How to melt solid coconut oil??


Well-Known Member
MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL ! i hope you're all enjoying this time spent with family and friends

i was soo happy to get a hana professional from my mother, and EVCO as well, BUT my coconut oil is SOLID! on the container it says "solid at room temperature and melts at 76 degrees"

so how should i go about liquefying it? microwave? boiled water?
and should i take out the desired amount from the plastic container its in, or should i melt the whole thing at once?

TIA :)
you can melt it in your hands...but if you want to mix it with something just put the jar in a bowl of hot will melt, but resolidify when it cools
I wouldn't microwave the whole thing... It might boil off some of the nutrients. I usually just scoop some out with my fingers. It will melt pretty fast in your hand. If you don't want to do that then run it under some hot water or but it in a sink full of hot water.