How to achieve Slick Shiny Ponytail


New Member
Does anyone have a regime or product that will produce a slick shiny ponytail. everytime I conditioner wash my hair and put it back in a ponytail it gets poofy. I want that gliding back slick look. What regime or product will help me achieve this. (I'm also considering using this slick look with a phonytail)

please help!
My mom always uses Black N Sassy Style Smoother from Sally's. Her hair is always super slick and shiny. I haven't used it myself for anything but I'm always admiring the condition of her hair when she uses it. It's creamy, not a gel, which I think is why it tends to look so nice compared to using a regular gel. It smells like candy too :lol:
A scarf. This really made the difference for me. I'm using the same products I was before but the scarf lays my hair down nicely and basically sets it to lay smooth.

My products are:
sedal antisponge or any creamy leave in
mango butter (I use a heavy hand and apply it to the top or outer layer of my hair)
Fantasia IC Gel, w/ sparkelites on my edges
Tie it down w/ a scarf for a least an hour and you're good to go
BlackCardinal said:
my mom's hair is relaxed, 4a/b. She's a member here, cybra :yep:
I didn't know Cybra was your mom, I love reading her posts and yours too. You both have very positive personalities. :)
I have to co-sign with Chanteuse about the Mango Butter & scarf. I use both every morning and my hair is shiny & laid.
thanks for the responses guys. I wash last night and put my hair back in a pony tail and added some of my leave-in, serums, glosses, and MTG. my hair came of perfect.