How should I cut my hair after the transition

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As many of you all know,I have been transitioning since October 2002. It has been a year and almost 4 months now! It is time for a change. I have always had long hair and I believe this cut will be something big for me,but I need help. How should I relay to the beautician on how to cut my permed ends,to the point where it looks neat and not shaggy? Should I leave some permed ends,just for future trimmings? I would really like to be informed about this and when I get it cut,you all will be a part of history making with me! Yippie
I deleted my link to my album a while back but since I need some help with my steps,here it is again My password is lovely to both albums.
My thoughts are to go with a nice bob-type cut that will look good if you decided to straighten or if you wear it curly.
You could also cut it in a layerd style so that you can retain all of you new growth and could also reduce some bulk.
I like big hair, and I'm currently growing my long layers out to even, so I'd advise a blunt cut.

Once your stylist has straightened your hair, look in the mirror and decide how long you want it. Shoulderlength? Collarone? Chin length? Don't decide based on the amount of relaxed ends that'll remain, decide based on what's cute for you.
I say a layerd bob. I think it will look good whether you decide to wear it stratight or curly. I am waiting to see pics of it (or a live version) of it straighten.ed
Zoe said:
How long is your natural hair?

Would you be comfortable doing the big chop?

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Hey Zoe! I don't measure my hair so I don't know how much new growth I have-it is uneven. For instance,my front is to my eyes,the sides shrink so much, my middle is middle length,and my nape is to my shoulder blades
I have talked to a natural stylist and we have a consultation appointment on Tuesday and she reassurred me that my cut will be cute. I am comfortable about doing the big chop-it will be kinda "liberating" for me,since I have dealt with long hair all of my life.
megonw said:
I like big hair, and I'm currently growing my long layers out to even, so I'd advise a blunt cut.

Once your stylist has straightened your hair, look in the mirror and decide how long you want it. Shoulderlength? Collarone? Chin length? Don't decide based on the amount of relaxed ends that'll remain, decide based on what's cute for you.

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What is a blunt cut
I can't wait either-I have enough new growth for a low ponytail when I cut off the permed ends. I also have a big chop buddy so this can be easier on me.