How Young is Too Young?


Well-Known Member
I posted some input in another thread and started thinking I should heed my own advice.

I am trying E-Harmony again (though it has SORELY disappointed me in the past) and they found a match for me that is 4 years younger than me. I am trying to be open minded and we have started to communicate, but the age thing bothers me. I typically date older men (minimum 3 years older- maximum 10 years older) simply due to the maturity factor. I tried dating a younger man and it drove me bananas.

Who's got younger SO's? Is it worth it or am I just going to be a replacement for this tadpole's mama?
Depends on you, depends on the guy. Since dating and knowing a lot of older men who don't have it together emotionally, relationally, financially, etc., I now realize that age isn't a guarantee of anything anymore.

I used to only date older men too but I've been meeting younger ones who have been impressing me lately.

I say give it a shot and try to keep an open mind, don't make assumptions about his mindset from jump. Try to focus on the pros of what a younger guy can bring to the table.
Depends on the woman's age... I'm 30, and I couldn't see dating a guy who was 26... he probably wouldn't be at the same stage in life as I am. If I was 40, yeah sure I'd date a guy 4 years younger.

However, it seems like the older guys get the younger they want to date. So many men are 45 and want a chick 18-44 lol. God forbid they should even speak to a woman who is his own age :rolleyes: lol

We sure are talking about dating on LHCF a lot lately...
I posted some input in another thread and started thinking I should heed my own advice.

I am trying E-Harmony again (though it has SORELY disappointed me in the past) and they found a match for me that is 4 years younger than me. I am trying to be open minded and we have started to communicate, but the age thing bothers me. I typically date older men (minimum 3 years older- maximum 10 years older) simply due to the maturity factor. I tried dating a younger man and it drove me bananas.

Who's got younger SO's? Is it worth it or am I just going to be a replacement for this tadpole's mama?

:lachen: seriously though I wouldn't date anyone 4 years younger than me. My little brother is 4 years younger than me and that would freak me out
What can it hurt to go on a date with him? You never know how it might turn out, but his age probably will have little to do with whether or not you two click.
As a younger guy once said, " If older guys were working so well for you, you wouldn't be single now."

I say give it a try 4 years isn't that much. He may surpass your expectations. It never hurts to try.