How To Grow & Retain 20" Of 4c Hair

I was watching a tracey KISS video and she was saying she thought she was 4c for years and as her hair grew out, she was claiming 4c, because that's what she thought, until someone told her to stop because she wasn't. She is not 4c; possibly 3b-c at its finest. Her curls are way looser than mine. She corrected herself but for her, it was the stigma behind Black hair that made her think that. I thought the same thing too, so I think for some, they do think they have 4c hair.

Now when you claiming for clicks, let's just agree to swipe left because that's wrong. I personally find it offensive when people claim to be 4c when they are because it's deceiving. Let the real 4c's live; don't claim a type for clicks. There are people who need real life advice and these faux types are not going to help.

I think people get texture confused with curl size. Traycee has a puffy, cottony undefined texture that is very similar to mine. Because the hair is not very defined without product, and dry product-free hair is the way most hair-type, it makes our hair seem way more kinky than it may actually be. A lot of people claiming 4c just have very cottony or spongey textures, which is why their hair turns to 3c or 4a as soon as gel is applied.
I think people get texture confused with curl size. Traycee has a puffy, cottony undefined texture that is very similar to mine. Because the hair is not very defined without product, and dry product-free hair is the way most hair-type, it makes our hair seem way more kinky than it may actually be. A lot of people claiming 4c just have very cottony or spongey textures, which is why their hair turns to 3c or 4a as soon as gel is applied.

This is the absolute truth.
I didn't listen to the video but I'm leaning toward type 3...

I have to see he hair wet and shrunken. I have type 4a hair but I can get this look with a "wash and go" if I start with stretched hair, keep my hair sectioned and stretched during washing and conditioning, use smoothing products, use products that add weight to my hair, use a strong gel and stretch my roots. I put wash n go in quotes because I don't consider it a true wash n go. the style time is longer than a twist out.
I had to learn this the hard way and wasted so much money on products that didn't nothing for my hair. Not only do you have to find someone with a similar curl/coil pattern as you. But you have to find someone with a similar texture silky/cottony. There are ladies on YouTube I follow that has a looser pattern then me but they have the same texture. So I've tried some of their suggestions and they have worked for me. Until I found my hair twin now I just buy whatever she uses lol.

I think people get texture confused with curl size. Traycee has a puffy, cottony undefined texture that is very similar to mine. Because the hair is not very defined without product, and dry product-free hair is the way most hair-type, it makes our hair seem way more kinky than it may actually be. A lot of people claiming 4c just have very cottony or spongey textures, which is why their hair turns to 3c or 4a as soon as gel is applied.
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Her hair is beautiful!! But that's not 4c hair, its 4b. Her edges and her wash video you can see her curls. 4c hair has tiny coils or z patterns. It's so textured it doesn't reflex light even when moisturized. Her hair isn't like that she has defined curls. It's very hard to find true 4c youtubers. dephne madyara, protective princess and naturally high have true 4c hair. I'm sure there are more. But most are claiming 4c for the likes.
Exactly! My hair is tiny curly coils mostly and the front is only frizz( barely curls w/o heat damage) my sides are larger curls like 4a. The Xtreme wetline thread is a good reference. So much is learned in our hair journey!!
On almost every hair texture, the baby hair is going to typically be finer. Now, for 4c hair, I believe the strands are fine but hair is very dense. Meaning find strands but overall thick density. And so I think 4c would mean extreme baby hair more so than 4a, 3a-3c unless any of these textures are fine. And then you add moisturizing the hair regularly and that is why the other posters hairline seems to lay down easier.

Hmm... Density has nothing to do with hair type/texture. Density is all about genetics.
I had to learn this the hard way and wasted so much money on products that didn't nothing for my hair. Not only do you have to find someone with a similar curl/coil pattern as you. But you have to find someone with a similar texture silky/cottony. There are ladies on YouTube I follow that has a looser pattern then me but they have the same texture. So I've tried some of their suggestions and they have worked for me. Until I found my hair twin now I just buy whatever she uses lol.

When I was trying to figure out WNG, I can use Napturals smoothing method for conditioning and applying products, however, I cannot use aloe and oil like her. I also can't smooth gel like her. I can band and preserve curls. I cannot diffuse like her.

I watched Tracey KISS and I can use the products she uses and use her technique towards applying gels and products piece by piece, then diffuse. I tried her method and it really worked.

Naptural has my exact hair type, but Tracey Kiss has my wiry texture (I'm hoping) because she has a different type but texture which is very similar to mine and I was able to really use Traceys methods.
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I'm genuinely confused. Is the consensus in this thread that the video in the OP is not a woman with 4c? For those saying so, were you just looking at screen shots, or did you watch the video? Is there some other video where her hair looks drastically different than it does in the video in the OP? That video looks like a woman with 4b/4c hair to me. :spinning:
I'm genuinely confused. Is the consensus in this thread that the video in the OP is not a woman with 4c? For those saying so, were you just looking at screen shots, or did you watch the video? Is there some other video where her hair looks drastically different than it does in the video in the OP? That video looks like a woman with 4b/4c hair to me. :spinning:

Girl, this thread derailed after the second post.

She has 4C hair but the issue was finding 4C women who truly have 4C hair because most of them are a lie and just want clicks. It's hard to genuinely find 4C heads.

