Hurtful comment caused me to subscribe...

I'm happy you didn't stoop down to her level. Just let her be with her ignorant & tactless self. Ugh!
How random. Did she just say that and not say what she thought was wrong with your hair?

College sorority girls are notoriously evil.
Wow! That IS mean! Although I think it was more to be honest than to really hurt you, you know? Almost as if yes the person knows it's a mean comment but they're saying it to be truthful instead of hurtful? Seriously though, some people need to learn some TACT!

Something like this sorta happened to me but it was in terms of the length not the health of my hair. I have a Filipino guy friend that I've known since grade 5, he always used to make jokes like:

"Aireen your hair is so short, why's it taking so long to grow?"
"Aireen it's because you're black that your hair's so short, Asians have the fast growing hair."

^ Or some variation of that, my hair was always SL and thick but I was a tomboy so I didn't care about hair and I wouldn't always retain the length I got because of that. If I did retain the length my old scissor-happy stylist took it off.
Back to my friend, his excuse for saying these things was that he was gay so that causes him to be dramatic or overly honest... :ohwell: There was even MORE jokes and slight racism when he grew his hair down to MBL. He eventually cut it since he said that 'black ghetto girls' at his school would bully him about his hair since 'they didn't have any' or 'they didn't have real hair' (<- the words in the single quotes are his words, not mine. :rolleyes:)

Now that I'm on my HHJ and my hair is retaining the length he's saying:

"Oh Aireen, finally a black girl has long hair without a weave."
"Aireen that hair is too long it HAS to be a weave." (<- He's joking about that one though since he knows I don't have a weave.)

I actually don't get it though since my hair is only APL and APL isn't that long. :perplexed He thinks I started growing my hair because of his opinion, he couldn't be more wrong...

Oh well, don't take it personally, if you're happy with the way you are then don't change for others, that just causes a whole bunch of problems. I tried doing this for a boyfriend I had once, he was Asian and he had a problem with me being black so I tried changing and changing. It wasn't me, it was him with the problem. So just remember that, it's not you it's THEM.

Aside from all my long ranting, I'm happy that you're taking time to take care of your hair, but do it for yourself not because some rude, snippy girl didn't like your hair. :nono:
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Don't let it get to you and I appreciate you for not blaming it on the sorority, but rather this particular girl's ignorance. Girl - I am sure you are still FLYYYYYYY. I also gained 30 lbs in undergrad, lost it only to regain it in my current professional school. And I've had a couple of hair setbacks in there as well. I'm glad something positive came out of this experience and that is your staunch determination to grow your hair!!!
Welcome to LHCF. Wow I cant believe she said that. No shame. Let your haters be your motivators. One day soon your hair will be more bangin than hers :yep:

Like everyone said, bump the haters, and soak up the info grasshopper. You'll reach your goals and them some hanging around these parts, as well as meet some of the nicest folk around (when they play nice! lol)
This time next year she will be asking you.....What have you done to your hair it looks incredible?!?!?!?

You can just smile and grin :yep:
Well, glad I could save you the trouble.

Now, why are you lying to the poor child?
:rofl: this is the hair board, not OT or ET! i assumed she'd be safe here!

i'd say all that heat could definitely be a culprit...especially if you are getting it flat ironed once a week or every 2 weeks. do you ever touch your hair up with a flat iron at home? how does she dry your hair the times you get it flat ironed? do you protective style often, other than those micros? what did you do while you had the braids in to potentially cause more harm than good?
:welcome: Don't let those HAGS rain on your parade. Come on in and be a sponge and soak up all the knowledge, in order to have the hair you want to have. And we will help you. :lots:
Glad you joined us! Seriously don't mind that girl, u look gorgeous so keep doing you. I know I find it hard as a NL girl to 'look good' all the time, I'm still trying to figure out the best way to style my short hair without causing heat damage. I weaved for a while cos I was sick of it but now I'm trying as much as I can to embrace my hair no matter the length. So like I said keep doing you and look forward to swinging ur WL hair in their faces in a couple years!
You should have asked her what was up with her hair? Oh, and have your head cocked and eyes wide. lol.
Welcome aboard. You will learn some great hair tips here that will get your hanging and healthy girl!
:rofl: this is the hair board, not OT or ET! i assumed she'd be safe here!

i'd say all that heat could definitely be a culprit...especially if you are getting it flat ironed once a week or every 2 weeks. do you ever touch your hair up with a flat iron at home? how does she dry your hair the times you get it flat ironed? do you protective style often, other than those micros? what did you do while you had the braids in to potentially cause more harm than good?

You guys are so funny, it feels nice to be "apart" of this now instead of looking in from lurkville...umm usually no I don't flat iron at home on a regular basis...She either dries it under a hooded drier or blow dry. No. this was my frist time getting micro's in order to protective style and since my hair is NL and relaxed I really don't know what can be done. I can't braid, twist or anything of that nature..:perplexed Sometimes I will get rods when it gets like 5-6wks post so I don't have to manipulate it much. I really felt like I was doing the steps to be done as far as keeping it moisturized. I would either apply cantu leave in conditioner to my scalp or spray it with africa's best braid and conditioner spray. I did get a little lazy sometimes and only do it once a day or every 2 days. I also washed and conditioned it about every 2wks.