Hungry for a closer walk


New Member
Ever hear the first few notes of a song and your eyes start welling up? Well, the praise band played "Just a closer walk with thee," at the church I visited today and it was a wrap! :crybaby:

And I felt a lil' out of place about it, too. I know people were wondering, "What's wrong with this girl?" lol. I grew up Pentecostal and, since I have relocated, have been visiting different churches. And I noticed worship styles were different.

But, anyway, that is really just the sincere cry of my heart this year. I need Him to walk with me because I am so lost without him. In fact, I have seen and experienced what it is like without my Jesus by side and how I make such a mess of things :wallbash:...I suppose that's where the tears come from...and, on the flip side, I have experienced the joy and peace and abounding blessing of DAILY walking with Him and there is nothing to compare!

I really just want His presence with me, through whatever tests, disappointments and heartaches that come, I want Him to hold my hand and I want to be wrapped in His love...and I will do what it takes to make it happen this year...Bible study, early morning devotions, prayer, etc. I just ask He let it be...Dear Lord, let it be...
I too want to stay close to God. A few years back my pastor preached a message titled; "Draw Nigh to God and He Will Draw Nigh to You-But You First." That message has stuck close to my heart over the years. Daily I ask myself is this what God desires, is this His perfect will. You see, we grade our on report cards in this walk. Honesty with ourself is a necessity I have found when walking close with God. I have to deny myself and my ways to walk close to him. Daily prayer and reading keeps communication between me and God. Meditating on the things of God-having those conversation with God in my mind frequently helps to stay on this holy highway. Sprinkling praise and thanksgiving throughout the day helps me stay humble and grateful for the blessing of God.

Be encouraged, we are sojourners on a road marred with mountains, hills, valleys, hurdles and many other obstacles, BUT we serve a mighty God who can save and KEEP us. Sometimes when circumstances arise that are difficult I just take the time to pray, if the burden is still heavy-pray until I feel God has lifted the load. I spend time with dear saints of God who can encourage me and help share the burdens. I seek my pastors counsel when the answer is unclear or I just don't know what to do. God has never failed to help me when I needed him. The song says, "I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord;No tender voice like Thine can peace afford. I need Thee, oh, I need Thee;
Every hour I need Thee;Oh, bless me now, my Savior,I come to Thee. I need Thee every hour, stay Thou nearby;Temptations lose their pow’r when Thou art nigh. I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain; Come quickly and abide, or life is vain. I need Thee every hour; teach me Thy will; And Thy rich promises in me fulfill. I need Thee every hour, most Holy One; Oh, make me Thine indeed, Thou blessed Son.

We are in a battle with the enemy of our soul and he would desire to draw us away. Nothing, and I mean nothing-neither depth nor height can seperate us from the love God.

Just wanted to encourage you in your walk with God! Much success!
"Just a closer walk with thee" This is a cry of mine, I want my relationship to grow stronger and be closer. I totallly relate to you OP!
I know the feeling, I found that when I am studying and praying I feel closer to God and find that things I once struggle with I no longer struggle with. My eyes are focused on What is in store for me in the New World and I can overcome many many trials. I don't read the bible anymore. I study it. I think that and prayer are truly the key.