I am crushed...Major setback w/Alter Ego Linange

OP, my heart fell when I read this. Thanks so much for the warning. Your hair is still beautiful, and it will recover. I would just baby it with coconut oil and try to refrain from relaxing it for a while.

I use the same relaxer, and I've mixed unused portions before. (I don't store it in the refrigerator though.) I haven't experienced any adverse effects, but I will not do this again. Thanks again for sharing your experience!

You're welcome. Thanks for the encouragement.
IMO, Castor Oil does great with laying the edges down, but not that great with growing them out. I am willing to try what i have to so I will look into it. If I do use Castor Oil, it will have to be Jamaican Black Castor oil because the refined stuff I can not see doing much for me.

I have been using rosemary oil and massaging my scalp daily for 10 minutes. The hair on my thinning sides (due to stress) has grown back in gradually. I still have a stubborn side that won't grow in as faster as the other, but the rosemary oil has made a big difference, if you don't mind smelling like a seasoned lamb at night. :lachen:
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Just to clarify: So you shouldn't mix two jars or you should throw away the jar after using it?

I would say don't do both. Definitely don't mix two different jars. although it may be the same product, it could be (and probably is) two totally different batches. And, who is to say that there isn't any difference in the formula? The label may be the same, but things happen. I just know that i am not going to chance it.
awww, how awful! But i'm glad that your hair is on the road to recovery. Question...did you start the relaxer process from the nape? or from the crown of your head? You are supposed to start at the crown since the nape is more fragile. I've never experienced this degree of damage, but my "baby hair" at my front temples get verrrrry thin, short and break off a few weeks after every single relaxer that i get. Just the 2 temple spots. Kinda like your 3rd picture that you posted. I have yet to figure out why it's just this area and how to stop it. But as of now I have a few precautions that works ok, such as I use lots of Aphogee green tea restructurizer in these spots right before the relaxer, and i have my stylist relax the hairline at the last few minutes. And I stretch 4mos. The hair used to fully grow back, but now it grows back but i can still tell it's somewhat thinning. Which is proof of scalp damage. I have topical allergies to alot of things so i usually keep everything off my scalp, but i'm going to try to put herbal/natural oils on my scalp to nourish it. keep me updated if you find anything that works!

Very good question. I started at the crown and worked my way down. i usually do my temple area and nape last, but i actually did the nape first, then the front end and temple on this last application. Maybe I put it on too soon...I do think that this has caused damage to the point I need to seek a dermatologist and probably get a prescription or something. however, I am very weary of topicals especially if it will be damaging to my hair.
sorry to hear about your setback, I've never had issues with relaxers left around at room temps that's how they are to be stored. I do know that it's not good to store relaxer in the refrigerator, relaxers need to be stored at room temperature not in a cold or hot place that is recipe for disaster.

Please read this article it explains the importance of room temperature storage for hair care products. Most likely storing your relaxers in the extreme cold (fridge) damaged the chemicals in it causing it to damage your hair.
There is no way to extend shelf life of a relaxer they last 6 months up to a year sometimes 1 1/2 years. most likely the old relaxer caused the damage because it was sitting in the fridge.

(bottom of page 3)

Both of the unused portions were stored in the fridge...:wallbash:

now i have to question my whole way of thinking now...
@ Longhairlover - the relaxer I use is Lye so there was never a need to mix activator in it. Thank you for the links as it is shedding light on my situation. I will just learn my lesson and NEVER store unused portion of relaxer. i do not buy professional size jars as I don't see the need for it. i only buy what I need. Thanks you ladies for being so encouraging!
I have been using rosemary oil and massaging my scalp daily for 10 minutes. The hair on my thinning sides (due to stress) has grown back in gradually. I still have a stubborn side that won't grow in as faster as the other, but the rosemary oil has made a big difference, if you don't mind smelling like a seasoned lamb at night. :lachen:

You know, I am smelling rosemary right now as DH is cooking for a co-worker of his. I am sure he won't mind if I use some :grin:
yeah I was just mentioning the mixture relaxers seperately.

you should have good results with regular shelf storage, just document when you bought them and try to use them up in a good time frame and you should be fine. it also sucks that I notice some of these resellers/bss's don't put the expiration stamp on products. so you don't know how old a product is that your buying. some of my products have the expiration date then i'll buy the same product/relaxer somewhere else and it won't have the expiration date, companies will do anything to make sure they don't lose profits at the cost of our hair health :(

don't fret though your hair is still pretty and it will snap right back.
Yes, the ticker is correct. As my OP stated, I waited some weeks before posting this as my damage was far more vivid and (to me) much more embarrassing to post pics at the time. I took these pics today to show that the damage is still very much present. Trust me, you do not want to see the pics right after the touchup.

Ah, ok. Thanks for the clarification. I had the same issue before in my nape area, and I just stopped relaxing it. It gradually grew back in. I think my nape is the only natural hair on my head, aside from new growth (I'm transitioning). Just baby those areas and avoid relaxing them for a while.
Ah, ok. Thanks for the clarification. I had the same issue before in my nape area, and I just stopped relaxing it. It gradually grew back in. I think my nape is the only natural hair on my head, aside from new growth (I'm transitioning). Just baby those areas and avoid relaxing them for a while.

Thank you!
I am so sorry for yor setback. I used to use leftover relaxer all the time, but specifically remebering one day when I opened the container of used relaxer the smell was soo strong I had to take a step back. And from that day forward something told me to thow it away after using no matter how much is left in the container. That happened about 5 years ago and I have thrown away many almost full jars as a result of that.

Thank-you for sharing your set-back I know it will help others make the right choice of not using left over relaxer. And from the other pics you posted you can't even tell there is damage.
I am so sorry for yor setback. I used to use leftover relaxer all the time, but specifically remebering one day when I opened the container of used relaxer the smell was soo strong I had to take a step back. And from that day forward something told me to thow it away after using no matter how much is left in the container. That happened about 5 years ago and I have thrown away many almost full jars as a result of that.

Thank-you for sharing your set-back I know it will help others make the right choice of not using left over relaxer. And from the other pics you posted you can't even tell there is damage.

One of the jars did have a slightly strong smell to it. Again, I ignored the signs. Never again!
That is probably the main reason for the damage, I was wondering the whole time while reading if you applied to those areas first. Always relax the nape and hairline last they only take like 3 minutes to relax because in that area the texture is normally looser and thinner. Good thing you are recovering and your hair looks nice.
Very good question. I started at the crown and worked my way down. i usually do my temple area and nape last, but i actually did the nape first, then the front end and temple on this last application. Maybe I put it on too soon...I do think that this has caused damage to the point I need to seek a dermatologist and probably get a prescription or something. however, I am very weary of topicals especially if it will be damaging to my hair.

ETA: Most times when relaxers have a strong smell they need to be stirred/mixed since it was sitting the product begins to seperate sometime. I have always brought 4lb tubs and always mix well b4 removing what I will use.
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I never thought about needing to mix lye relaxer if is has been sitting for a while. Thanks for the tip. Yeah, I will probably steer away from relaxing the nape for at least 6 months...
ok...i have been self-relaxing @ home for over 10 years (off and on) and have not had any major problems in the past. I started using Alter Ego Linange relaxer (Lye) this year and have used it twice with no issues. Actually, I was loving on it something heavy.

Well, my 1st application i was 6 months post and used 3/4 of the jar (I have a very full head of hair) making sure to only apply to my NG. When my next application came around, i needed to order another jar. I started to use up the used jar and then move on to the new one, but at the time it was too much of a hassle. So for my 2nd application, I just used the newer jar (only using half). Mind you, I store my unused portion of relaxer in the fridge to extend the shelf life.

So, my 3rd application has come and i had enough to do a tough up between the two jars. I though it should be a no brainer since it is the exact same product. OH NO...i think I should have chucked both of them in the garbage because now i have major damage and I am very limited with styling. :wallbash: I waited a while to post this because my scalp was a total mess and embarrassment before and now It has gone through some initial healing.

I am crying on the inside because my name is especially damaged and that takes forever for me to get back on track. PLEASE BE CAUTIOUS when using leftover relaxer!!! See Pics Below.

Thankfully, i can sort of camouflage this and work my way to fixing it.

OK Ladies - please share your advice on how I overcome this. Thanks!

So sorry about what happened to you. I too had a very similar ordeal. My 3rd time relaxing with Linange Lye Relaxer was an under processed disaster. You actually might have saved me from another near disaster today. Something said to look up Linange again and read what the LCHF Ladies had to say...So I had a half of jar left from my 12/6/09 relaxer. I was contemplating relaxing with it today because it is six weeks since the last disastrous episode. I usually relax between 8 - 10 weeks but my hair is shedding a lot and my edges are horrible. I did not want to prolong it for fear of more damage to my hair. But instead, thanks to you and other Ladies comments, I threw out the remaining relaxer, washed, clarified and deep conditioned my hair. Now I will buy a new jar and relax next weekend. Thanks again and good luck!
So sorry about what happened to you. I too had a very similar ordeal. My 3rd time relaxing with Linange Lye Relaxer was an under processed disaster. You actually might have saved me from another near disaster today. Something said to look up Linange again and read what the LCHF Ladies had to say...So I had a half of jar left from my 12/6/09 relaxer. I was contemplating relaxing with it today because it is six weeks since the last disastrous episode. I usually relax between 8 - 10 weeks but my hair is shedding a lot and my edges are horrible. I did not want to prolong it for fear of more damage to my hair. But instead, thanks to you and other Ladies comments, I threw out the remaining relaxer, washed, clarified and deep conditioned my hair. Now I will buy a new jar and relax next weekend. Thanks again and good luck!

No problem! Glad this post was able to help you!
Thanks for sharing. It will grow back in no time. In your second set of pics, hiding the damage, your hair looks nice and healthy.
No problem! Glad this post was able to help you!

BTW...I relaxed today with a new jar of Linange Shea Butter Relaxer and threw away the remainder. Glad to report that it came out great. :yay: I left it on longer and really worked it through so I would not be under processed. I would not advise leaving it on too long, I left it on for 30 minutes instead of 20. Last time I remember putting Affirm Protecto on my hair in an effort to protect the hair that I did not want to relax by overlapping. I must have put it on the new growth in error, then it must have stopped the relaxer from penetrating. I did not use it this time and the results were wonderful. I will attempt to take a picture and then post it.
Miss Monae, how is your hair coming along now? It's been about a month since you posted about how you're hair is doing.
BTW...I relaxed today with a new jar of Linange Shea Butter Relaxer and threw away the remainder. Glad to report that it came out great. :yay: I left it on longer and really worked it through so I would not be under processed. I would not advise leaving it on too long, I left it on for 30 minutes instead of 20. Last time I remember putting Affirm Protecto on my hair in an effort to protect the hair that I did not want to relax by overlapping. I must have put it on the new growth in error, then it must have stopped the relaxer from penetrating. I did not use it this time and the results were wonderful. I will attempt to take a picture and then post it.

Thanks for the update. I never used Affirm Protecto so I will check it out. I definitely don't want to over process on my next touch up.
Miss Monae, how is your hair coming along now? It's been about a month since you posted about how you're hair is doing.

It's coming along great! I decided that i would wait until April to do my next touch up. My hair needs the chemical break! So far, i see my thin patches growing in and my hair is looking fuller. I am trying to figure out the best way for me to manage my NG because right now it is kicking my butt and I do not want to overdo it with heat.

I would love to start roller setting my hair on my own but I can't seem to get it right. Thinking about using flexirods...we'll see.

Also, i am learning to keep my product regimen simple (been trying a few things and some do much more harm than good). I am busy these days so no pics yet, but I will definitely try to post some pics of my progress in the next week or two. Thanks for all of the encouragement and advice (all are appreciated)!
Update - I went ahead and relaxed @ 17 weeks (this was 3 weeks ago) very sucessfully with Mizani Butter Blends. I had a trusted friend process it for me. Came out wonderful!

So I promised some pics...well I have one length pic (right after washing) but I will take more. my sides have grown in tremendously and my name is almost at 100%. Thanks for all of the encouragement and advice ladies! I don't know if I would have rebounded if not for it all :yep:


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^^^That's fantastic news! I knew you'd bounce back in no time. And because of your warning, I always use a fresh jar of relaxer for every touch up. Thanks so much!
^^^That's fantastic news! I knew you'd bounce back in no time. And because of your warning, I always use a fresh jar of relaxer for every touch up. Thanks so much!

Girrl! Who you tellin'? I brought a fresh batch to my girlfriend and made sure to watch her throw it away afterwards! I don't want anyone going through what I went through!
Ok...here are more pics to show my progress on growing back my edges...


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Wow, that was fast progress from your setback. What did you do? It looks full and healthy.

Thanks for sharing because this thread turned out to be really informative with the article someone posted about shelf life and all of the other great tips.
My #1 focus was to have a healthy scalp, so I made sure to wash 2-3 times a week, clarify every 3 weeks and baby my edges. Deep Conditioning was also a big thing for me. The last thing I wanted was my edges to be dry and therefore break off with just a pass of a comb. It wasn't easy because my edges grew out like bushes and I could barely style my hair (roller set, flat iron, etc.) so I opted for a wig for a month until I was ready to touch up. My staple products are Joico K-Pak and Moisture Recovery, CHI Silk Infusion, Nutress Protein Packs and now I am in love with Philip B. products. HTH
OH GOD. *Ahem* sorry. im having flashbacks. I had the whole back of my head burnt out a couple years back because of quadruple processing and heat. Looking back im surprised mine lasted that long. But anyways, Id put the aloe vera on it, stay away from styles thatll put stress on those areas (like buns), and administer scalp massages to not only speed up the growth processes, but to encourage blood flow to help heal it. Im not trying to take advantage of you by reccommending this, but the miconazole nitrate bandwagon really sped up the process of growing it out for me. You and your locks stay strong now...