Hurricane Sandy: Prayers: Not a Hair on Your Head Shall Perish...


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Father God in the mighty name of Jesus, thank you for surrounding and protecting the lives of all who are in the path of this storm. We realize that weather conditions occur and we do not dispute their purpose, however we are asking you with our whole hearts to save and protect lives everywhere. Father we ask you to protect all homes and to secure the lands which will not be destroyed nor in battle against this storm.

Father because of your grace and mercies, you gave us the power of your words, to speak to any storm and command it move away into the sea. Jesus spoke with authority, "Peace be Still' and the winds and the sea obeyed.

We thank you for these very words which shall prevail over this storm and prevent it from crossing the boundaries of your Words. For you are right there watching over your Word to protect it and to see to it that it shall stand and the gates of hell cannot and shall not prevail against it.

Father you live in our love and praises unto you and we just honour and praise you right now with our whole hearts; we honour you with a shout as did Joshua and the walls of Jericho fell flat in obedience. We shout to the raging winds and the waters... BE STILL and Be at Peace, you shall not come near our dwelling, in Jesus' Name.

And Father God, because of you, 'Sandy' has obeyed. She must turn back and die down, lose her speed and velosity, for it is you who is under full control.

Father thank you for yielding and speaking your wisdom into the hearts of all as to be where you have assigned them to be and do as you instruct them to do; taking heed to you and none other. Thank you for making all and total provision where it is needed and even desired. Your love and grace for us has never expired. Unto you O' Lord do we give our heartfelt gratitude for the Blood of Jesus which covers us all. It is your voice that we shall hear and hold dear your words of instruction, without doubt nor interruption and each ear will obey all that you say.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen. :Rose:

Father God in the mighty name of Jesus, thank you for surrounding and protecting the lives of all who are in the path of this storm. We realize that weather conditions occur and we do not dispute their purpose, however we are asking you with our whole hearts to save and protect lives everywhere. Father we ask you to protect all homes and to secure the lands which will not be destroyed nor in battle against this storm.

Father because of your grace and mercies, you gave us the power of your words, to speak to any storm and command it move away into the sea. Jesus spoke with authority, "Peace be Still' and the winds and the sea obeyed.

We thank you for these very words which shall prevail over this storm and prevent it from crossing the boundaries of your Words. For you are right there watching over your Word to protect it and to see to it that it shall stand and the gates of hell cannot and shall not prevail against it.

Father you live in our love and praises unto you and we just honour and praise you right now with our whole hearts; we honour you with a shout as did Joshua and the walls of Jericho fell flat in obedience. We shout to the raging winds and the waters... BE STILL and Be at Peace, you shall not come near our dwelling, in Jesus' Name.

And Father God, because of you, 'Sandy' has obeyed. She must turn back and die down, lose her speed and velosity, for it is you who is under full control.

Father thank you for yielding and speaking your wisdom into the hearts of all as to be where you have assigned them to be and do as you instruct them to do; taking heed to you and none other. Thank you for making all and total provision where it is needed and even desired. Your love and grace for us has never expired. Unto you O' Lord do we give our heartfelt gratitude for the Blood of Jesus which covers us all. It is your voice that we shall hear and hold dear your words of instruction, without doubt nor interruption and each ear will obey all that you say.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen. :Rose:
Amen! Thank you Jesus for this prayer and thank you for Shimmie, Lord!
Amen!!! Thank you Shimmie!! Peace be still I will not get all worried and scared about this storm.

God we know your hedge of protection is around us and that we are covered in the precious blood of Jesus which keeps us safe and secure.

We're praying for and with you, Sweetheart. God is right there with you and your loved ones there in the Bahamas. The wind and the rains shall not rise against you or yours. We're praying for the entire island of the Bahamas and beyond. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


We love you. :love3:
"He's real, real...Jesus is real to me
Oooohhhhh, yes...He gave me the victory!
So many people doubt Him, but I can't live without Him
That is why I love Him so, cause He so real to me!"


We're praying for and with you, Sweetheart. God is right there with you and your loved ones there in the Bahamas. The wind and the rains shall not rise against you or yours. We're praying for the entire island of the Bahamas and beyond. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


We love you. :love3:
Yes....I just came out of prayer and I prayed for you, Iwanthealthyhair67 too!!! Jesus is absolute Lord over the Bahamas!!!!
"He's real, real...Jesus is real to me
Oooohhhhh, yes...He gave me the victory!
So many people doubt Him, but I can't live without Him
That is why I love Him so, cause He so real to me!"


Oh yes He is , Jesus is REAL .. Righteousness Everlasting, Always Love, our God is REAL.

Jesus is the TRUE REALITY... no reality show can touch Him. Jesus Our God is REAL.

thank you for keeping our islands in prayer, some damages but no lost of life thank God, depite everything all is well

I'll try and post a pick from my boss' office as she as a view of the ocean
I am in Nassau, Bahamas and was safe and sound during the storm. There is some damage and flooding but I'm not hearing of any loss of life so that is good.
okay so I can't even open the sliding door put here is a picture that I took earlier unfortunately the quality is not that great ...


  • IMG00024-20121026-1019 outside.jpg
    IMG00024-20121026-1019 outside.jpg
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Prayer to Saint Michael
Saint Michael, Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the
wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And
you, Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell
Satan and the other evil spirits who prowl the world for the ruin of souls.

thank you for keeping our islands in prayer, some damages but no lost of life thank God, depite everything all is well

I'll try and post a pick from my boss' office as she as a view of the ocean

Hey BabyGirl.... How you doin'... :bighug:

I'm happy to hear from you. So glad that all is well with you and yours.

Praise God.
I am in Nassau, Bahamas and was safe and sound during the storm. There is some damage and flooding but I'm not hearing of any loss of life so that is good.

I'm happy that you and your family are okay too, BrandNew


Thanking God for your brother's healing and recovery.
@awhyley how did you make out?

Hey there, present and accounted for by the grace of God. Good to know that you're ok as well Iwanthealthyhair67. The island is pretty beat up in some areas, and there was one life lost in relation to the storm but overall, we're ok.
Hey there, present and accounted for by the grace of God. Good to know that you're ok as well Iwanthealthyhair67. The island is pretty beat up in some areas, and there was one life lost in relation to the storm but overall, we're ok.

HUGE HUGS :bighug:

Thank awhyley for checking in. Very happy that you are okay.

My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones. :Rose: Thank God it was minimal, yet still we care for all life matters.
The prayers still flow for all in Jesus' Name as this storm dies down, I still pray 'no lives' lost, minimal to nil' damage to homes, land and property in Jesus' Name. :pray:

"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. (Matthew 7:24-25 KJV)

Praise God...
Iwanthealthyhair67...glad to see you're doing OK ! agreeing in prayer for everyone on the E Coast who are facing Sandy...

The governor of Maryland has called a state of emergency.

I've made arrangements for Thursday night's prayer line to continue in case our power is out on the east coast and I'm unable to log on or dial in. I don't want anyone to be without prayer who calls in.

I'm praying for nationwide safety. I don't like that predicted left turn of the storm towards, New Jersey, New York and the states above. We have several members up there and I'm praying for their safety as well as their loved ones.

I'm still 'pushing' in prayer for this storm to move out and further away from life and land, in Jesus' Name with minimal of damage.

Praise God.
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But, I know whatever prayer you prayed was perfect for the circumstances. :yep:

May God be with all of those affected by Hurricane Sandy.