I am crushed...Major setback w/Alter Ego Linange

Oh wow that sucks. I guess next time just use new relaxer and definitely don't mix two batches of old relaxer
Miss Monae I see you're on a long term stretch challenge, well may I suggest you start a FOREVER stretch challenge to get ALL that relaxer out your hair, a pretty damn good suggestion I think.
OP, so what your saying is that everytime you get a touchup, you should use a new jar? If I relax my head with a new jar, 1/2 wouldn't even be gone. There would still be 3/4 of it left in the jar. So you would throw it away?
My advice is to GIVE UP THE RELAXER CHILE!!! Why in the world would anybody want to spend money putting something so harmful on their scalp that leaves you with scalp burns, thin, scraggly wet seal-like hair??? Give it up girl, you don't need relaxer to have "good hair" (an American term not used in England... :-/ ).

Natural til I die!!!

Why on gods earth do black women insist on doing so much harm to their hair, the beautiful hair we are born with? I just don't get it. Straight hair is not the be all and end all. Get over your straight hair, White woman idolising ways and start to appreciate the hair you were born with.

Natural til I die!!!

Miss Monae I see you're on a long term stretch challenge, well may I suggest you start a FOREVER stretch challenge to get ALL that relaxer out your hair, a pretty damn good suggestion I think.

Take your wanna-be-startin hair drama elsewhere. :rolleyes:

LHCF is for relaxed and natural haired people.
OP, so what your saying is that everytime you get a touchup, you should use a new jar? If I relax my head with a new jar, 1/2 wouldn't even be gone. There would still be 3/4 of it left in the jar. So you would throw it away?

Good point, I didn't even think about that
OP, so what your saying is that everytime you get a touchup, you should use a new jar? If I relax my head with a new jar, 1/2 wouldn't even be gone. There would still be 3/4 of it left in the jar. So you would throw it away?
3/4ths would be left????? When I used to get touch ups the ENTIRE jar would be done. I would sometimes wonder if they would need an extra jar....I got a big head and alotta hair.
3/4ths would be left????? When I used to get touch ups the ENTIRE jar would be done. I would sometimes wonder if they would need an extra jar....I got a big head and alotta hair.

But you used the small no lye jar.

I used the bigger Mizani size in this link. http://texasbeautysupplycom.stores.yahoo.net/miz400060.html

I think no lye comes in a smaller jar because once you mix it once you can't used it again. It has to be thrown away.
OP, maybe try some castor oil? I know a lot of women use it for their edges, so maybe it can work wonders for your nape too. :yep:
Most of the time when I relax my hair it seems as if I shed a lot for the first few days.

This last relaxer, I decided to mix Aloe Vera and garlic oil together and apply it to my scalp over night and I had zero shedding. It was amazing!

Maybe this can help you as well.
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OP, my heart fell when I read this. Thanks so much for the warning. Your hair is still beautiful, and it will recover. I would just baby it with coconut oil and try to refrain from relaxing it for a while.

I use the same relaxer, and I've mixed unused portions before. (I don't store it in the refrigerator though.) I haven't experienced any adverse effects, but I will not do this again. Thanks again for sharing your experience!
OP, maybe try some castor oil? I know a lot of women use it for their edges, so maybe it can work wonders for your nape too. :yep:

My nape was GONE after a stylist didnt rinse it out properly. It grew back. All I did was not relax it for a while and moisturized it everyday.

OP, your hair will grow back. :yep:
awww, how awful! But i'm glad that your hair is on the road to recovery. Question...did you start the relaxer process from the nape? or from the crown of your head? You are supposed to start at the crown since the nape is more fragile. I've never experienced this degree of damage, but my "baby hair" at my front temples get verrrrry thin, short and break off a few weeks after every single relaxer that i get. Just the 2 temple spots. Kinda like your 3rd picture that you posted. I have yet to figure out why it's just this area and how to stop it. But as of now I have a few precautions that works ok, such as I use lots of Aphogee green tea restructurizer in these spots right before the relaxer, and i have my stylist relax the hairline at the last few minutes. And I stretch 4mos. The hair used to fully grow back, but now it grows back but i can still tell it's somewhat thinning. Which is proof of scalp damage. I have topical allergies to alot of things so i usually keep everything off my scalp, but i'm going to try to put herbal/natural oils on my scalp to nourish it. keep me updated if you find anything that works!
Miss Monae, thank you for having the courage to share your set-back. I have been using Optimum Super for nearly 2 decades, and sometimes get that little itch to experiment, feeling that I'm missing out on something better. Optimum Super has always left my hair feeling super soft and has been very forgiving with me (touching up too soon for a special occasion, leaving on too long, overlapping, tugging a comb through roots of my "kitchen" - I know). Storing isn't an issue with Optimum home kits because you mix the portion of relaxer cream you are going to use with the activator liquid, and any unused portion of cream is good to store until you mix for your next use. I'm going to stick with what I know. Your openness about your experience will help many others avoid a set-back, I'm sure.

Once you feel that your scalp has healed, perhaps could consider using MN to bring your edges back in. I used it after a bout with hair fall earlier this year and it was a God-send!

Good luck and best wishes,

oh and although i don't think there would be anything wrong with saving a relaxer and using it 3-4 mos later. But I personally would never ever do it. A small jar of relaxer only costs $5 to $8, and its too dangerous of a chemical to risk. So just to be safe I'd toss it and get a fresh jar. Or use it on your sister, or mother or someone!
Dear OP, I'm so sorry about your setback. I wonder if you had an allergic reaction to the relaxer. Perhaps to the relaxer in general or maybe to the relaxer being "spoiled", idk, either way be careful. I've had several experiences like the one you described and the one of the worse experiences the derm told me it was an allergic reaction. She said you can develop allergies to things you never had a problem with before. I know this is true because I never used to be allergic to gold but over the last few years have mild reactions to gold. Thank you for sharing you story, I think you will help a lot of people.
Op, i'm so sorry to hear this! I use Alter Ego too (no-lye) matter of fact I just relaxed a few days ago. I've never used old portions of it though. I usually just throw away what's left of the relaxer. I had a lot left over this time and you know what? I was going to save it for my next relaxer.:perplexed After reading this, I'm heading right to the bathroom to throw it away. Thank you for sharing your story with us! Don't worry your hair will grow back. I would just try to stretch a little longer until your next relaxer and don't relax the nape for the next 2-3 relaxer touch-ups.

That way you can give it time to recover from the relaxer damage. Your hair will be back before you know it!:yep:
I am so sorry for your setback. On a positive note, your hair is so beautiful and healthy.

I remember that I read somewhere about extending relaxer with the refrigerator/freezer. From what I read, it doesn't really make a difference as far as extending it. That if it does it isn't that long (stretchers certainly wouldn't benefit). And therefore it is recommend that you don't do so, that you should just follow the exp date. Man, I don't remember where I read that. And I just tried to google it to find it. Sorry.

All I know is that I said I would never do it again after reading that, and I haven't since.
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sorry to hear about your setback, I've never had issues with relaxers left around at room temps that's how they are to be stored. I do know that it's not good to store relaxer in the refrigerator, relaxers need to be stored at room temperature not in a cold or hot place that is recipe for disaster.

Please read this article it explains the importance of room temperature storage for hair care products. Most likely storing your relaxers in the extreme cold (fridge) damaged the chemicals in it causing it to damage your hair.
There is no way to extend shelf life of a relaxer they last 6 months up to a year sometimes 1 1/2 years. most likely the old relaxer caused the damage because it was sitting in the fridge.

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^^^Thanks for this. My relaxer is lye and I keep it in the closet. It takes me about a year to go through the entire jug and I've never had any trouble.

OP, according to the article Longhairlover posted it looks like storing it in the fridge may have been the cause of your setback. Don't worry the rest of your hair looks great, I'm sure you'll make a quick comeback. :)
also I'm sure most of you know but if you use the relaxers you have to mix if your doing a touchup only use half the mix and half the activator, if you mix the whole thing discard it immediately after use! we have to remember relaxers are a stroooong chemical and must be used with caution, even if a person hasn't had problems doing certain things with these chemicals eventually something will go wrong with improper storage, expired products etc. I just threw out a load of hair products because they were old always smell your products and check their consistency if any change in color, odor consistency toss it.

I would think the relaxer in the fridge or freezer would damage it and probably also cause some water to accumlate in the product making it dangerous relaxers and moisture don't mix.
OP, is the ticker in your siggy correct? It indicates your last relaxer was one month and 3 days ago...has it really been four weeks between last relaxer and this one?

I would avoid relaxing the damaged areas for a while, give them a chance to heal and grow back in.

Yes, the ticker is correct. As my OP stated, I waited some weeks before posting this as my damage was far more vivid and (to me) much more embarrassing to post pics at the time. I took these pics today to show that the damage is still very much present. Trust me, you do not want to see the pics right after the touchup.
OP, so what your saying is that everytime you get a touchup, you should use a new jar? If I relax my head with a new jar, 1/2 wouldn't even be gone. There would still be 3/4 of it left in the jar. So you would throw it away?

Honestly, i think it depends on how often you relax. I relax every 8 weeks at the least. I even did a 6-month stretch. If you plan on doing long stretches, you should use a fresh batch of relaxer every time (i just learned the hard way).
OP, maybe try some castor oil? I know a lot of women use it for their edges, so maybe it can work wonders for your nape too. :yep:

IMO, Castor Oil does great with laying the edges down, but not that great with growing them out. I am willing to try what i have to so I will look into it. If I do use Castor Oil, it will have to be Jamaican Black Castor oil because the refined stuff I can not see doing much for me.
Most of the time when I relax my hair it seems as if I shed a lot for the first few days.

This last relaxer, I decided to mix Aloe Vera and garlic oil together and apply it to my scalp over night and I had zero shedding. It was amazing!

Maybe this can help you as well.

i will think about trying this. With lots of caution.

I think i will be stretching for a good length of time. Probably 6 months.