Hydrathermals and waxy-feeling hair?


New Member
This is gonna sound weird: I washed my hair yesterday. I usually cowash and would have been OK w/ that, except my hair had a waxy-plastic-like feel to it. I used shampoo to see if it would remeove the feeling but it just didn't bother to lather up.

The only thing that's different in my daily moisturizing is Hydrathermals Follicle Invigorator. I found this in the back of my cabinet, sprayed it on my new growth, and fell in love w/ it again. It works great at keeping my roots and edges feeling moisturized but I put it away after I discovered Hawaiian Silky 14n1.

I'm just a little concerned about the "feel" of my hair. I can still detangle and the shedding is pretty minimal but I'm wondering if this is a good or bad effect on my hair?
Thanks, JL! I didn't think to add anything to the product. What do you think about the product overall?
I use the Daily Moisturizing Growth Lotion, and so far my hair is great.....but I don't think my hair likes co-washing.......so IDK, could it be the co-washing?
Idk, SEM. I cowash at least twice a week and my hair has never felt this way before. Idk if I should keep using it. I may give it a break to see how my hair behaves. I'm not complaining about the "dry" feel of my hair, but my wet hair, did give me pause.
It could be that it is just not for you and your hair.

I have that problem with many products that others here rave about and never notice that same 'feeling' I get.

I think it is just a matter of preference sometimes. Maybe you are used to your hair feeling a certain way when you use a product and that is what you like.

The 'waxy' feeling may not be bad for your hair, but just not your thing.

I feel that way about CON shampoo, but you see how much that is loved. :)
This is gonna sound weird: I washed my hair yesterday. I usually cowash and would have been OK w/ that, except my hair had a waxy-plastic-like feel to it. I used shampoo to see if it would remeove the feeling but it just didn't bother to lather up.

The only thing that's different in my daily moisturizing is Hydrathermals Follicle Invigorator. I found this in the back of my cabinet, sprayed it on my new growth, and fell in love w/ it again. It works great at keeping my roots and edges feeling moisturized but I put it away after I discovered Hawaiian Silky 14n1.

I'm just a little concerned about the "feel" of my hair. I can still detangle and the shedding is pretty minimal but I'm wondering if this is a good or bad effect on my hair?

I came across this post and it reminded me that I wanted to order more of this....I had bought some awhile back...used intermittently....stopped using....then recently dusted off the shelf...

so I went to the site..and compared the ingredients of the old one I had and the newer version and the ingredients changed so much that I don't want to order again :sad:. I will ride out with what I have.

I may get the hair lotion again because I love the smell.
Thanks, MonaLisa. I took the $40 dive and ordered more follicle invigorator and growth lotion. I re-ordered BEFORE I washed my hair. I'll compare the new with the old and see if I want to keep it. I read there are alot of chemicals in it now. Oh well, back to the drawing board!
ITA! When I first started using Shescentit, I didn't like the way my hair "felt". The test for me was how it came out after the whole process of washing, DC and rollersetting. If the end result is a plus than keep with it.

I think it is just a matter of preference sometimes. Maybe you are used to your hair feeling a certain way when you use a product and that is what you like.

The 'waxy' feeling may not be bad for your hair, but just not your thing.
My re-order arrived today. I'm wondering should I whip them out, or leave the box intact and ship back for a refund?