How would you respond?


New Member
I asked:

So tell me, how would you describe your relationship with God? Do you attend church?

He responded:

As far as church, I'm second degree confirmed catholic. I went to parochial schools all the way til high school. I have text back ground on theology and have extensive training and study in Christian values.

That does not answer my question in any way, shape, or form. I am tempted to not even reply back. I say in my profile that being a Christian is important to me and then I talked about it and asked him about it and get a trite response like this. Then he goes on and write about other random things. I really do think people just expect that you're going to let it go. I do not want to be unequally yoked.

He answered your question.

The only thing I'd follow up with is - "Catholic, huh? What church in the area do you attend?"

I'd betcha he'll come back with something else hemmyandhawwy, and you can just drop him and move along. :yep:
I asked:

So tell me, how would you describe your relationship with God? Do you attend church?

He responded:

As far as church, I'm second degree confirmed catholic. I went to parochial schools all the way til high school. I have text back ground on theology and have extensive training and study in Christian values.

That does not answer my question in any way, shape, or form. I am tempted to not even reply back. I say in my profile that being a Christian is important to me and then I talked about it and asked him about it and get a trite response like this. Then he goes on and write about other random things. I really do think people just expect that you're going to let it go. I do not want to be unequally yoked.

Frankly, he's telling you that he's just not that into Jesus! LOL

It's way easier just meeting a guy in real life, preferably at your place of worship so you don't have to deal with responses like the one you mentioned.

Being equally yoked is difficult. I don't even know that many women who take their faith as seriously as I do, that's why I'm just focusing more on my own spiritual maturity and not looking for men online or in real life. I'm finally in a church that has an abundance of guys who "seem" spiritual, but I am waiting on God to reel the right one in.

And being honest about your faith is hard for most, so how would you have answered your own questions? Usually we try to not sound like Bible-thumpers and end up sounding just as wishy-washy as the guy you're talking to. I tend to say "Jesus is my best friend and church is mandatory for me." :)
Well i'm not sure all you want to know from the question? His actual relationship with God is personal. I'm always taken aback by that question. Do you want to know if he goes to church? Is he a practicing Christian? The relationship with God question is a little vague to me. I think he gave you the answer he thought you wanted to hear. The only way to truly get the answer you seek is to interact with someone. I know alot of "practicing Christians" who aren't too Christian.
What is a second degree confirmed Catholic????? There is no such thing. Christianity and practice of his faith is not that important to him.
No practising Catholic would describe themselves as second degree...
I have never heard of that second degree thing.

Jaiku - Good point. I guess instead of saying "What is your personal relationship with God?" I should have said "Do you have a personal relationship with God?" b/c that's really what I wanted to know.

And you all are right - it is so hard in this online world to know what's true - heck, even in the outside world.
It could be a "player" answer. If you have doubts just pray for clarity. If he's a fake the truth will come to light.
I would say "I asked you how your relationship with God is not about you being a 2nd degree Catholic and what type of school you went to."
I think he avoided answering your question. If he had to explain himself like that, then I guess the answer is no.
What is a second degree confirmed Catholic????? There is no such thing. Christianity and practice of his faith is not that important to him.
No practising Catholic would describe themselves as second degree...
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: This is too funny!:lachen:
Is this someone you just met? If someone I didn't know well asked me that question I would likely be vague as well. I would just ask the person if they are Christian (or what religion they are) and if they attend church. And I will say that I did not understand his answer at all. To answer your question, I would respond with "Do you attend church regularly?" If he says yes I'd ask, "What is the name of your church?" If he prefers to not answer those two questions directly I would let it go or leave him alone. It sounds like he his not going to be the right guy for you though.
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Is this someone you just met? If someone I didn't know well asked me that question I would likely be vague as well. I would just ask the person if they are Christian (or what religion they are) and if they attend church. And I will say that I did not understand his answer at all. To answer your question, I would respond with "Do you attend church regularly?" If he says yes I'd ask, "What is the name of your church?" If he prefers to not answer those two questions directly I would let it go or leave him alone. It sounds like he his not going to be the right guy for you though.

Someone from an internet dating site. This was just the second conversation via email.
Someone from an internet dating site. This was just the second conversation via email.

Hairlove, I think asking someone: "So tell me, how would you describe your relationship with God?" is too probing a question on just a second conversation. But that's just my opinion. I think you should be more relaxed with your conversations. I know you want a husband that has a good relationship with God but I think you just need to get to know the guy slowly and see where things go. Even if he answered the question as you hoped it still would make little difference imo because you still don't know him. He could give the perfect answer and be a liar or just saying what you want to hear. If you give it time and talk casually and lightly in a matter of weeks I think a religious guy would tell you he's going to church on Sunday, etc. I think you should be more patient. Not saying this to say you should give this particular guy a chance (because his answer was weird) but to say in general you should be a little lighter in your interactions with guys, especially in the beginning.
i would respond with "ok, that's great but it doesn't answer my question."... then i would repeat the question...
Hairlove, I think asking someone: "So tell me, how would you describe your relationship with God?" is too probing a question on just a second conversation. But that's just my opinion. I think you should be more relaxed with your conversations. I know you want a husband that has a good relationship with God but I think you just need to get to know the guy slowly and see where things go. Even if he answered the question as you hoped it still would make little difference imo because you still don't know him. He could give the perfect answer and be a liar or just saying what you want to hear. If you give it time and talk casually and lightly in a matter of weeks I think a religious guy would tell you he's going to church on Sunday, etc. I think you should be more patient. Not saying this to say you should give this particular guy a chance (because his answer was weird) but to say in general you should be a little lighter in your interactions with guys, especially in the beginning.

Good Point - I am a little vulnerable though and I could easily get emotionally attached and then let go of what I need. Do you know what I mean? But yes, I totally see your point. Thank You. :)

ETA: In his first email to me, he actually asked me to tell him about me and what I was looking for in a mate. So, I did take that oppotunity to tell him that my Christian life is very important to me. When he responded back, he stated that we had so much in common and blah blah blah. But then he didn't really make a comment about anything in particular so I guess I felt like him, so I just asked him directly!
