How Would You Apply This Scripture?


Well-Known Member
I don't want to give away too much but, in a nutshell, how would you apply these verses (and Washer's reference to them) in your life or situation today. Be as detailed as possible and even give an example situation if you can:

Judges 7 (NLT)
2 The Lord said to Gideon, “You have too many warriors with you. If I let all of you fight the Midianites, the Israelites will boast to me that they saved themselves by their own strength. 3 Therefore, tell the people, ‘Whoever is timid or afraid may leave this mountain....

16 He divided the 300 men into three groups and gave each man a ram’s horn and a clay jar with a torch in it.

17 Then he said to them, “Keep your eyes on me. When I come to the edge of the camp, do just as I do. 18 As soon as I and those with me blow the rams’ horns, blow your horns, too, all around the entire camp, and shout, ‘For the Lord and for Gideon!’”

19 It was just after midnight, after the changing of the guard, when Gideon and the 100 men with him reached the edge of the Midianite camp. Suddenly, they blew the rams’ horns and broke their clay jars.
"21 Each man stood at his position around the camp and watched as all the Midianites rushed around in a panic, shouting as they ran to escape. 22 When the 300 Israelites blew their rams’ horns, the Lord caused the warriors in the camp to fight against each other with their swords. Those who were not killed fled to places as far away as Beth-****tah near Zererah and to the border of Abel-meholah near Tabbath."

Paul Washer's reference to it:
... though there is delay after delay, when God moves, the matter is settled in a few seconds. Why? So that no man can boast that it is his own doing or coincidence. You don't even lift a finger, you don't even light a torch, you don't even break a jar ... and the battle is won!
I love these account of Gideon and I've recently shared this in Ministry.

Paul Washer said it all...

... though there is delay after delay, when God moves, the matter is settled in a few seconds. Why? So that no man can boast that it is his own doing or coincidence. You don't even lift a finger, you don't even light a torch, you don't even break a jar ... and the battle is won!

Love it! :up: :amen: :up:
I love these account of Gideon and I've recently shared this in Ministry.

Paul Washer said it all...

... though there is delay after delay, when God moves, the matter is settled in a few seconds. Why? So that no man can boast that it is his own doing or coincidence. You don't even lift a finger, you don't even light a torch, you don't even break a jar ... and the battle is won!

Love it! :up: :amen: :up:

Oh, Shimmie! I swear the Lord speaks through you. The bolded speaks volumes. :lol:
So interesting you should post this passage, as I think it has relevance to something I was thinking a lot about today. Thought a lot about letting go of all the extra "helps" we/I think we/I need to get through this life; how easy it is to try and control and move things through our own strength. I know that I tend to always be strategizing and figuring out a way to get what I want; and more than that for me it's easy to try and control my life and outcomes. But today was just about recognizing that all we need is the Lord, His will, and His power, and all will be as it should be. It doesn't rest on our shoulders. So for me, that's how that passage applies to my life right now-- letting go of and ceasing the attempt to acquire all the natural strengths that I assume I need in order to instead depend fully on the Lord.
Oh, Shimmie! I swear the Lord speaks through you. The bolded speaks volumes. :lol:

So interesting you should post this passage, as I think it has relevance to something I was thinking a lot about today. Thought a lot about letting go of all the extra "helps" we/I think we/I need to get through this life; how easy it is to try and control and move things through our own strength. I know that I tend to always be strategizing and figuring out a way to get what I want; and more than that for me it's easy to try and control my life and outcomes. But today was just about recognizing that all we need is the Lord, His will, and His power, and all will be as it should be. It doesn't rest on our shoulders. So for me, that's how that passage applies to my life right now-- letting go of and ceasing the attempt to acquire all the natural strengths that I assume I need in order to instead depend fully on the Lord.

I can't tell both of you how much this scripture means. loolalooh and nicola.kirwan, I've been where I have felt so small and so minimal and yet God ministered the story of Gideon and I Samuel 14:6 to me (for there is no restaint unto the Lord (nothing is impossible with God) be it by many or by few.

I shared it in one of my messages recently in the Prayer Line, and God is simply reminding me, that He will STILL accomplish what He has purposed and promised no matter how minimal the artillary appears. I'm fighting for a 'just cause' and God is the Victor as always.

Elisha (in II Kings) prayed, "Open his eyes that he may see that there be more with us than be against us. "

Praise God for using both of you to encourage and bless my heart. Loohlaloo and Nicola, thank you, with all of my heart.

Shimmie.... :love2:
So interesting you should post this passage, as I think it has relevance to something I was thinking a lot about today. Thought a lot about letting go of all the extra "helps" we/I think we/I need to get through this life; how easy it is to try and control and move things through our own strength. I know that I tend to always be strategizing and figuring out a way to get what I want; and more than that for me it's easy to try and control my life and outcomes. But today was just about recognizing that all we need is the Lord, His will, and His power, and all will be as it should be. It doesn't rest on our shoulders. So for me, that's how that passage applies to my life right now-- letting go of and ceasing the attempt to acquire all the natural strengths that I assume I need in order to instead depend fully on the Lord.

I can't tell both of you how much this scripture means. loolalooh and nicola.kirwan, I've been where I have felt so small and so minimal and yet God ministered the story of Gideon and I Samuel 14:6 to me (for there is no restaint unto the Lord (nothing is impossible with God) be it by many or by few.

I shared it in one of my messages recently in the Prayer Line, and God is simply reminding me, that He will STILL accomplish what He has purposed and promised no matter how minimal the artillary appears. I'm fighting for a 'just cause' and God is the Victor as always.

Elisha (in II Kings) prayed, "Open his eyes that he may see that there be more with us than be against us. "

Praise God for using both of you to encourage and bless my heart. Loohlaloo and Nicola, thank you, with all of my heart.

Shimmie.... :love2:

Love it! Thank you for sharing, ladies. :grin:

This passage won't let me rest. Lol.
So interesting you should post this passage, as I think it has relevance to something I was thinking a lot about today. Thought a lot about letting go of all the extra "helps" we/I think we/I need to get through this life; how easy it is to try and control and move things through our own strength. I know that I tend to always be strategizing and figuring out a way to get what I want; and more than that for me it's easy to try and control my life and outcomes. But today was just about recognizing that all we need is the Lord, His will, and His power, and all will be as it should be. It doesn't rest on our shoulders. So for me, that's how that passage applies to my life right now-- letting go of and ceasing the attempt to acquire all the natural strengths that I assume I need in order to instead depend fully on the Lord.

nicola.kirwan: I just had to re-read this and bold that sentence. True indeed!

Thanks again Shimmie and nicola.kirwan!
Love it! Thank you for sharing, ladies. :grin:

This passage won't let me rest. Lol.

nicola.kirwan: I just had to re-read this and bold that sentence. True indeed!

Thanks again Shimmie and nicola.kirwan!

Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, AMEN! I mean it, :amen:

God is just reminding and reassuring us that we will not lose or fail... that He's got this. Ummmmm, yeah... God is sayin' "I Got This'...

And again, it goes back to Paul Washer...

... though there is delay after delay, when God moves, the matter is settled in a few seconds. Why? So that no man can boast that it is his own doing or coincidence. You don't even lift a finger, you don't even light a torch, you don't even break a jar ... and the battle is won!

God is going to have HIS glory... and it is so well deserved, His honour. :amen: