How to get full and bouncy hair?


New Member
I would like to know how to get that full bouncy curly look. I had just straightened my hair and now it is just straight and flat. I want to acheive that Jill marie jones or Gabrielle Union style. Could I achieve the look by just putting in rollers and sitting under the dryer for 15-20minutes.
Anyone have some suggestions?
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You could rollerset and then seperate the curls to get a fuller look, or you could rollerset and wrap. I have never actually wrapped my hair after rollersetting, but I'm sure a few more ladies will chime in soon. :) Hope this helps.
I find that less oil enables more movement. Also, the direction you set your hair in - I like setting in angles so the curls fall long vs. directly under or over. Sometimes, you can alternate the way you set. One over, one under, etc. The straighter the roots the more movement & lastly I think finger combing hair too creates more body.