how to have a good relaxer


New Member
hello everybody, first exuse me for the not so good english i am french, my hair is growing very well, i am almost at brastep but i can not have a good relaxer, last time my hairdresser use mizani regular but i was burning and i still have new grow as if i did not have a relaxer so i want to know if i sould have another relaxer or wait for 2 month(i relax every 2 to 3 month), and i want to know if some body as ever use phytospecific relaxer and what do you think about it
thank you very much everybody
It could be that lye relaxers do not work for your hair. For me a lye relaxer would never get my hair straight (ish), it would only loosen the curl a tiny, little bit. I had to go back to a no-lye relaxer.
Currently I am using Mizani Sensitive Scalp and it has been very good.
I'd go to a different stylist to get a professional opinion about whether you need to get another touchup or whether you just need to wait. Did she base (apply a protective grease) your scalp before relaxing? Had you been scratching your scalp prior to relaxer? There must be a reason why you were burning. It really sounds to me like you need a better stylist.
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I use Mizani Sensitive scalp relaxer with no problems I love it because it does not burn my scalp.