Then we got into misconceptions of natural hair. Then typing. Then the LOIS system. Then methods.

Just another regular day on the forum.
Hmm... Density has nothing to do with hair type/texture. Density is all about genetics.
Okay, that's what I've always heard. 4c usually have time strands and overall thick head of hair and also that natural blondes tend to have more strands per head than brunettes/black hair. Of course I do believe there are always outliers in any stat.

Can anyone else chime in?
Since I started the derail I will answer. Most agree 4c has tiniest coil hair with shrinkage. But since I have 4c hair i think its about texture too. I would never get her results in a braidout. Even if she has some area with tiny coils. She has a silkiness to her hair. Others were saying it's smooth and shiny because it's healthy. But that's unfair to those that have cottony/spongy hair. They can use the same products she uses and not get the shiny same results. I agree she likely had a mix of hair types. So I don't know what her hair type is but I don't see 4c. Because it not just about curl/coils it's about texture too.

Also your perspective is a factor. If you have don't have 4c hair you don't know the struggle. Just like i don't know the struggle of 3b hair so i cannot speak much on it.
People can claim any hair type they want. Saying that is doesn't matter isn't fair to those that do xyz to their hair and waste hundreds of dollars because they are listening to someone that claims 4c but cannot get the same results. Then think her hair is shiny because it's healthy so that means my is damaged because it doesn't shine in a braidout. So no consensus here lol.

I'm genuinely confused. Is the consensus in this thread that the video in the OP is not a woman with 4c? For those saying so, were you just looking at screen shots, or did you watch the video? Is there some other video where her hair looks drastically different than it does in the video in the OP? That video looks like a woman with 4b/4c hair to me. :spinning:
I think people get texture confused with curl size. Traycee has a puffy, cottony undefined texture that is very similar to mine. Because the hair is not very defined without product, and dry product-free hair is the way most hair-type, it makes our hair seem way more kinky than it may actually be. A lot of people claiming 4c just have very cottony or spongey textures, which is why their hair turns to 3c or 4a as soon as gel is applied.

These facts. My hair is the opposite. People think I have a looser silky curl pattern because of the way it lays when it's in a bun/ponytail/2 braids. But my hair type is actually mostly 4b (also 4a & c mixed in. Will look full 4a if I stretch for long periods or have damage)

They think only wavy and loose curly hair can lay flat and be shiny/sheeny like that. Nope. My strands are just thin/fine and low density plus it's low porosity so my cuticles are tight which helps with the shine.
My coils began to clump and retain moisture better. When I decided to just do oil rinsing as my primary method of hair maintenance, my hair improved even more, no need for conditioner and my mysterious flaking issue disappeared. Come to find out most fatty alcohols come from coconut oil, which I am highly allergic to. Oil washing with castor oil saved me from permanent TWA-land, seriously.
@Sharpened how do u oil rinse?
@Sharpened how do u oil rinse?
Wet hair thoroughly in the shower.
Apply Castor/Hemp Mix, a 1/4 tsp each time, all over my hair. I usually end up using 1-2 tsp of oil in a session.
Finger-comb out the tangles and shed, half the time under running water. Castor oil never completely rinses off.
Also massaging my scalp and preening to distribute any sebum (don't have much) and loosen shed skin.
If I hit a difficult knot, I add more oil directly to the knot, work it in and one-by-one, remove the strands.

Back in 2009, I used to use straight castor oil before applying conditioner, which is the normal way most do it.
Wet hair thoroughly in the shower.
Apply Castor/Hemp Mix, a 1/4 tsp each time, all over my hair. I usually end up using 1-2 tsp of oil in a session.
Finger-comb out the tangles and shed, half the time under running water. Castor oil never completely rinses off.
Also massaging my scalp and preening to distribute any sebum (don't have much) and loosen shed skin.
If I hit a difficult knot, I add more oil directly to the knot, work it in and one-by-one, remove the strands.

Back in 2009, I used to use straight castor oil before applying conditioner, which is the normal way most do it.

So you do this step between shampoo and conditioner?
So you do this step between shampoo and conditioner?
If I still used those products, that is what I would do. The conditioner would go over the oil to remove the excess and aid in detangling.

I had better mention that I have used lighter oils to remove the greasiness from heavier ones. Jojoba is the best one for my hair, almost stripping to my surprise.
I can attest to people saying they have 4c hair and me wanting to.....(Fill in the blank). I have a couple of friends like that. They talk about the struggle and how we have the same hair type, because they don't know any better. I've done their hair and can clearly see the difference between theirs and mine (softness, length, curl pattern). They haven't touched my hair or anyone's with 4b/4c hair so they don't have anything to compare to that's more challenging to deal with than what they have.

I always say I have 4b/4c hair, not because I have both textures but because I still don't understand the difference between the two, lol. So if I'm one and not the other, I guess I'm one of those girls too.

This is my hair wet. It's the front up in a puff.


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So basically 4a=4c but C is smaller than A
so tiny tiny coils = 4c correct?

It this is so I'm a 4c my natural coils are like a pen spring
but bleaching has loosened my texture I'm anywhere from
4c at the roots to 3c midway and dang near straight at my tips
but that was that hair that had Wave Nouveau