Hype over Dominican Salons


Well-Known Member
Okay not to offend anyone but what is so special about dominican salons? I just don't get it. Are their skills superior than those who work in black salons?
There was a recent thread which got pretty heated about this topic (that's why I'm chuckling). The title started with something like "In this corner..." You can do a search for it if you want to relive it in all its glory.

People have had different experiences. From what I gather, most people get good service and enjoy prices that are typically lower than at other salons. Yet some other people don't like the amount of heat they typically use at Dominican salons. I think it just depends on what you like to be done to your hair and who your individual stylist ends up being.

I only go to "BlackCardinal's Personal Salon" so I can't tell you either way
BlackCardinal said:
There was a recent thread which got pretty heated about this topic (that's why I'm chuckling). The title started with something like "In this corner..." You can do a search for it if you want to relive it in all its glory.

People have had different experiences. From what I gather, most people get good service and enjoy prices that are typically lower than at other salons. Yet some other people don't like the amount of heat they typically use at Dominican salons. I think it just depends on what you like to be done to your hair and who your individual stylist ends up being.

I only go to "BlackCardinal's Personal Salon" so I can't tell you either way

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I agree with BlackCardinal. The only thing I would add is that "Skegeesmb" is my regular stylist, and I'll break out occasionally to either my regular stylist, or a dominican one.
I appreciate a few things about the Doms: Low prices, minimal products, and rollersets. When I say minimal prducts, they are not fans of goop that a lot of other salons use: sticky gels, oils, and sprays. This gives the hair that swinging quality that many of us like. The rollersets allow one to avoid the direct heat of a blow out.
The only reason I go to Dominicans is the price. I refuse to pay $40-$50 for a rollerset because I never keep it in for more than a week. Other than that, it is pretty much the same to me.
Yeah I was searching for any post in relation to this but did not come up with much. Will check that one out. Thanks
I go because of the cheap prices and the way my hair comes out when I'm done. I also receive alot of growth because my stylist massages my scalp.
ok, its not that there is something super special about the
dominican salons...like the others said..its cheaper, u get out a hell ova lot quicker than in the AA salons..all i need is a wash and set, nothing fancy smancy so it should not cost an arm and a leg..but again, if i ever needed a fly hair cut..i would be heading over to my AA salon 4 that, i dont think the domincan salons knpw how to do percesion cutts and most of them dont even have license...just what they have learned over the years...
one of my friends, she goes to a AA salon, for a wash and wrap..she is in there for hours..and she pays 40 bucks...that is ridiclous...
I think it's just a preference thing and like some said it's cheaper. I prefer my AA stylist over the Dominican Salons Ive been to, but some of my friends like the Dominican Salon more then my salon and we get out in the same time frame and so forth
i like my aa stylist b/c she tells (and is willing to order at the prices she gets) everything that she uses in my hair. she does'nt sneeze at my efforts for maximum growth and proves it by dusting and not chopping. she is reasonably price: $55.00 for a retouch, deep condition, color, & style. i come out w/lush and swinging hair.

question: for those of you who complain about grease, oils, and gels...why don't you just tell your stylist not to apply these products or to apply them sparingly?

i get the same results when i go to the dominicans/puerto ricans except i get all my services in 1.5 hours. i used to dislike the language barrier b/c it was unnerving but w/the customer service i got (and using key phrases) i've gotten over that hill.

that's all.
I love the Dom salons

I love how my hair looks and feels once i walk out of the door. They r fast and use very little prods (ie. leave-in, sheen). As for the prices, they just can't be beat.
question: for those of you who complain about grease, oils, and gels...why don't you just tell your stylist not to apply these products or to apply them sparingly?

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The majority of my stylists didn't listen!
I would say "no grease" or "no brown gel" or "just trim 1/4 inch" and they would turn me away from the mirror and try to sneak and do whatever they wanted.
I even lied and told a stylist that I was allergic to tea tree oil so she wouldn't use PM Tea Tree shampoo on me. The truth was it burned like heck and I hated the smell.
She used it anyway and claimed "she forgot".

Needless to say, I only went to these people ONCE!
ITA with BlackCardinal and Skegee
, i only go to the Jainygirl salon. i can go anytime day or night, i always get exactly what i want, it's open 24 hours a day and best of all it's free.
-- jainygirl