How to remove a Semi-Permanent Rinse?


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,

I had a semi permanent rinse (black or blue black ?colourshines) done on September 4, 2004. Here it is, almost Feburary 2005 and the rinse just won't go away. I want the rinse out because I want to try a different color now. Is there anyway to remove a semi permanent color quickly?
Usually the answer to your question would be yes - there are several products and techniques that remove semi-perm color...

But black doesn't come out.

This is why I always tell people to avoid it. Huggette is correct that hot oil treatments can help ease color from the cuticle that's hanging on....but if you did it in September and you've been washing once a week, if it were going to come out, it would have been out by now....


You may have to live with it until it grows out completely.

If you're desperate you can try Clairol's Uncolor or Metalex...but I doubt either will work at this stage.
Tracy said:
Usually the answer to your question would be yes - there are several products and techniques that remove semi-perm color...

But black doesn't come out.

This is why I always tell people to avoid it. Huggette is correct that hot oil treatments can help ease color from the cuticle that's hanging on....but if you did it in September and you've been washing once a week, if it were going to come out, it would have been out by now....


You may have to live with it until it grows out completely.

If you're desperate you can try Clairol's Uncolor or Metalex...but I doubt either will work at this stage.

Yup... black goes no where really. If it hasn't washed out by now, its really not going to. Black ain't no joke, I've tried Uncolor and it didn't do anything really. I've even tried applying a light colored permanent. I left that on for an hour with heat and it barely lightened my hair, all it did was make my hair cuticle rough :(. The black eventually fades over time, but your hair still remains pretty dark. I love the color on me so it doesn't bother me too much. In the summertime, I may try a reddish rinse again, that took pretty well I did it years ago at the salon.
Damn Damn Damn.......this only happened with the coloushines!!!. I don't think that I will ever but a black rinse in my hair again.
Nice said:
Damn Damn Damn.......this only happened with the coloushines!!!. I don't think that I will ever but a black rinse in my hair again.

Sorry to be the barer of bad news... :(

But I would tend to agree with you - Colorshines is more potent than others, and while you WILL get more shine and more benefit from it than with other rinses, the negative effects also last longer - like black not coming out.

Britt experience is pretty standard. It was the same with me, and with most people I know....
I have a question about black permanent color. I dyed my hair black in August and now I'd like to go a lighter shade. Is that safe to do or would I have to wait for the black to grow out?
Tracy said:
But black doesn't come out.

I wish this was the case for me. I used a Semi-perm by Kiss last August and that stuff washed right out. I want to get rid of my old higlights without using perm color-althoughI might try Natural Instincts.
melodee said:
I wish this was the case for me. I used a Semi-perm by Kiss last August and that stuff washed right out. I want to get rid of my old higlights without using perm color-althoughI might try Natural Instincts.

Natural Instinct could work - though it may wash out too....

I've had the best "covering color" results with the Bigen Deposit Only formula. Cheaper rinses like Kiss, Adore, and Clairol's Beutiful Collection all come out pretty quickly - even the darker colors.
Please beware of trying to lighten black hair. I have been told that you cannot put a light color on top of black. It will not take. The hairstylist would have to lighten your hair to get the black out and this is very very damaging to your hair.

I put black permanent in my hair years ago and had to wait for it to grow out.

I also had a blue/black color shines rinse in my hair and it just would not come out no matter what. That grew out as well. It looked very blue in the light. I did not like it.
lkg4healthyhair said:
Please beware of trying to lighten black hair. I have been told that you cannot put a light color on top of black. It will not take. The hairstylist would have to lighten your hair to get the black out and this is very very damaging to your hair.

I put black permanent in my hair years ago and had to wait for it to grow out.

I also had a blue/black color shines rinse in my hair and it just would not come out no matter what. That grew out as well. It looked very blue in the light. I did not like it.

Thank you for the information. I called the salon this afternoon and asked the same question and the woman said that she couldn't tell me that over the phone and I would have to pay $10 for a consultation. Puh-lease!
well I tried to dye my hair lighter over black permenant color. I ended up with light brown roots and black was gross. Needless to say I ran to go get dark brown rinse.
I think that my mother had her hair stripped :eek: when she wanted streaks over a black rinse
Have you had a relaxer touch up since your colorshine? I used to get colorshines when I got my relaxer touch ups because the relaxer would always
strip out the previous color.
jetcitygirl said:
Have you had a relaxer touch up since your colorshine? I used to get colorshines when I got my relaxer touch ups because the relaxer would always
strip out the previous color.

Yes I have. I thought that the relaxer would remove the rinse :look: