Hypothetical question - Lets talk science!


New Member
Hair is a mystery, they still haven't figured out how to cure male pattern baldness and across the scientific world, it is still argued what causes hair to grow in particular shapes, curly, wavy or straight. Some say that the hair follicle acts as a mould and curved follicles produce curly hair while straight follicles produce straight hair. There is evidence however that follicle shape has nothing to do with it and another mechanism is involved.

Certain medications (for treating cancer and other terminal illnesses) has been found to suddenly make a previously curly haired patient's hair to grow straight which brings me to my hypothetical question . . . Hair companies are always doing research on hair products etc so what if a hair company came up with a product, pill, injection or topically applied product (let your imagination run wild) that will do what these strong medicines do without any side effects. Your hair would from that point on grow straight as a pin.

The question is would you ditch your relaxer for this treatment? If you are natural would you switch from natural curly to 'natural straight'?

For the sake of argument lets assume that this would be a permanent change and your hair could never grow curly again.
I couldn't do it! I like straight hair, but I have grown much more fond of my curly hair. I couldn't ditch them. No way, no how. Even if it would "naturally" grow straight from my head, I don't think I would. My sisters probably would though. They love their straight hair.
Personally, I would do it. Only because I love straight hair and I think I look sooo much better with it. It just suits my face better. If I want curly/wavy hair I could always use hair styling tools to get it that way (which is rare). And, yeah, you can say the same about straight hair, but I wear (or used to wear before I stopped with heat/relaxers/etc.) my hair straight ALL the time and rarely wear it wavier, so obviously it'd be a lot more effort. But, yeah, I'd definitely do it in a heartbeat. I miss having my straight, smooth hair I could put up into a sleek bun if I wanted to for work.
^^Why did you go natural?

.....because my hair was completely damaged and I suffered severe breakage. Long story. I posted it in a thread a while back, first thread I ever made when I started posting here (which was last month, lol). Basically, the whole experience with my stylist has taught me I need to learn about my hair. I am 21 and I have NEVER cared for my hair. I've been getting relaxers since I was 5. I washed my hair for the first time when I was 19, and that was because I was in basic military training and could obviously not have a stylist do it for me. My hair basically was so screwed up by the end of 2009 that I am taking my hair into MY OWN hands until it recovers and I get what I want (length). I highly doubt I will EVER return to relaxers or even a regular stylist. Flat irons are as far as I'm willing to go from now on, and even then, if/when I use one again it will be far more scarcely than in the past.

So yeah, I don't see why me being honest that I look better with straighter hair is causing this question......sort of feels like you expect everyone to give a certain answer. I'm sorry, but I honestly WOULD have my hair straight if I could. Everyone looks different with different lengths and styles. Some look better with curly, others don't. I'm in the 'don't' category. Simple as that.
So yeah, I don't see why me being honest that I look better with straighter hair is causing this question......sort of feels like you expect everyone to give a certain answer. I'm sorry, but I honestly WOULD have my hair straight if I could. Everyone looks different with different lengths and styles. Some look better with curly, others don't. I'm in the 'don't' category. Simple as that.

:nono: My question had no hidden agenda. I just sensed you liked straight hair which relaxers offer and so was curious why you left relaxers. If your reason was lack of knowledge, I was going to ask if you'd consider going back once you gained more info on this forum.

JCoily, Supergirl, Sparklingflame are relaxed heads that come to mind who appear to enjoy their relaxed hair so much and so I just wondered why you aren't doing what to me would be more fun for you.
I would do it to save money and time. I hate being a slave to the monthly relaxers and spending all that money on maintenance. And no I cannot go natural because that's 5 times more work than I already do.