How was your relationship success for 2012?


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
I had hopes of meeting at least one new friend to have towards the end of the year, but in reality all I met this year were more associates/acquaintances which when next year come I probably won't hear or see from again.

I was more outgoing this year and did more dating, but towards years end, I'm not dating any of them and have no interest in seeing them again if I can help it.

The only successful thing I'm proud of was I kept maintaining my weight loss, and friendships I already had for years and years became stronger.

How about you?
Met three guys but they weren't the right for me. Actually one may be, I'll see how that goes.
I met some men. Got serious with one. Now we are unserious. 2013 is a new year, improved me, so I am sure things will change for the better. :D
Met a whole gang of people which is really good for me. I put myself out there more, but the downside is that most of them were flaky jerks. But I'm not going to let that deter me from getting out there even MORE in 2013.
In the beginning of the year, I had three men from my past make an appearance declaring their love and desire for a new relationship with me. I already made up my mind that I wanted my husband, no more casual dating for me. Slowly but surely, each one faded into the background as they saw I was serious about what I wanted and refused to compromise.

By the summer I found my man and I love him with all my heart. I have known him for over 30 years and never not once ever considered we would ever be a couple. He showed up with clear intention of having me as his wife for the rest of his life and has not stopped proving this to me in big and small ways. We are imperfect people, have communications issues at times, he has a bossy, nosy mama but we are both committed to making the relationship work.

I have had relationship success this year. :grin:
This year I dated 3 guys but nothing serious came out of it. I plan on being a more focused dater next year. This year I've been very casual and had a "go with the flow" attitude. 2013 will be a great year for me and I'm planning for sucess.
Me and SO have made a lot of strides in our relationship this year. Our communication skills have improved (still a work in progress), we've grown closer, and have had a lot more serious discussions about our future (marriage, kids, etc...). As a whole I feel like both of us understand each other a lot more which has led to less misunderstandings.

One of the things that I feel led to it being a success is not comparing our situation to other people's (which I've done in the past) and letting things flow naturally.

I’m really looking forward to the great things in store for us and our relationship going to the next level in 2013!
I'm going through some things at the moment but I'd say overall this was a very successful and positive year.

* I improved my relationship with my parents, particularly my mother. it was tumultuous including one huge fight. It was all for the better. Learned to give my mother more love and affection and re-learned to respect and appreciate my father as a man and what he taught me about masculinity.

* I've let go some dead weight. Connected with the most unlikely of men prospects. He's sweet. He's acutally new too (meaning I met him this summer vs years ago and kept him hanging around/dating). Oddly I dont talk about him very much.

* Reconnected with all of my long lost friends I've loved and missed for so long. I have 5 people I consider REAL FRIENDS. Ive talked to all 5 and reconnected with every single one after being distanced for about 2 years.

* Made some new friends. I ADORE my new friends/associates. 2 in particular I see being permanent fixtures in my life. Ironically I met them on LHCF. I appreciate our time together. :grin:

After all is said and done, I feel kinda happy. All of these things mean a lot for my interpersonal and romantic life. I'm very optimistic :yep:
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Compared to 2011 I didn't date nearly as much this year. Simply because I'm in grad school, I'm preparing for an overseas internship; so my focus is on my career right now. I don't have time to waste and it's not like there's an array of quality men anyway.:nono:

On the bright side I've realized what I'm looking for in a man/relationship from the little of dating I did this year and from observing relationships around me.:yep:
It was okay. I feel like I sowed some oats, got some stuff out of my system which was good for me. There was growth, that's the most important thing.
2012 was decent since I wasn't looking to settle down just yet. I got a special friend :look: whom I've been hanging out with since February. Looking to do more dating and getting more male options in 2013 :yep:
I had my first real date so that was a huge success for me. Nothing has panned out the way I wanted it to be in the men area so hopefully next year some will pop.

In non romantic relationships I have rekindled some old friends and I am happy to have made some new ones. It's a good thing.
casually dated a lot of men. 2 serious relationships. one was the worst but i learned a lot. had a dry spell over the summer and i am ending in heavy reflection and some me time.

2013 God willing i will be smarter and wiser when it comes to men. no more "nice girl" antics. i will put myself first.

ended all of my friendships. found out that i really don't get along with women :lol::ohwell:
Friend and I were talking abt this recently.
During that conversation, I said that 2012 was a bust for my love life.
And I reflected on 2011 to realize that I was (fairly) heartbroken several times that year: in early winter I was sad over 1 boy, in the spring I was indignant with said boy, and so over another (after a fit of rage and sadness). In the summer, I was coocoo over a boy whom I wasn't even compatible with, and by fall I was over everyone and everything, and spent many months hiding out.

So, my heart took several hits and hardened by the time 2012 rolled in:ohwell:
The positive thing that really happened from the heartbreak is that now things roll off my back like swoosh!!:yep: I don't get angry, I get rational. I can express my displeasure with a calm head, and most of the time these days I just don't express it at all. I just let my actions do the talking, loud and clear. It's been nice to have that control over my emotions.

Other than that, I dated quite a bit in the winter, but didn't get close to anyone. I rekindled with an old lover part of the summer but am not interested in more bc we have been there. I like our friendship and the fact that he cares about me this much. Then, I dated one boy whom I thought was awesome, but then he dumped me:sad: I suspect he was rekindling flames with a recent, long-term GF. Or something.

Lately, I'm invested internally. I suspect partly bc I have a lot of goals and some anxiety abt my career, and partly bc opening my heart even slightly exposes me to too much vulnerability that I have no energy to get out there.

I don't have a plan for 2013. I don't even want to have a plan. If my goals are accomplished, I am leaving the States next summer.
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i've become really close w/ 2 people i've met since moving here in the summer. i became really close w/ 1 of my coworkers at my previous org & we still talk. she told me the other day she missed me a lot and i was like "awww :)"

i have a really good roommate/living situation now. & had really great roommates earlier this year (i've had TERRIBLE luck w/ roommates, so i am super super super grateful).

i am physically closer to my family. i hope to see them more often since tickets will be cheaper.

i dated a lot. & dated 2 really good men in particular. i was pretty lucky on that front. i think it was very much needed to help me figure out what i want/that it is possible to have that strong of feelings about someone again. i also realized that pretty isn't enough :lol: that was such a bummer. "but he's so so beautiful" :( womp womp.
I met one person that I seriously considered marrying; he was very important to me. We broke up two months ago, but I don't regret my time with him.

ETA: And I turned down a fake proposal. I'm glad I got that guy out of my system. He really hurt me.
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2012 looks to be ending on a high note.
Too new to call it, but it feels good. Really, really good. :yep:
Anxious to see what 2013 will bring.
2012 was very successful for me in the relationship department. I got engaged and am currently planning my wedding! :)
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Ended a 4 year relationship mid summer. No regrets except it was long over due. I stayed in that relationship way past the expiration date. No more rotten milk for me! Wasn't even hurt when it was over just relieved.

Ran into an old flame end of summer we tried dating again but that was an epic fail. I changed and matured and unfortunately he hadn't. Still up to the same games. Never again and no more chances for him.

Went on a few first and only dates with some randoms.

Now I am officially single and not even dating/ talking to any guy. I think this is the longest I've ever been really single since I started dating period. It feels good actually, I needed this time to myself. Now I know exactly what I want.

No more random relationships I am now dating with a purpose. I look forward to meeting my husband in 2013
Success! I brought 2012 in with men I should've left in 2011 so it started off sucky. Dropped one of them and eventually wised up on the latter who's still out sowing his wild oats SMDH. It took a little over a year to let him go and I'm glad I finally did. I thought things would get serious with us but that never happened AND again Im glad it didnt!

Right when I wasn't looking I met someone else and the rest is history! I finally met someone that I don't want to run from and treats me well :grin: