HPV and Hair Loss

HPV Testing

  • Yes. I have been tested

    Votes: 20 83.3%
  • Yes. Both myself and dh/so have been tested

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • No. No test. I don't want to know.

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
And me... I have not had an abnormal pap since that one time.. I'm also not ignoring the fact that my doctor could have either performed the test wrong which the are recognizing is happening a lot n ow or been quick to judge period... But it was devestating for me to think at 15 I was going to die of HPV cancer... Now today I have been tested for HPV and still am clear...
When you are over 30 and meet men who have slept with tons of woman my heart sinks and I just say forget it. If I don't do anything at all I know I am safe but these long lonely nights are becoming harder to deal with, especially when I don't have any potentials on the horizon, but that is another topic.

I agree with you 100%. It seems new diseases are being "discovered" every few years.

I was just tested 2 years ago for HPV, specifically, I'm clean as a whistle....THANK GOD!!! (jumps up and down). But I need to make another appointment next week.

I'm practicing celibacy until marriage. But prior to us walking down the aisle, we both are getting fully tested. If he test positive for HPV (or any disease) it's quits. As for HPV, I can't afford getting cancer, for the sake of love.
Abnormal cells does not mean they had/have HPV :nono: Certain forms of HPV lead to cervical cancer, again this thread is about HPV not paps that can be abnormal due to 1 billion reasons

The teens I'm speaking of (and have seen first hand) by and large are HPV+ more often than not.

I have seen women test positive for high-risk HPV on one pap, and come back to test negative on a later pap, because their bodies clear the virus. It does happen and is more common than you think.

In an ideal world, people would abstain until marriage or use a condom religiously until marriage, thus protecting themselves and future partners from these nasty little bugs. You ask if I would be angry with my partner if I tested positive for HR HPV....no. And I tell patients the same thing. If you are sexually active, the likelihood that you have come in contact with the HPV virus is very high. Thus, there is honestly no way to prove when, where, or from whom you contracted the virus. And if you are getting yearly pap smears, then you are ahead of the game because aside from using condoms/abstinence, that is the best way to protect yourself. EARLY DETECTION, bottom line.

Moca, the procedure you mentioned is called a colposcopy and is use to determine if a biopsy is needed by viewing the magnified cervix and looking for certain markers like puctation, blood vessels feeding certain areas, mosaicism in cells, etc. Treatment varies from cryo (freezing of the transformation zone where new cells are made), LEEP (an electrified loop is used to cut away/cauterize affected areas of the cervix), and CKC (surgical procedure to basically core out the cervix so new cells can grow in). Worse case scenario would require a partial/complete hysterectomy. In most cases we just have the patient re-pap every 6 months for up to two years and see if it progresses or resolves on its own. Gardasil is offered to eligible patients 12-24.

The people I see who have less than optimal outcomes are those who do not get paps every year (often skipping years) and those with family history of cervical cancer. Oddly enough, it's the women with a family or personal history of cervical cancer that DON'T get papped yearly out of fear...:sad:

ETA I have been an OB/GYN RMA going on five years, and work within a residency program/teaching facility...if it's new/up-in-coming/on the rise, we usually hear about it first.
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Yes Myangeleyes I had a colposcopy done and went on to have cryo.......... Thank you so much for explaining that better than I ever could...

Op I hope you see I was not trying to offend your point of view I am just trying to get the point across that a lot of times when you get a negative pap that is the first sign of having or being at risk for HPV which is why that is the test you routinely have a your ob check ups...

myangeleyes can a person just wake up and have HPV cancer one day or is it a progressive process from someone who is'nt routinely having checkup?? Because this is my understanding of it...
myangeleyes can a person just wake up and have HPV cancer one day or is it a progressive process from someone who is'nt routinely having checkup?? Because this is my understanding of it...

It is a progressive process. I do not often see paps that come back with CIS (carcinoma in situ). Most are atypical (ASCUS) and low-grade (LGSIL) when we catch them. In my time working in OB/GYN I've seen less than 10 CIS in nearly five years. I think I've only had 2-3 that didn't make it, and they were far gone before it was detected, unfortunately.
If anyone is interested the cdc has an amazing article that breaks it down for anyone whom may be scared of getting tested or wants to know more information about HPV. What will stop this disease is awarness of information about HPV and it's different strains, and GETTING TESTED....
Let's keep it real it would be very nice, lovely even, for everyone to vow celebacy but that's not likely lol...If you have HPV (even one that is sexually transmitted) it's important to know as early as possible...waiting can mean progression (life or death)...:nono:
We have a current case where her youngest child is 3 years old. After heavy bleeding and a hysterectomy they found cancer. After requesting her previous ob/gyn records, she found out they only test for HPV if you REQUEST it, if your over a certain age.

One way to know for sure is to call on Tuesday and ask your Dr. Office if you were tested during your last pap.
We have a current case where her youngest child is 3 years old. After heavy bleeding and a hysterectomy they found cancer. After requesting her previous ob/gyn records, she found out they only test for HPV if you REQUEST it, if your over a certain age.

One way to know for sure is to call on Tuesday and ask your Dr. Office if you were tested during your last pap.


We are considered a high risk clinic with a high risk population (low-income/medicaid), so we check everyone for everything automatically, no matter what.
Well in my case I have been checked for pap and HPV twice in the last 3 years(due to abnormal pap). One reason being due to the fact that I just recently had a baby (whom is HPV free) and the other reason is I don't play when it comes to my health. If something is abnormal I want to know...

Since many of you are well informed. I was told by my GP that I didn't need a pap smear every year...based on ME being in a monogamous relationship and over 50. At the time, I said O.K. let's skip it....but I'm thinking....just because I'm monogamous--doesn't mean DH is also. I try not to be STUPID even though I've been married for 35 years and ZERO history of infidelity.

Should I have insisted on the pap smear? and the tests?

Since many of you are well informed. I was told by my GP that I didn't need a pap smear every year...based on ME being in a monogamous relationship and over 50. At the time, I said O.K. let's skip it....but I'm thinking....just because I'm monogamous--doesn't mean DH is also. I try not to be STUPID even though I've been married for 35 years and ZERO history of infidelity.

Should I have insisted on the pap smear? and the tests?

You can still request a pap. We in healthcare work for YOU. You are paying for a service. If you want a pap, you should be able to get one.

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My Friend, this is a very interesting and sobering discussion. I honestly cannot add anything to what's been shared. Moca has said just about all I know and has echoed my exact sentiments w/r/t how I'd react. I too know one or two people who had abnormal cells due to HPV and are waiting for biopsy results...and so I am glad you brought this discussion up because we never think of these things till they happen to someone we know. I love these discussions because people like MyAngelEyez~C~U who actually know more can shed their insight and enlighten us more. So thanks for starting it and thanks to everyone who's shared.
I was informed about this study. I'm unsure how I feel about it. The current vaccine is causing death, infertility and other long term side effects. I'm also not so sure that it won't only focus on high risk areas (the hood). What would be your opinion regarding the vaccine? Would you give it to your son or daughter?

I have vaccinated my daughters and I would vaccinate my son if it were available to him. Also the deaths, etc mention have not been conclusively linked to Gardasil, and IMO is mostly fear mongering by people against vaccines in general.
There's was an HPV breakout in Philly one year. I got a full workup, tests and vaccine...but the strain going around was not covered. My bff has HPV. She doesn't think it's a big deal, but she's been given a heard time when getting Visas.

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70% of Cervical Cancers are caused by HPV

25% of Throat cancers are caused by HPV

Most Anal Cancers are caused by HPV

Yes. Sometimes the body clears itself of HPV, sometimes not. If you and your partner are transferring it back and forth, your immune system is working hard all the time. Constant stress on the immune can cause hair loss. Constant stress on the immune can cause a lot of major problems.

Demand to be tested at your next OB/GYN appointment and every pap that you get from now on. They may try to talk you out of it. Demand it.

