How To Know If He Is The One - simple rules but I like it


Active Member
I have been thinking about this for a while, and sometimes I think that the longer we are single, the more we scrutanize and over-complicate knowing if he is the one. I ran across this article and this is what I am going to use to gauge form now on - I will throw away all my pre-conseptions as to what package he has to come in and how I am suppose to meet him and what ideal job I would like him to have and find someone that LOVES ME and I love back.
How To Know If He Is The One

12 Signs, He's The One

1. He understands.
He always tries to see your side of things. This means that even if he's seen you get upset or cry about something a hundred times before, he still tries to calm you down and makes you feel better.

2. He tells you.
Oh those three special words, the words some men have major trouble saying. Well, if he says them often, count yourself lucky. Hearing him say "I love you," and knowing he means every word, is proof that he's one of a kind.

3. He shows you.
We all know most men have trouble expressing their feelings with words. So, sometimes they use other forms of expression. Forms of expression include: taking you out for dinner when he thinks you need a break from cooking or understanding that you might need some time to yourself. While you may like to hear those sweet whispers of affection from him, it's a fact that actions speak louder than words.

4. He listens to you.
Is he's genuinely interested in what you're saying when you talk to him? Does he give you his undivided attention during your conversations, instead of having the television blaring in the background? It's an important sign, if he shows he's really concerned about your feelings, and especially what you have to say.

5. He's happy around you.
Smiles? Laughter? Excited to spend time with you and not his guy friends? Glad just to be with you? If he can't get enough of you, it's a sure sign that he's really attracted and in love.

6. He compliments you.
He notices when you change something about your appearance. He appreciates when you take the time to look great. When he looks you up and down admiringly with a little smile and tells you how beautiful you are, you know you matter.

7. He takes care of you.
Is he your own personal guardian angel? Does he baby you when you're sick and nurse you back to health? If the answer is 'yes', then it's a pretty sure bet you've got a good thing going.

8. His friends and family like you.
You can gauge how a man feels about you from the way his circle of friends and family treat you. If you are held in high regard, and they have embraced you like one of their own, it's a fact he's been telling them how happy he is to have you in his life.

9. He appreciates you:
Telling you how proud he is of your achievements or praising you to his family and friends is a wonderful signal. It's a sign he is in deep appreciation of who you are to him.

10. He asks for your opinion.
He asks for your advice, considers it and may put it to good use. When important decisions are at stake concerning him, he doesn't just go ahead and decide on his own what he thinks is right.

11. He's interested in what you want too.
Let's say you're both watching television and you want to watch Desperate Housewives while he'd like to catch 24. You know how men are when it comes to the remote control! If he lets you watch your show of choice, not in a grudging manner, but because he wants you to be happy, you've got a winner. Give him extra points if he actually sits through it with you

12. He makes you feel special.
Finally, is he the kind of guy who's always trying to keep the romance alive? Bringing you flowers or breakfast in bed are both really wonderful ways to know he cares. If he's always going out of his way to make you feel exceptional hold on tight, the man is a keeper.
This is a very good list. In fact, my SO meets all of these so I guess all I have to do now is wait for a ring:grin:.
I have been thinking about this for a while, and sometimes I think that the longer we are single, the more we scrutanize and over-complicate knowing if he is the one. I ran across this article and this is what I am going to use to gauge form now on - I will throw away all my pre-conseptions as to what package he has to come in and how I am suppose to meet him and what ideal job I would like him to have and find someone that LOVES ME and I love back.
How To Know If He Is The One

12 Signs, He's The One

1. He understands.
He always tries to see your side of things. This means that even if he's seen you get upset or cry about something a hundred times before, he still tries to calm you down and makes you feel better.

2. He tells you.
Oh those three special words, the words some men have major trouble saying. Well, if he says them often, count yourself lucky. Hearing him say "I love you," and knowing he means every word, is proof that he's one of a kind.

3. He shows you.
We all know most men have trouble expressing their feelings with words. So, sometimes they use other forms of expression. Forms of expression include: taking you out for dinner when he thinks you need a break from cooking or understanding that you might need some time to yourself. While you may like to hear those sweet whispers of affection from him, it's a fact that actions speak louder than words.

4. He listens to you.
Is he's genuinely interested in what you're saying when you talk to him? Does he give you his undivided attention during your conversations, instead of having the television blaring in the background? It's an important sign, if he shows he's really concerned about your feelings, and especially what you have to say.

5. He's happy around you.
Smiles? Laughter? Excited to spend time with you and not his guy friends? Glad just to be with you? If he can't get enough of you, it's a sure sign that he's really attracted and in love.

6. He compliments you.
He notices when you change something about your appearance. He appreciates when you take the time to look great. When he looks you up and down admiringly with a little smile and tells you how beautiful you are, you know you matter.

7. He takes care of you.
Is he your own personal guardian angel? Does he baby you when you're sick and nurse you back to health? If the answer is 'yes', then it's a pretty sure bet you've got a good thing going.

8. His friends and family like you.
You can gauge how a man feels about you from the way his circle of friends and family treat you. If you are held in high regard, and they have embraced you like one of their own, it's a fact he's been telling them how happy he is to have you in his life

9. He appreciates you:
Telling you how proud he is of your achievements or praising you to his family and friends is a wonderful signal. It's a sign he is in deep appreciation of who you are to him.

10. He asks for your opinion.
He asks for your advice, considers it and may put it to good use. When important decisions are at stake concerning him, he doesn't just go ahead and decide on his own what he thinks is right.

11. He's interested in what you want too.
Let's say you're both watching television and you want to watch Desperate Housewives while he'd like to catch 24. You know how men are when it comes to the remote control! If he lets you watch your show of choice, not in a grudging manner, but because he wants you to be happy, you've got a winner. Give him extra points if he actually sits through it with you

12. He makes you feel special.
Finally, is he the kind of guy who's always trying to keep the romance alive? Bringing you flowers or breakfast in bed are both really wonderful ways to know he cares. If he's always going out of his way to make you feel exceptional hold on tight, the man is a keeper.

I agree with these but #8 don't always happen.
I agree with these but #8 don't always happen.
I was about to say! S.O meets just about all these requirements, but to some of their friends, and ESPECIALLY FAMILY MEMBERS (mum's anyone?) you could be perfection personified and they'd STILL find a reason to dislike you.:nono: So # 8 isn't valid because it has nothing to do with S.O, just others who don't have a part in the relationship.:yep: Great list!
This is a very good list. In fact, my SO meets all of these so I guess all I have to do now is wait for a ring:grin:.

I would have to agree with you as well. My BF has met all these qualities. The crazy thing is that he has been hinting for awhile. Hmmm I think he likes to keep me waiting in anticipation.
they all do this in the beginning. my problem is that they get comfy and stop doing a lot of these things. then they must go.
my hunny does all this and we have talked about marriage already..waiting for the ring and him to set the date:love4:
This is a very good list. In fact, my SO meets all of these so I guess all I have to do now is wait for a ring:grin:.

Same here. :yep: This is my guy to a T, and he's definitely a keeper.

I agree this is a great list; it helps you focus on what's important. These qualities aren't always easy to find, and, honestly sometimes they come in unexpected packages- but it is so great when you finally do get this with someone.
is there a number that lists even with all of the above attributes you have a true feeling of love for him and want to be with him

cuz if those feelings aren't there all of the above actions do nothing more than make you feel good, doesn't necessarily mean you want to be with him or are in love with him