How's your hair doing right 'bout na?


Well-Known Member
My hair is aiight. I need to pick up the phone a bit more and make appointment with the auntie to regularly block braid my hair though. I am not straightening my hair until around fall. It seems at a stand still as far as growth at this moment, but other than that it's okay. I still have to wet my hair daily to get it to 'act' right which can be a pain. Water dripping all down my face, my neck, my back, shirt.
Right bout nah, my hair is THICK! I'm doing cornrows starting this coming weekend throughout the summer. But for right now, it sho' is healthy!
tell auntie i want some braids too... :grin:

my hair is great right now... finally got rid of those old ends with color still on them. only problem is, the shape is a little off. :perplexed i have 2 choices - cut more of the back so that my hair looks better, or leave it alone for a minute and let the top layers grow out some more.

i already threw away my scissors so... yeah... :lachen:
My hair is aiight. I need to pick up the phone a bit more and make appointment with the auntie to regularly block braid my hair though. I am not straightening my hair until around fall. It seems at a stand still as far as growth at this moment, but other than that it's okay. I still have to wet my hair daily to get it to 'act' right which can be a pain. Water dripping all down my face, my neck, my back, shirt.

When I had braids like that i would just undo, detangle, moisturize, and redo them one by one. I would do it while watching tv or something.
My hair is great! (for now) I just rollerset it yesterday and it's super soft, moisturized and bouncy. I have serious HIH disease, but sadly his bliss won't last long. I'm in the co washing and deep conditioning challenges, so it's back to the regular ol wet bun tomorrow :ohwell:
My hair's hanging out in a puff. It loves puffs. I just indigo'd it for the first time in 3 months. It's very black and very shiny and I didn't realize how much I missed that look. It's grown a lot since I chopped it in March. I'm very happy about that. All in all things are good. :up:
I'll be 13 weeks post this weekend, shooting for a 16 week stretch. I'm not having a HUGE problem w/ my hair as far as manageability goes. Just styling issues.

I used a water/glycerin mix last week as my leavein and my hair turned out great. Normally my hair will start looking dry after about 8 hours. But the shine/moisture lasted the entire day+. That's definitely getting counted as a staple. :up:

I realized that I got the refined coconut oil instead of the unrefined. I still like it, but I can't wait to see what results I get from the unrefined. :yep:

As sad as this is, sometimes when I DC I forget to put condish directly on my roots/newgrowth. :nono: I've been doing that the past few DCs and it has made SUCH a difference.

Trying to use up all my stuff before the summer is out. I'm tired of having a million products! But at the same time, I wanna try something new... :rolleyes: :lol:

I really hope I've gotten noticeable length. I can't wait til my next touchup to see. I'm getting a little discouraged but it's mainly because I want my hair to be a certain length RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND. Just need to focus on some other things for a while so I'm distracted.

Those are my hair ramblings for the week..... :drunk:
I am happy with it. Trying to figure out some new styles to rock for the summer - we shall see what I can come up with. Still not growing fast enough, :lachen:, but ah well, what can ya do?

^^^ says it all! I dunno what's going on. Shedding is redonkulous! Detangling has gotten hard; a problem that I've never had. Nothing seems to make my hair soft like it use to be. I was so frustrated this morning that I had my hair in a pony tail to rock a phony pony and I just took the scissors and cut a good 2 inches off! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
Kinda dry. I'm visiting VA Beach and the climate is different from GA. I'm 8 months post this week and my new growth is hella dry! I'm going to co-wash twice a day from now and see if it helps. Other than that, its all good :yep:
My hair is behaving nicely. She's minding her p's and q's, and right now I love her....even though she's a little dry at the ends, but I think that a trim to get rid of these last bit of relaxed ends might help remedy that.
its acting a fool

I got bangs recently and I just washed it. It refused to curl up so I couldn't do a wash n go. I ended up with a staght big bang and did a bun with my donut.

My coworker said I looke like tootie from the facts of life :ohwell:
My hair is doing amazing! I am easily retaining lenth (knock on wood) and I recently reached BSL and I'm on track to reach MBL by the end of the year. Sorry, no pics though as I won't be updating my fotki until July!
My hair is doing great...thanks for asking!:grin: It loves this hot, humid weather, and I'm beginning to get a growth spurt. My greatest stuggle is staying away from the scissors so that I can reach my WL goal by Christmas. Otherwise, all is well.
My hair is utterly amazing right now. I can't believe how much nearly 6 months of work has done to the texture. I've never been in love with my strands as I am right here, right now.:yep:

I've been washing/DC'ing and co-washing like crazy this week. Not sure why exactly, lol. Because it's fun I guess... :ohwell: I have no life right now, lol. :rolleyes: But in any case I have roller set/wrapped my hair 2x, WnG 1x, Flexirod 1x which was yesterday and now I just cowashed TODAY and doing a roller set/wrap. I'm on this no heat thing and I get bored, :lachen:, now not sure if I'm doing too much, but I haven't lost a lot of hair only sheds, so ho hum... WASH ON!:yawn:
My hair is doing great! Errrrr I think it's changed textures...:spinning: all of my new growth is 3c now..- it used to be 3c and 4a. It's growing well :)

I love my hair :)
Right 'bout na, I have been chilling at the house w/Silicon Mix condish mixed w/olive oil, under a plastic cap since this morning. Meant for it to sit just for an hour, and now its been about 8. Just laaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzy today. This Memorial Day weekend wore me out.

Gonna wash it out. If its mushy, I'll do a light protein to restrengthen it in the shower, then airdry, then do a few cornrows for bed tonight, for a nice fresh braid-out tomorrow.
My hair is doing great considering I am wearing a weave. It still feels very moisturized so Iam loving that. I have to pay special attention to the nape since it dries out quickly but it is doing fine!
It's okay now, I had to do some clipping of the ends and some parts that broke off, why I don't know but I said ba bye to the uneven parts.
Right 'bout na my hair is having a moment:rolleyes: So i've put it away in tiny little plaits, hopefully for a month.

Lioness, feeling you on the texture changing (yet again).

I'm gonna spend the summer learning to cornrow the back of my head upwards:yep:
my hair is great. i recently revisited my spectrum unrefined coconut oil and blue magic coconut oil hair grease(it only has two ingredients:lick:) and my hair is soooooooooo shinny and soft and swangin and bouncin. i've stretched for the last 7 or 8 months and am happy to say that thursday i am getting a relaxer. hope i have great progress.
Right 'bout na my hair is having a moment:rolleyes: So i've put it away in tiny little plaits, hopefully for a month.

Lioness, feeling you on the texture changing (yet again).

I'm gonna spend the summer learning to cornrow the back of my head upwards:yep:

I can't explain it..but I likes it! :grin:

When you learn how to cornrow the back of your head upwards you betta holla at me!!! That's the one cornrow technique I aint got down yet!
Me likey--this week. Got a touch up last Friday. THe curls she put in have turned to waves, but it is really soft, swingy and shiny. :) Can't wait to co-wash soon.
my hair is lovely. braided and being protected. When i go out i throw on my wig. go from ordinary to super ordinary :grin:. Oh and i use a wig cap
My hair was having a beautiful moment with herself this holiday weekend. I did a steam treatment and flatironed and it came out silky and bouncy, I'm so happy with the health of my hair right now. But today is another day and it's back to cornrows she go.