Stay healthy my sista's.
70% of Cervical Cancers are caused by HPV

25% of Throat cancers are caused by HPV

Most Anal Cancers are caused by HPV

@the bolded. Earth Kitt died of anal cancer.:look: But you did say "most", not all so...

I know Jade Goody, the UK girl that was on Big Brother died of cervical cancer, I think hers was caused by HPV.
70% of Cervical Cancers are caused by HPV

25% of Throat cancers are caused by HPV

Most Anal Cancers are caused by HPV

Yes. Sometimes the body clears itself of HPV, sometimes not. If you and your partner are transferring it back and forth, your immune system is working hard all the time. Constant stress on the immune can cause hair loss. Constant stress on the immune can cause a lot of major problems.

Demand to be tested at your next OB/GYN appointment and every pap that you get from now on. They may try to talk you out of it. Demand it.

Stay healthy my sista's.

This is what I am so afraid of.. The passing it back and forth... I fear if it isn't spoken of more often it will be considered the dating(casual) std that is no big deal... smh...

to be honest I'm paranoid about abnormal cells returning, even though I am married to my high school sweetheart who I believe is as faithful as me but you know what you never truly know. And unless we are trying to procreate (which we are not) we wear condoms as our means of birth control and since even this is Not fool proof I request to be tested every year.....
Do you think everyone that is sexually active should be tested? - Sure, why not.

Yes I do including 18 and younger

Would you ask your DH/SO to be tested? - In a heartbeat.

yes I would if I planned on being with someone long term let's face it, I would want to be prepared in the event of the condom ever being removed, slipped off and or breaking...

If they came back positive, how would you handle it? - I'll be grown about and he'll seek treatment. We would go together. Then we'll definitely have a discussion. I wouldn't be instantly upset.

I would grab my Dh and run our Arse down to the clinic because early prevention and detection is the best method and chance for fighting any stage of HPV...

Knowing what you know now, would you ask a potential lover to get tested? - Definitely. "Our" annual is coming up... good reminder...lol

Heck yes I would...In order to get dyck =======> I need my life, better safe than sorry...lol seriously though...

In addition, to this conversation. I think another downfall for testing for HPV is insurance related. Where I work, most are underinsured or uninsured, meaning many services will not be covered. Expecially if they need cryotherapy or conization (sp?) (biopsy). Many of our patients are told they have it, and they never return again.
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Not having a test for men is society's fault. If we has women demanded a test, there would be a test :yep: it would ot take long at all :nono: We should at least start making some noise.
When I went to a new OBGYN last year for my pap I was shocked to find out that their policy was not to test for certain STDs if the patient is over 25 and married. I told that lady you'd better give me those tests and stop playing. I love my SO but I don't trust ANYBODY that much :look:
When I went to a new OBGYN last year for my pap I was shocked to find out that their policy was not to test for certain STDs if the patient is over 25 and married. I told that lady you'd better give me those tests and stop playing. I love my SO but I don't trust ANYBODY that much :look:

Right! Have they not seen all the news reports about famous men cheating?

Ladies demand to be tested :yep:
Not having a test for men is society's fault. If we has women demanded a test, there would be a test :yep: it would ot take long at all :nono: We should at least start making some noise.

I agree with this. I really feel angry that we can't even demand a new boyfriend get tested for it. It's hard enough to get guys to test themselves as it is, I mean he could be dripping warts off his dick and still not get tested. I know it's not this simple , but my emotional reaction to the issue is that it's all their (men) fault.

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I ask every potential lover (especially if we get serious) to get the full STD tests for everything. I do the same in return for him.


I know of someone like yourself who DID NOT do these things.

He told her he'd already had a test and it was negative. Another who showed her some documenation but it ended up not being his. I know 1 of them got HIV because the boy was lying and gave it to the girl.

Ladies these men will do ANY thing to get with you. And there are people that you see everyday with HIV and HPV. Although they are not the same, you should get tested throughout your relationship to make sure he doesn't give you anything and at the end of each relationship so if he does, you will know who gave it to you.