Does it look better??...

DShy, don't be self conscious of the color. IT IS WORKING!!!!!

Since its not glued, how secure does it feel? is it hot? Is it the Amber one fron His and Hers. I am so sorry about all the q's. This credit card is burning a hole in my pocket today.
carrie said:
DShy, don't be self conscious of the color. IT IS WORKING!!!!!

Since its not glued, how secure does it feel? is it hot? Is it the Amber one fron His and Hers. I am so sorry about all the q's. This credit card is burning a hole in my pocket today.

its pretty secure without being glued, its not hot or anything like that I have a wig cap on as well...

that is the his and hers amber, bodywave texture...
LOVE IT, You really have skills and you know what looks good on you. I am feeling the color and the eyebrows look great as well. Keep us inspired. :)
Really, really like it on you and I want one!!! How much was that badboy? I got to do some figuring to work one into my budget.
Outstanding! That looks great! The color and all! So when you washed it the curl relaxed? Now are you using a curling iron or setting it? It looks great and very believable.
When you do the glue can you PLEASE take pictures of how you did it. I am ready to get one and that is the only thing that is keeping me from being 100% sure about it.
Hey girl, it's looks great! I really want to try one of these lace fronts, now. After you glue it down, how long do you keep it on? Is it something that you take off nightly or do you just leave it on for an extended time? How long does the lace front of the wig last?

Thanks :up:
toyagurl said:
Really, really like it on you and I want one!!! How much was that badboy? I got to do some figuring to work one into my budget.
It was 209 plus shipping.....but the darker colors are 199 i believe...
msniq said:
Outstanding! That looks great! The color and all! So when you washed it the curl relaxed? Now are you using a curling iron or setting it? It looks great and very believable.
When you do the glue can you PLEASE take pictures of how you did it. I am ready to get one and that is the only thing that is keeping me from being 100% sure about it.

Thanks girl...when I washed it the curls turned into a wave...And I used the curling iron to add a slight curl to it...

I need help with the glue im not sure how to do it... :(
classimami713 said:
Hey girl, it's looks great! I really want to try one of these lace fronts, now. After you glue it down, how long do you keep it on? Is it something that you take off nightly or do you just leave it on for an extended time? How long does the lace front of the wig last?

Thanks :up:
Thanks classimami....

Try it...they are really i dont have to sew any hair in for a couple

Some ladies keep it in for a weeks time....some take it off everynight...and some every few days...
I will be taking it off every other day to do a conditioner wash and treatments to my trying to get to brastrap by Jan 1st....and my hair needs more moisture its easier to get to it with the wig....

They say the wig can last up to a year with good care i believe it could last longer tho....
For me it would be too hot for the summer.. Others dont seem to think so. So I guess it depends on ur own body temp and preference... I gonna try to wear mine as long as possible but I dont expect to get to far past May...