How To Surge???


Well-Known Member
The last How to Surge post I could find was 7/2005 and it talked about people's scalps peeling???

I was wondering for those of you currently using Surge
- how do you use it (scalp, hair, or both)?
- what is your application method?
- what hair styles do you wear when using? (is it possible to wear hair down/out instead of protected)
- how often do you wash>

Please answer all 4 questions and feel free to add anything extra.
I just started using Surge Nov 1 and I have not seen a dramatic difference yet. I have sprayed it on my scalp on dry hair before wrapping at night. I have recently used it to detangle wet hair after a shampoo/condition. It was great for that. I haven't had any scalp peeling.

I'm probably not using it as much as I should (on my scalp) because I have so much new growth, once I get it flat from rollersetting, I'm not too anxious to wet it again.
I have been using Surge for over a year now. I haven't had any problems with it. I use it both wet and dry. It helps a lot with split ends but I do see some growth from it.