I am almost waist length!!

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Bublnbrnsuga said:
Wow. I really can't believe it. As I was washing my hair I did a pull test and I have just a few more inches until I am waist length!! If it weren't for this site (and nappturality) I wouldn't have seen these results. Me only combing my hair at a max of twice weekly, exercising, drinking more water, and eating a tad bit better have really been beneficial. Once again, thanks ladies!

Congratulations on your hair growth!! It looks like you're just about there! I've always admired your hair--simply gorgeous!
preciousjewel76 said:
My hair just took a look at your hair, and it went to go over in the corner and cry:crying3: . You done gone and put my sad little head of barely-SL-hair to shame, girl!:lachen: Your hair looks fabulous! I agree with the other ladies, I think you already are at waist length!

Sometimes I want to go in a corner and cry too! Especially after washing it. I just stare in the mirror and go, 'what am I gonna do now? What's the next step?' :lol: When my hair was shoulder length when stretched, I washed and combed my hair dang near every 2 days! I loved it. While I love the length, it comes with its share of frustrations.
silvergirl said:

....why do i have such a long torso, its not fair......

Don't fret I have such a long torso myself. Just think when you do get there it will be gorgeous on your long back!! Long hair, with long neck and long back---beautiful!!


Love the hair. I am almost where you are but I am for the next couple of months clipping off some dry ends.
Congrats on that crazy growth!!!!!!!!!! :D :cool: :Flahsssss :dance7:

Bublnbrnsuga said:
Wow. I really can't believe it. As I was washing my hair I did a pull test and I have just a few more inches until I am waist length!! If it weren't for this site (and nappturality) I wouldn't have seen these results. Me only combing my hair at a max of twice weekly, exercising, drinking more water, and eating a tad bit better have really been beneficial. Once again, thanks ladies!

Would you rather have a shorter torso if it meant getting waist-length hair sooner?

I know why mothers get their daughters hair as long as possible when they are small because the hair 'shrinks' as the child gets older.

Bublnbrnsuga said:
Wow. I really can't believe it. As I was washing my hair I did a pull test and I have just a few more inches until I am waist length!! If it weren't for this site (and nappturality) I wouldn't have seen these results. Me only combing my hair at a max of twice weekly, exercising, drinking more water, and eating a tad bit better have really been beneficial. Once again, thanks ladies!


CONGRATULATION lady:shocked: :Flahsssss :clap: , You're such an inspiration for us!
Oh my Goodness you are almost there, I haven't been to your album in a while but I am on my way right now................

That is some great thick hair, I love it. I can't wait to get those lengths and be on here talking about what to do with this hair. Congrats on your amazing growth and beautiful healthy hair. I guess I have three more years to go.
Congrats Bubln. You've got some gorgeous hair. You and SO1913 (I think that's her .. I'm too sorry to look her up), ALMOST make me wanna do a BC. :)
Gorgeous! I would love to see some earlier pictures of your hair. My natural hair is at the awkward shoulder length/armpit length stage so the curls still aren't hanging as long yet; but there also not as curly the longer my hair gets.