many spots. It is so hard to give up but if there is one thing that will make me stop it is to save my hair. If not smoking means beautiful thick hair I will do it NOW!

Please can you offer me some words of encouragment as to why I should stop smoking in relation to my hair. I have also decided to replace tobacco with fruit. Wish me luck.
