How to Guide for Casual Dating?


Well-Known Member
Anyone have one? Please pass it on!!! :grin::lachen::grin:

Asking because I've never been one to date multiple guys at the same time. Conflict schedules, can't remember who's Thursday, etc.. You name it. It seems sooo complicated but I know it really isn't. So do you have any pointers for dating without getting all serious about it. Thanks in advance! Hope this isn't a double post.
After me and first hub split, I started dating. The key was to be in control while not being obvious about it. Regardless of who initiates the date, you be the first to set the tone for the next contact. At the end of a date I would say: "I had such a wonderful time with you about I give you a call sometime next week?" and DO NOT call him. He will call you before a week is up, guaranteed. Then, still set up a date for the next week, no exceptions, because this week/end, you'll be out with your other gentleman suitor ;)