How to maintain curls


New Member
LONGTIME LURKER NEEDS HELP! "How can I maintain my curls!?!?"

For the last few weeks I have been putting my hair in a ponytail and pincurling (not forgetting the satin scarf!) at night. When I remove the clips and take my hair out of the ponytail in the morning, I have cute little "wavy-curly things" going on. I really like it! ... BUT within a few hours, the curls are almost gone. :ohwell:

What product(s) should I put in my hair prior to pincurling to help the curls last throughout the day ... WITHOUT making them hard?
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Has the hair been previously rollerset from wet? If so, i can picurl at night for 3 weeks without adding any products (except for once each week) and the curls remain.
3 weeks, wow! What's your secret?! I do rollerset when I wash my hair and use Salerm 21 as my leave-in. I've never kept my curls right after washing though, I always wrap because I don't feel that I can maintain the curls longer than that day!

What product(s) really sets the curls so that they can last?
I set with giovani leave in a frizz be gone and i dont coomb it and dont go a night without pin curling, if the curl loosens, i just pin curl smaller and tighter
I put some diluted Lottabody in a very small container (like a cap from a tube), dab my finger in it, then run it down the curl and roll it up.