As a Christian, What Would You Do? How Would you Feel?

Full volition...there's a difference between what is inherently, externally wrong and sin because the latter is purposeful distancing from G-d. There is a point when one believes something to be sinful (we're not talking about murder or robbery lol) and from that point, he's held accountable. You have full knowledge that not only is it wrong, but in doing so, you are purposefully distancing yourself from G-d. That's the difference. And I also believe that there are some wrongs that are automatically known as sin to us written on the heart. That crosses all cultures.

Incidentally, G-d tells us what is wrong so we can stay free from harm. When we fully comprehend something or fully believe it to be wrong and do so in our free will as a turning away from G-d, then it is sin.
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The cathechism, based upon scripture and tradition, which is what the apostles down onwards taught and continue to teach today. I'll have to say it again, not all christians are the same here. You have methodists, episcopalians, baptists, catholics, orthodox, pentecostals, evangelicals...etc.

Catechism of the Catholic Church - Sin (IV)

I'm only providing since you asked...I don't proselytize and don't ever want to. But to provide an explanation ...that's where I get it from. I respect all opinions...I just might not agree with them...and there are those who don't agree with mine...I'm kewl with that.:yep: For reference pertaining to my post only. But I don't want you to think I'm giving the definitive's not. We're all giving our sides of the issue, backed by scripture in discussion form. :wink2:
As a Christian, I wouldn't have filled the cookie order either. Simply because I believe it is a sinful lifestyle. I also wouldn't be making any penis or vagina cookies.

You ladies have posted soem really great scriptures.

The one I'd like to post is that Mark 12:31 "The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[a]There is no commandment greater than these."

Love doesn't mean bowing down and wallowing in a person's sinful habit with them, it means standing up to their sins and still expressing love.
I probably need to reiterate because I'm not interested in swaying anybody to any side and I fully comprehend your viewpoint. But I also realize, painfully so, the many who believe that we are in error. Incidentally, the same viewpoint you hold could be pointed in the direction of those who broke from tradition and the original church. I'm not saying that...but we should all realize that no matter how we view our sides, there will always be disagreements with someone. We should just learn how to get around those without condemning others as having untruths, always looking to the One who know it all... It's Him to whom we all owe allegiance.

I'm only providing since you asked...I don't proselytize and don't ever want to. But to provide an explanation ...that's where I get it from. I respect all opinions...I just might not agree with them...and there are those who don't agree with mine...I'm kewl with that. For reference pertaining to my post only. But I don't want you to think I'm giving the definitive's not. We're all giving our sides of the issue, backed by scripture in discussion form.