I am a mad product junkie!


New Member
Being the pj that I am, I just had to get three bottles of Pantene! Two were sleek & smooth, 1 relaxed and natural. I have been doing co washes for the last three months with no problems at all. Well, wouldn't you know that R & N made my hair a tangled mess! Needless to say I am trying to go 14 weeks before getting my next relaxer with this being week 10
. I combed out enough hair to make a toupee! Ok, I am taking it too far, but that's how I felt. I had to rewash with cream of nature to untangle and now all is well! Just had to vent!

I'm sorry that happened to you. I had a bad comb out experience at week 11 which really pissed me off, but I learned from it. Don't go to week 11 LondonDiva when you can't handle it

It's even worse when you spend money on a new product hoping it's gonna make things easier. Out of something bad comes something good. Look at it this way, at least you know NOT to try ANY new products of near touch up time. I never do it. I always try them on freshly relaxed or 1-2 weeks post relaxer, furthermore you never get an honest feel how the product acts on your hair with so much new growth. It's best to have one set of products that you use at week 10 (usually moisturising rather than cleansing/clarifying) ones and stick to those. At least you know what will work for you around that time. And if it doesn't then at least you've gone the distance and then you know it's time for a touch up.

Good luck for the next 4 weeks.
How is the Pantene Smooth and Sleek? I would like to try and extended my touch ups but my roots are soooo thick. I need to try something.
I love the Pantene Smooth and Sleek, but right now I am at week 10 and my roots are very thick. I would try the Ultra Moisturizing Creme of Nature! I have learned my lesson! Once my roots start getting rough, I will only use CON, I lost too much hair!

