How to PROPERLY Color and Care for Relaxed Hair?


New Member
Does anybody know the answer to this question? I really wanna color my hair but I don;t know how to take care of it afterwards.. I know that with every chemical process, it takes extra extra to keep the hair healthy and on your head. So what do you do after you dye your relaxed hair?
Do you use the color weeks before you relax or do you wait and color weeks after you relax?
Do you use a protien treatment more often or do you deep conditon more often?

I am totally ignorant on how to care for double processed hair and that's the only thing that's stopping me from coloring my hair. I'm like 15 weeks post relaxer right now and I really wanna dye my hair. Do you think i would be making a mistake?
Ambitious has a beautiful healthy head of relaxed permanent colored hair. check out her fotki.

Bumping for Ambitious.
You always COLOR a RELAXER.. never RELAX A COLOR.

So get your relaxer then wait a few weeks and color, and make sure to wait a few more weeks before you relax.

The most important thing with double-processed hair is keeping up your protein and moisturizing your hair.

A great thread to find is Tracy's Bootcamp for 2004... it's what's allowed me to be able to have double-processed hair.

here's the link
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