I Ain't Playin' - 2013/2014 Steppin' Out

@ilong for dark toenails (from nail polish etc) use baking soda mixed with hydrogen peroxide to make a paste. Apply to toenails and leave on for 5 to 10 mins. While washing off lightly scrub the toenails with the paste, the baking soda is abrasive and helps to buff ur nails.

Pat dry and add some oil to the nails.
Ive stopped using nail polish since november and used this paste weekly. My nails are pretty and clear now. I dont intend to use nail polish any more.

Also check the health section, there is a thread about natural foot care.

Sent from my Galaxy Tab 2 using LHCF
@SimJam - thank you - thank you - thank you. I am going to go do this right now. I will keep you posted. :blowkiss:

ETA: SimJam - I did this and I hope it works. But I tell you one thing my toes and feet feel clean and light. I know it sounds crazy but they do feel refreshing and light.
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Welcome everyone!!!

IMO - it won't matter how long my hair is, how even my skin tone is or how long my fingernails are, if the other areas of my life are out of order, I won't be able to enjoy the benefits of those accomplishments.

We Ain't Playin" -we are doing this.

Let's motivate and help one another!

I was in a really bad mood since I don't have a valentine. So to make myself feel better, I went to get my nails done and my eye brows arched. I ended up talking to the young lady that was sitting next to me. Come to find out, she is a personal trainer and in DIRE need of a web designer. :grin:

She asked what I did and I explained. I hinted around my prices, but then threw out that I DO barter. She :blush: and :grin: so I gave her a few ideas on how to do what she wanted to do.

Then we talked about how we can BARTER services. :yep: :lick: :yep: :yep:

So 1 trip to the nail salon got me:

- fresh nails
- arched eyebrows
- web design client
- personal trainer

I would say that is $40 well spent! 2 goals worked on at one time! Gotta love multi tasking.
Today,did some meditation,played some old school gospel & my creative nature kick in with some wonderful money making ideas/for projects.

*I think better after I have my personal time...

{Make sure to set aside time for yourself}

Happy Hair Growing!
Today,did some meditation,played some old school gospel & my creative nature kick in with some wonderful money making ideas/for projects.

*I think better after I have my personal time...

{Make sure to set aside time for yourself}

Happy Hair Growing!

The bold above is something I haven't done in a long time. Today was the first time in a long time that I got out. It was well deserved :grin:
I love this thread!!!
My steppin out event will be going to university in september. I'm currently on a gap year as I didnt get into uni the first time round. So I have decided to make this year as productive as possible and that I will look fabulous during freshers week.
1.The first thing on the list is build an amazing wardrobe of clothing. I've started to do this by throwing out clothes that I no longer wear. Also buying less clothing meaning instead of buying loads of cheap rubbish, I'm saving up a bit and buying quality pieces plus less impulse buying. Taking the time to see if anything I'm lusting after will fit with what I already own, plus not buying near replicas of clothes I already have (This was a big problem of mine)
Final Update. My wardrobe is shaping up nicely now. Since I started this challenge my clothing choices are more refined. Just two weeks ago I went to a vintage fair and bought a skirt that slots perfectly into my current wardrobe
2. My body. I'm far from overweight (I'm 105.5lb and 5,2 ) but I lack any tone and definition to my body as I do no exercise and my current weight is just down to being young. I found this pick on the internet, this is what I want. Would also love to have Kelly Rowlands' bum. To do this I have just bought the insantity dvd's and am starting tomorrow.Have completed a week of the insanity dvd's and they are so hard. I have actually gained 3 lbs but I think its muscle so hopefully its working
4th March update. Have just started my third week of insanity. I did a fit test and my stats have improved from when I first started and I've started seeing some definition in my stomach and I've gained another half pound
18th March update. So these past two weeks I've fallen off the bandwagon when it comes to exercise but I am going to start afresh this week and hopefully do a full week of workouts.
24th March Update. I have jumped back on the bandwagon sort of. I managed to do 5 out of the six days of exercise so I'm pleased with that. Now lets hope that I can continue this over the forth coming week
29th March update. This is only a quick update. I just measure my bum I have gained 2 inches, I am so happy :yay:
18th April update. Since the last update I have been consistent with the exercise except for this past week. I am having terrible knee pain when walking. So I'm taking a week to recover. I did a bit of research and I think it's the fact that I have quite flat feet is causing the issue. I'm going to order some special insoles for my trainers and hopefully that will do the trick. Even though I haven't done anything I'm still seeing definition in my ab area, which I'm obviously pleased about
Final update My body is almost where I want it to be and I think the final piece of the puzzle is improving my diet. I am embarking on a mix of the paleo and atkins diet. I eat way too many carbs
3. Hair. I am currently SL aiming to be somewhere between APL and BSL. To do this I am taking hair skin and nails vits, doing a CO challenge, DCing twice a week, LOCing whenever needed, staying away from heavy protein and most importantly fighting the urge to constantly cut my hair. I just get so scissor happy. Just uploaded a starting pic of my air dried hair.
4th March update. I have lots of new growth. I relaxed three weeks ago tomorrow and on average have 2.5 cm of growth which I'm very happy about. There is even a small section that has 4 cm of new growth. So the vitamins and castor oil massages are working. I just need to work on my retention so I can keep all of this length
10th March Update. This weekend I decided I wanted to enjoy my hair whilst PS'ing. Normally all I do is bun it in different positions on my head, gets a bit boring. So anyway I went on the internet and found about six different styles I can do whilst keeping my ends tucked in. And I bought a hair doughnut so I can do a nicer bun. I was also in search of a seamless comb as I found a couple of mid shaft splits. I treated myself to a mason and pearson rake comb. Before I started this journey I would have never splashed out on such a comb, but now I know what things I can scrimp on when it comes to my hair (like shampoo). I had an amazon gift voucher as well so I only had to pay for delivery. :grin:
Another positive thing about this weekend was that I found a picture that I had forgotten I had taken of my hair when I first started looking after my hair properly. It was by chance that I was looking through my phone pictures whilst putting off pree pooing my hair and thinking that my progress along this journey has been slow, wishing that I was already APL, that I found a picture of my hair when I first cut off all the damage. My hair was chin length, the pic was taken on the 22nd of October according to my phone and today it is past SL plus I've cut off 2 inches in that time. So in around 4.5 months my hair has grown 4.5 inches. This revelation has inspired me to keep taking pictures, upload them and date them. I've uploaded the October pic. I also took another picture of my little sisters hair and hers has grown just over an inch since the end of November so she is happy as well.
18th March Update. I revisited prepooing with coconut oil this weekend and tried DIY steaming and a new shampoo. Not too keen on the shampoo, its an Aussie one and the smell lingers for a very long time. At first I liked the combination of the new methods I had tried, but my hair felt a bit fluffy and flyaway although I did have more swing. Then I decided to do an elasticity test on a shed hair and it stretched and stretched and streched until it broke. So even though I didnt think it was possible with my low porosity hair I had a moisture overload. I think I will continue with the EVCO overnight prepoo if I follow it with a protein conditioner. This little experiment reminded me of a product I tried over two years ago. This was before I discovered LHCF it has the same effects. Fluffy, flyaway hair. I didn't like the results so stopped using it. Even though I only left it on for five mins. I'm thinking I might revisit Aveda and this time use the condish along side a 5 min protein spray. I could do this in the shower without having to get out and save me soo much time
24th March update. Because my hair was so fluffly after the steam/EVCO experiment I decided to was my hair the day after as I couldnt stand it, plus I had a dry and itchy scalp so had dandruff (I think it was caused by the castor oil as I know that it is drying on the skin and since I've stopped using it the flakes have gone). I prepooed with Elasticizer, shampooed, sprayed in Redken Extream Cat and conditioned with Nexxus Humectress. My hair has never ever ever felt so good. I've used all of these products on their own before but never together. It seems to just take my hair to the next level. So I think I finally have my regimen and staple products sorted. Plus the whole routine only took 40 mins and only 20 of those were in the shower. (I hate hopping in and out of the shower, I have dry skin and this just worsens the problem
18th April update. Since I've last updated my hair has surprised me a lot and I'm starting to question if I am low porosity. I did aphogee 2 step a couple of weeks ago followed my humectress and my hair loved it. I've also started co washing every day or every couple of days as I've started to use njoys old sulphur mix and my hair is nice and moisturised. I'm going to keep up this new regimen. I am also bunning my hair until after my exams in couple of months as I want to wear it down when I go out in late June
Final Update I took a komaza analysis and as I suspected back in April my hair is in fact normal to high porosity and not the low I thought I was all along. I didn't reach my hair goal, but thats okay I'm still on my way. Plus I put in waist length box braids before I went to uni and have been maintaining them, so my hair looked fab
4. Saving. I have just gotten my first job (mum wouldn't let me have one before) Its at KFC so the wage aint great but its something
Saving didn't really go to plan. My hours were extremely sporadic.Even if I was in I would only work for an hour a week. They even didn't pay me for three hours of my time once so in the end I quit as it wasn't worth it. I still managed to save a decent amount of money
5. Last but not least improve my knowledge. I know there are going to be a lot of very smart people at unay as I have offers from some top institutions. So that I can keep up with these people and do well on my course I plan on doing a let of reading up on economic topics that are not on the exam.
Final Update This is still an on going goal for me but my knowledge has improved so much since I started this challenge


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@Angel of the North - I am not pushing/rushing you - you truly are missed on the thread. :yep:

I was thinking about my Hong Kong trip today - I ain't playin' - I am going.

I looked at the D&B, MK purse sale on ebay today - laughed and started searching for some business software I need to help me meet other goals on my regimen. :grin:
heirloom - Welcome!!! I am glad that you love the thread.

What can I say? - "outstanding" doesn't seem adequate enough to describe your post, which is so mature.

You will do wonderfully at unay- if the clear focused thinking and determination in your post is indicative of your academic discipline.

Your "I Ain't Playin' Regimen" helps build the framework which leads to success if you adhere to it. Even after you start unay - you should expand your "I Ain't Playin'" regimen to include academic/educational goals. School is definitely one area that I am positive you know (based on the last item in your regimen) that you "can't be playin" at.

It is my intent to always maintain an "I Ain't Playin'" regimen charting future goals.

Please keep us updated! We will be excited when you "step out" in September and "step in" that unay
I've just finished catching up on the thread.

This thread is going to give me life this year, I'm so happy that I'm around such positive, focused, strong women who are taking control and making it happen.

I'm wishing everybody success in achieving all of their goals.

ilong Don't get creeped out but you have a lot of the same goals as me, I love that you have been thorough and detailed in the way you have laid out your goals, this has made me put on my thinking cap.

Any lurkers out there, come out, stop lurking and JUMP ON THIS!!! This thread is gonna be epic :) Thank you for starting it up ilong
So it's like you're all in my head. My 16 year old graduates the Saturday before Memorial Day next year. I also turn 40 next year.I have a 2014 bucket list:

I’ve decided to update my post. Reading over others posts made me realize that there were some things that I forgot to add. Plus I’m trying to list them in order of importance.

1. My spiritual growth: I’m of the Christian faith but I have yet to read the bible in its entirety. Staying in the Word is a definite goal of mine. I have a special bible & you read a little bit daily & by the end of the year, you’ve read the whole bible. I started reading it on January 29. I am reading the days I missed in January & my daily reads for February. So far since the 29th, I’ve only missed one day & I made those readings up last night. Must keep in mind: I want to look good on the outside but it’ll be worth nothing if my inside is messed up.

2. My financial growth: I plan to clean up my credit (& DH’s) with a program like Lexington Credit or Credit Kharma. I’ve never been a saver. I saw the link that was posted & I think that I’m going to see if I can at least save $1000 in a year. Stewardship is a big issue with me. I have to remind myself that if God cannot trust me with a little how can I expect Him to bless me with more.

3. Fitness: I want exercise to become a habit for me. I not only want to lose weight but I want to maintain it. I really want working out to come as natural as taking care of my hair is. As a part of my fitness goal, I would like to complete a pole fitness “curriculum.” I’ve gone to a couple of classes but I want to commit to & complete the course & become an advanced pole girl. :look:

4. Hair: MBL by 12/31/2013 & WL by my son’s high school graduation, 5/24/14 but no later than my 40th b-day in September. I’m in a sew-in now. I will remain in beehive cornrows either under sew-ins or wigs until I reach my goal. I think the fitness will help with the hair growth as well as I’m using topical growth aids.

5. Completing Conquer Fear’s beginner & intermediate swimming courses. If you’re an adult that never really got over a fear of water, this is a great course to check into. They offer it as a vacation, basically. You go daily to a swimming pool & they money back guarantee you that you’ll be over your fear & swimming by the end of the course. I want to be able to snorkel on vacation & not be afraid of the fact that my feet aren’t touching the bottom. I can actually swim underwater but if I have to tread water on the deep end, I start panicking & I begin to sink.

6. Completing Rosetta Stone Spanish (or something similar) & becoming fluent.

7. Skin: Tattoos removed & hyperpigmentation on face, décolleté & back gone – I started getting my tattoos lasered off but I still need a few more treatments for them to be gone completely. As for the hyperpigmentation, I will probably wait until the end of the year to get started. I will get a microderm treatment with bleach infusion every 2 weeks for 6 weeks as well as use retin-A & HQ.

I will just update my list as I complete. LOVE THIS THREAD!!!
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Angel of the North

Yes I feel the same way you, Lovingmywaves12, Lita are all positive and great motivators.

And no I am not creeped out - I am happy for you and I to cheer and motivate you forward. :grin:

I printed my regimen out and it is in the 3 main places I spend my time work, home and business) I want to keep it in front of me - so I can see that sunlight at the end of the tunnels. :yep:
nakialovesshoes - welcome. Your "I Ain't Playin'" list contains some awesome goals.

I hope we all motivate, encourage and help one another, whenever and however possible.

How are you having your tatoos removed? With microderms? Peels? Or
You may want to check out the Makeup, Skin forum here on LHCF and read up on peels. Also there is a lotion called Glytone which may help with maintenance. I do my own peels and make my own lotion with Lactic Acid instead of Glycolic which is in Glytone.
For hyperpigmentation, I am back on my serious regimen (per my I Ain't Playin regimen) and I found retin A, rosehip seed oil and kojie san or papaya soaps to be staples. Especially the soaps!!!
Porcelana is an excellent cream with 2% HQ and Nadinola is good as well - BUT - you MUST be RELIGIOUS with applying ZINC OXIDE sunscreen if you use HQ.
sorry if you knew the above already - but I Ain't Playin" I want all of the ladies in this thread to succeed and step out.
nakialovesshoes - welcome. Your "I Ain't Playin'" list contains some awesome goals. Thanks...

I hope we all motivate, encourage and help one another, whenever and however possible.

How are you having your tatoos removed? I've had laser treatments. I need maybe one more on my arm & 1 more on back & approximately 3 on my calf. Really the one on my back is only still noticeable to me.
For hyperpigmentation, I am back on my serious regimen (per my I Ain't Playin regimen) and I found retin A, rosehip seed oil and kojie san or papaya soaps to be staples. Especially the soaps!!! In the past I've gotten rid of the hyperpigmentation completely on my face in 6 weeks, doing a dermabrasion w/bleach infusion every 2 weeks for 6 weeks & then doing retin-A nightly & wiping my face with a high solution HQ pad that my dermatologist makes in office twice daily. I just let my skin get out of control & stopped doing what worked. So now I gotta get it back cleared up & maintain.
Porcelana is an excellent cream with 2% HQ and Nadinola is good as well - BUT - you MUST be RELIGIOUS with applying ZINC OXIDE sunscreen if you use HQ.
sorry if you knew the above already - but I Ain't Playin" I want all of the ladies in this thread to succeed and step out.

Thanks for all of the information. I've been hearing about the kojic & papaya soaps & will be looking at them more closely for maintenance. I'm excited to have some ladies that understand. I've been walking around with my "bucket list" notebook in my purse - I kinda feel like I'm coming out of the closet. :lol:
Just stopping in to say HELLO..Hope everyone enjoys this weekend & be safe.

Happy Hair Growing!
- Build my credit. I'm about to graduate college next and want to have good credit so that I can buy a car. Plus it helps with the job search!

- Save money. I have horrible spending habits and legit spend ALL my money.

- GET FIT. I want to be more toned and fit. Luckily I'll be moving out of dorm life next year as a senior and will be able to cook for myself and eat better. I want to get down to a TONED 135 lbs (I'm around 145 lbs and I'm 5'7"). I'm depending too much on my fast metabolism now but as I get older I know it will slow down.

- Have a consistent hair regimen. I've been trying to grow my hair out since HS and have had multiple setbacks. This will mean no more PJism, keeping it simple by just prepooing/washing/DCing/blow drying and flat ironing my hair 1x a week and doing nothing else in between except moisturizing. I'm also trying to lay off the weaves for a while and focus on getting regular trims. I'm on a hunt for a good stylist though!

- Improve my skin. I have issues with dark spots and hyperpigmentation from acne on my face and back and am working on exfoliating, cleaning, and moisturizing my skin better. I'm gonna invest in a Clarisonic or a dupe since I heard that thing works wonders!

- Teeth. A lot of people say I have a nice smile but I have a lot of "hidden" dental issues (i.e. wisdom teeth that need to be extracted, failed root canals, etc.) that people don't see since it's in the back of my mouth. I also want to get my teeth whitened.

- Nails. I want stronger, longer nails and will definitely will NOT be getting acrylic ever again that is nail suicide.

- Clothes and makeup. I want to channel my true fashionista inside and invest more time in trying new looks/styles out.

- DRIVING!! I need my license ASAP I'm almost 21 but had a permit since I turned 16. I've never driven a day in my life though but I need my license before I turn 21 in August so I won't have to retake my permit test.

- Post-College plans: I need to really focusing on planning for my future, research companies/internships/non for profits that are hiring.

- Overall health. I need to start taking my vitamins consistently they really do make a difference in how I feel.
really like this and I''m in. By DEC 31, 2014 I will:

- Get down to my goal weight of 140lbs
- take better care of my skin
- take better care of my nails (fingers & toes)
- Be fully vegan by December 2013
- stop rocking/shaking my head to sleep
- go to the gym every other day
- have a full 4 pck

- get to full, healthy SL by December 2013
- be better at doing consistent DCs
- use up my stash and be less of a PJ

- be consistent with my savings
- pay off my car by august 2013
- generally be a better steward of my money

Personal Relationships:
- be more social
- be in a serious relationship
- be engage by nov 2014
MsSanz92 & ladyscorpian14,

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome ladies!!!! Glad you decided to join us. I noticed that both of you want to be better stewards of the funds that you have, so I wanted to share this link again:


It's a chart that shows you how you can save money each week and by the end of the year, you will have saved ~$1400. I know this can help many, so I will keep posting it when new people say they want to save.

As far as hair goes, I noticed that everyone wants more of it, lol. The only thing I can say about that is this, once you figure out what works for your hair, STICK TO IT!!!!! For some of us, being a PJ is killing our progress. For that reason, starting today, I'm back on my reggie that I KNOW worked WONDERS for me. The only thing that I am doing different is adding other vitamins to aid with my internal health.

As long as I stay committed, then I will retain roughly 9 inches of hair this year alone. That will put me on track to meet my hair goal by my birthday next year. I need to find some pics of WL or TL natural heads that I can use for inspiration to keep me focused.

Anyhoo, welcome again ladies. We are all here for you!
@Cherry89 - we will be here whenever you are ready.

BTW ladies - as originally requested - I am updating my original regimen (Post #4) with status updates. I am being very concious and careful about any monies spent - as finances are a means to accomplishing many of the goals on my regimen.

I am anxious to check off one goal as complete.

How are the rest of you ladies doing?
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@Cherry89 - we will be here whenever you are ready.

BTW ladies - as originally requested - I am updating my original regimen (Post #4) with status updates. I am being very concious and careful about any monies spent - as finances are a means to accomplishing many of the goals on my regimen.

I am anxious to check off one goal as complete.

How are the rest of you ladies doing?


Hey toots!!!!!! How ya doing??? Im using my blog on here to track my progress. Im down 2 pounds since Sunday when I started going hard!! Im happy. So Im just moving along.

How is everyone doing???
Though mine is a baby step, I'm proud of myself nonetheless. I started hCG yesterday & I completed a beginner Zumba DVD today.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
heirloom - Welcome!!! I am glad that you love the thread.

What can I say? - "outstanding" doesn't seem adequate enough to describe your post, which is so mature.

You will do wonderfully at unay- if the clear focused thinking and determination in your post is indicative of your academic discipline.

Your "I Ain't Playin' Regimen" helps build the framework which leads to success if you adhere to it. Even after you start unay - you should expand your "I Ain't Playin'" regimen to include academic/educational goals. School is definitely one area that I am positive you know (based on the last item in your regimen) that you "can't be playin" at.

It is my intent to always maintain an "I Ain't Playin'" regimen charting future goals.

Please keep us updated! We will be excited when you "step out" in September and "step in" that unay

Thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot
::I Ain't Playin' 2013 Regimen::

Spiritual Goals (Becoming more intimate with God so that He can order my every footstep)
* Go back to regularly attending services: 3/5/13 Attended Prayer a 1 hour prayer service before work
* Find out what my calling is from God
* Develop a stronger prayer life
* Get involved with and stay committed to a ministry 6/5/13: Joined a childcare ministry that I'll be doing once a month.
* Become more bold with Evangelizing: 6/5/13: Slowly but surely inviting people

Hair Goals (Acheive BSL then WSL)
* Protective style more consistently
* Find my staple products 3/6/13 My staple DC is Aussie Moistust 3MM, staple shampoo Garnier Fructis Go Clean shampoo, staple Protein Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor.
* Applying Hair Growth Oil Mix
* Learn how to cornrow my own hair

Body Goals (Even skin tone, better smile, eye care, & grooming habits)
* Find gentle but effective cleansing products: Neutragena Grape Fruit Scrub
* Consistently use activated charcoal to whiten teeth
* Invest in glasses/contacts
* Learn how to do my own eyebrows: 3/6/13Improved my tweezing technique

Health (Better Eating Habits, Working Out)
* Take supplements consistently
* Join Gym, kick boxing class, etc: 6/5/13 Been going to dance class, gym too far
* Do a master cleanse
* Drink more water
* Avoid fast food

Artistic Goals (Becoming a better Singer and illustrator.)
* Vigilantly do vocal exercises
* Do more open mics
* Create more music oriented videos
* Learn to play the electric bass
* Practice drawing

Financial Goals (Becoming more financially independent)
* Develop habit of saving a little from every check
* Pay of financial aid
* Pay off hospital bill
* Tithe regularly: 6/5/13 Consistently giving from every check
* Create a rainy day/emergency fund
* Get my own apartment FINALLY GOT MY OWN PLACE!!

Educational Goals (Figuring out my college path then pursuing it full force)
* Complete financial aid done
* Enroll in fall semester: Wont be happening, change of plans v.v
* Finally make up mind about major: 3/6/13 Graphic Design first, then who knows.
* Raise GPA
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@ DanceOnTheSkylines - welcome - glad to see you are serious about your business. I love your spiritual goals

::I Ain't Playin' 2013 Regimen::

Spiritual Goals (Becoming more intimate with God so that He can order my every footstep)
* Go back to regularly attending services: 2/21/13 Attended Prayer meeting for the first time in 2013 - WHOO -HOO cONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU GO DOTS!!!!
* Find out what my calling is from God
* Get involved with and stay committed to a ministry
* Become more bold with Evangelizing

Financial Goals (Becoming more financially independent)
* * Tithe regularly - this is a biggie.

DOTS - ^^^^^ these are awesome goals. They are also the goals that will bless you to reach the other goals in your regimen.

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you.'Matthew 3:7

Here is a testimony on tithing: I was giving testimony and ministering the Word to my girlfriend a couple of years back. I told her how since tithing faithfully the Lord "had opened the windows of heaven and poured out blessings upon me". She decided to start tithing - the Lord blessed her so much and in so many ways she became to expect it. <lol> She was an avid bowler - and won many of the bowling "pots"; her daughters (enroute to college) were blessed with new laptops just before they started; escrow check from mortgage payments; expenses which she thought she and her husband would have to incur were "miraculously" resolved in one way or the other.
So DOTS prayer, fasting, tithing, belief and faith are what I call the "expressways" to God's storehouse of blessings!!!

Let's go get ours!:yep: