Hypothetically of course....


Well-Known Member
I know we all love our hair, or are learning to love our hair but I just have a question, just for discussion, not meant to upset or bash anyone. I was talking to a woman at work the other day about hair and she said that he would do it, even with the same growth rate that she has, which is a little below the average growth rate.
Question: If you could grow any type of hair that you wanted but it means that you would have to first shed all the hair that is on your head first, would you?

Example: I have medium density, 3a/b/c, dark brown hair and let's say that I want strawberry blonde, 3a hair only, i would have to have all my hair shed and the new 3a strawberry blonde hair would grow in it's place.

I wouldn't, I love my hair and I am excited to see how long it an get with what God gave me.
Yes. I love my 3c/4a curls, but if I had the opportunity to shed all of this hair and it grow back thicker, I would help the process along and shave it. :lol: I want thicker hair, yesterday.
1. I wouldn't shave my hair.

2. If the re-growth we are talking about would immediately grow back to my current length, and if we lived in some fantasy land where this is possible, I would want my hair- with its character, curl pattern, texture, color, length, and sheen but without tangles or knots. But uh, we don't live in a fantasy land do we, :lachen:.
The only reason I would want solid 3B hair is for growing.

Whatever longer hair I have needs to be in the 4's:yep:. However, I dont like growing type 4, fine hair -_-
thats a tough one, I don't think I could
I love my length of my hair and I love the thickness and shine.

If I could choose though I have 2c hair rather than my 3b/c it would just be much easier to deal with.
Yes I would do it. If I could have normal porosity hair that could retain moisture I would drop this hair in a minute.