I am BCing my 15yo DD's hair...


SuperDuper Member
On Thursday. She has been wanting to BC for a while now. I think shes too young though to bc so soon, so I talked her into waiting. She now has about 4 inches of ng. She cut off some of her permed hair already. I posted pics (her hair was in head bands and also a pic of how it looks straightened) of how she cut it below. She usually wears her hair in bantu knot outs or twist outs (she likes her hair to be big and curly), and they're cute. She's sensitive, and I just hope she can handle having hair that short. I've explained that her hair will shrink. She a fly girl... I think she'll be okay. :lol:

The reason why I will bc is because I washed her hair yesterday (she usually does her own hair) and the permed portion is damaged beyond repair IMO. So I'm going to BC like she wanted anyway.

Do yall have any suggestions on BCing? Anything I should know? I will be cutting it myself. I know how to do hair and I think bcing will be rather simple to do. TIA

Oh, and I will post pics once I bc her hair.


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Good for her! Sounds like you've done a great job of raising a girl who is comfortable in her own skin. And short cuts are more accepted in high school. I rocked short cuts from 10th grade until I graduated.

She can keep her hair stretched in "out" styles to avoid shrinkage.
I did my little sisters BC at sixteen. She was fine, she went to school the next day and rocked her twa. She was so happy. If she says she's ready then listen to her. I've been seeing more teenagers bcing. I think that's just so cool. I know I would've never done it in high school.
No advice either...but when I first BC'd I was only 3 years older and a freshman in college than your DD and I loved it! Everybody thought I was fierce and it made me dress up more, my earring collection went from 3 to 103 (lol) and I just felt good!

I guess my point is, young people love short hair...lol I'm sure it will be cute
Good luck! When I BC'd almost 4 years ago I made sure my hair was wet with lots of conditioner. It was easier to see the curl pattern that way. I had to do a second touch-up a few days later because there were a few relaxed strands. Good luck!
On Thursday. She has been wanting to BC for a while now. I think shes too young though to bc so soon, so I talked her into waiting. SShe now has about 4 inches of ng. She cut off some of her permed hair already. I posted pics (her hair was in head bands and also a pic of how it looks straightened) of how she cut it below. She usually wears her hair in bantu knot outs or twist outs (she likes her hair to be big and curly), and they're cute. She's sensitive, and I just hope she can handle having hair that short. I've explained that her hair will shrink. She a fly girl... I think she'll be okay. :lol:

The reason why I will bc is because I washed her hair yesterday (she usually does her own hair) and the permed portion is damaged beyond repair IMO. So I'm going to BC like she wanted anyway.

Do yall have any suggestions on BCing? Anything I should know? I will be cutting it myself. I know how to do hair and I think bcing will be rather simple to do. TIA

Oh, and I will post pics once I bc her hair.

I think she'll be OK with the BC because she's embracing it and wants to do it. That's healthier than someone else imposing it on her.
i got my first short hair cut when i was 12. i burned my hair with a curling iron (turned it all the way up) i hope she likes it!
No advice but I can tell she's badd even with the face blocked out! Lol but seriously I feel the confidence thru thouse photos. Good luck to both of you.
Thank you duo much ladies! I'll saturate her hair with conditioner before I cut so I can see her texture better.

Sent from my Samsung Epic :)
I'd suggest making ABSOLUTELY SURE she knows she can do a long transition if she wishes and it may be easier for her if shes sensitive. I was encouraged to bc at 18 and WAS NOT ready... I agreed but regret it even to this day 7 years later. Also make sure one of you know how to braids with artificial hair so if it's too much for her to take ya'll can fix it. Make SURE she understands haircare herself like dcing, prepooing, and her scalp if it's oily or dry... I'd say cut a little more but don't bc until you see how she handles this one. Give her scenarios that may occur ie her "friends" laughing and ask how she'll handle it. All that should take place before more chopping in my opinion
Have plenty of cute hair accessories ready for her like those headbands with the feathers or flowers or some cute little hair clips. Her hair will be so cute. Good luck and congrats to both of you.
It's summer time so she'll have to be prepare for frizzing and teenagers are very into their hair/looks I have 16y/o. When I transtion in the summer I wore buns and headbands. Be positive and encourage here to be creative and scope the net especially youtube she teenager that will be good reason to be online.
I was transitioning from medium heat damage in my senior year of highschool 2 years ago. I was kind of scared at first but I loved my hair and felt comfortable , so if she is comfortable then I say go for it.

I wore my headphones on the bus the first day as a cautionary measure. :look: Then at school a few ignorant ghetto kids laughed and tried to crack jokes on me but I but them in their place :drunk:

After that it was great. Never waivered through it though

I wore my hair similar to your daughters

flat twists or cornrows with bantu knot ends:


I think you'll be fine with cutting it. I think you all should research some products and styling options to experiment with after the BC.
Okay, so we did it :) I made sure this is what she wanted. I also let her know that it's just hair and it will grow back.... Stuff she already knows, I just wanted to remind her. I also let her know that if she doesnt like it when we're done, we can fix it w/ braids, etc. She took a deep breath and said "Lets do this!" :lol: here is the results.

Sent from my Samsung Epic :)


Sorry all, the app is acting up on showing pics... here's the pics the way I wanted them to show up:




Here's a pic of her last summer, the way her hair was before she originally cut it. It's not a good pic, but you get the idea.

She has changed so much in the last almost 2 years... she's grown up so much. She lost over 70lbs... yes, 70. She cut all her hair off... My baby is a little lady now... :cry: Little... she's taller than me- she's 5'10.5!!
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congrats to your daughter. Sounds like she is very strong minded and can rock any style. I bc'd the first time my senior year but wore braids (extensions) the entire time until I went to college.
Congrats to her on her impressive weight loss, and on her BC! Love the look with the earrings and the bump in the front.
Updated pic of my dd's growth. This pic was taken this morning. :) She's still natural and loving it!

2013-01-03 07.13.04-1-picsay.jpg

Currently hating Android typos...
Her hair has grown so much! She looks like she is rocking that natural hair too, go 'head girl! :drunk: