how to put life on my dry, crisp hair


New Member
How do i put life on my dry 4b hair? My hair is dry, lifeless and poofy.
I've use a few samples and it doesn't work. Dove, physic(sp), intensive(it works OK but it makes my hair soft and easy to comb but poofy. I want my hair to look like i just came out of a salon (flat, shinny but not to greasy).

Do you all have any suggestions? My hair is only straight when I relaxed it. WHen it's time to wash it, my hair ends up poofy and dry all the time.
I think both those shampoos contain Amonium Lauryl Sulfate (ALS) as the main detergent. VERY harsh, especially for your dry 4b hair. Looks like you need something gentler. As usual, I'll suggest Creme of Nature shampoo because it is gentle and inexpensive
You're going to need a good deep conditioner as well. Try LeKair Cholesterol.

Also, you may want to lay off the heat for awhile.

If you give more info as to your current products, regimin, daily styles, you'll receive better suggestions.
Sounds like you may need a conditioner that gives you more slip. Have you tried Pantene's Smooth and Sleek or Pantene's Daily Moisture Renewel? Also, are you using a leave-in? If so, try adding a little bit of oil to it.
I stopped using shampoo in March and that has done wonders for my hair. People on this board refer to it as doing "conditioner washes," thought I think most people on here still use shampoo occasionally. I never do. Instead I use Apple Cider Vinegar to clarify my hair, and I never put anything in it that will cause major build up.
I would also recommend protein treatments, they have really helped me. I like Aubrey Organics GPB for light protein with a lot of moisture.
I have the same exact problem. I think our hair isn't meant to be straight without heat! Not sampooing your hair is good. I recommend just shampooing your scalp if you decide to eliminate washing. I started using, and I know it sounds bad, but petroleum on my ends after washing. I put it in a bun and let it dry twisted.
Thanks guys I'll try just that. I never seen Lekair Cholestrol before what kind of substance is it. I always air dry my hair. I could wrap my hair under a dryer but it takes to long for the wrap to dry. My sister is going to blow dry my hair. It works for her.

The only product that you mention is here ( Creame of nature)After that I'll going to use the UBH moisturizer creme.

Thank guys!
hairlove said:
Sounds like you may need a conditioner that gives you more slip. Have you tried Pantene's Smooth and Sleek or Pantene's Daily Moisture Renewel? Also, are you using a leave-in? If so, try adding a little bit of oil to it.

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I'm a fan of Dark-n-Lovely cholesterol, castor oil (enjoying Isoplus's version), and Hot 6 oil. The last 2 are really good for shine, and Isoplus's castor oil isn't too greasy, compared to some others. The cholesterol has kept my hair in really good condition and my shedding has dwindled to an all time low these past 2 months since using it.
I noticed my hair is more shiny and acts better when I dont leave the conditioner in every time I wash(meaning a deep treatment that I wash out after 20min or so) . After reading this board I always thought that I should leave in everytime I wash, but recently I have just been shampooing and conditioning right afterwards and rinsing it right out. My hair seems to turn out better. Has anyone else noticed this too? It has seemed to make my hair less "poofy" and more manageable.
I think most of us do rinse out their conditioner, but then use a leave in conditioner, that is specifically labeled as a leave-in.

I have no problems leaving in regular conditioner (suave coconut) diltued with some water, though. My hair feels very soft when I do this.
What kind of leave in do you use? The only thing about leave ins is that they make my hair feel "coated" I hate that feeling. I did use Elasta QP serum the other day and that stuff was the bomb , but I have tried other true leave in conditioner and it makes my hair feel heavy.
The results are in:

I wash my hair with Creame of nature shampoo. When I use it my haur soft but not super soft. The brand vesioin is Professional DETANGLING. CONDITIONING SHAMPOO REGULAR FORMULA FOR NORMAL HAIR. I think i shouldn't use that brand beacause I have relaxed hair but need touch up.

I didn't condtion my hair. Than my sister takes over blowdrying my hair. That's my first blowdrying my hair dry. It takes an hour or 30 min. Than a little Kera care oil(I don like it)Also put on ubh moisturizer lotion.

My hair looks liike its natural. WHen touching the hair it feels soft but it still hair to comb through. It's has a little shine. But my new growth is still hard. I'm that close to have my a look like it had been relax.

Thanks ladies!!!

NOW I'm getting somewhere!

I would definitely still follow that up with a conditioner. Even though the Cream of Nature is a 2in1, you could still benefit from a stand-alone conditioner. I would actually even deep condition.

Then, let your hair dry just a little before blowdrying. And when you do blowdry, make sure to get your hair dampened so it doesn't fry.

If your new growth feels hard, it may also help to add some kind of moisturizer directly to it right after washing/conditioning. This way, when you go to blowdry, it won't get harder...and should actually be soft.