How often should you..............


New Member
have your relaxer pulled through to the ends? I ask this because, I was relaxing one of my friends hair last night, and I did her new-growth first, then she instructed me to put the rest on the ends after I was finish smoothing the roots. Now, mine you she has very long hair it took me 20mins just to apply it. Her hair is in excellent shape, but I suggested she not put it on the ends, and you know how friends spat, she said "look this is my hair, now put it on the ends". I allways do her relaxers, but I felt being a friend and gaining the knowledge I have off this board I should share it w/ her. I relaxed her hair 3mos ago, and I put it on the ends then. I think it was too soon. What do you all think? She told me that, she uses common sense on her hair and that's why she has the length she has. Also, for me to stop putting so much stuff in my hair and just use the basics.
I will be posting pics of her hair soon. She favors Adrienne alot( hair wise too
The last time I had my relaxer pulled through to the ends was back in Nov, when I had put my first relaxer in after being natural for 4yrs. Is it time for me to have it pulled through again? I really would appreciate everyones opinion on this matter. I'm due for another relaxer in about 3weeks.
What do you all think?

I will let you all know when I've posted pics of my friend hair


What have you found to be the benefit of pulling the relaxer through to the ends? I have a friend who does this every once in a while and her reasoning is because of puffy ends? Just curious.
HoneyComb, once a part of your hair has been relaxed properly, it should never be re-relaxed again. Eventually this will lead to chemical overprocessing and breakage. This is the reason why it is important to only retouch the newgrowth of a previously relaxed head. The only time anyone should be pulling a relaxer through is to fix underprocessed hair. If your hair is fine, then please do not practice putting relaxer cream all the way down to the ends of the hair. Doing so will lead to damage.

As for your friend, I would politely refuse to do her hair anymore. I would not want to be the one responsible when her hair starts coming out in the sink. Regardless that she's the one giving the instructions, most people (including her) probably won't see it that way in the end, when things suddenly go awry.
Thanx ladies for your response. I understand exactly what you mean ArmyQt
. Which is why I wanted to warn her, but She has been doing this for as long as I've known her. We have been friends for 20years. And her mother started her doing this. But, she didn't start relaxing til we were 13. I know everyone hair acts different, but I had to ask myself, is this something I should try because, the fact of the matter is, her hair and mine are on different ends of the "Healthy Ruler"(if you will). So maybe she has her points(I guess). I guesss her motto is if it ain't broke don't try to fix it.
Anyone doing this w/ success like my friend?
It destroyrd my hair and made it weak. I know you wanna listen to her b/c her hair seems healthy and you imply that your's isn't , but I wouldn't start doing it if I was you. And DITTO on what ARMY QT says.
HoneyComb, once a part of your hair has been relaxed properly, it should never be re-relaxed again. Eventually this will lead to chemical overprocessing and breakage. This is the reason why it is important to only retouch the newgrowth of a previously relaxed head. The only time anyone should be pulling a relaxer through is to fix underprocessed hair. If your hair is fine, then please do not practice putting relaxer cream all the way down to the ends of the hair. Doing so will lead to damage.

As for your friend, I would politely refuse to do her hair anymore. I would not want to be the one responsible when her hair starts coming out in the sink. Regardless that she's the one giving the instructions, most people (including her) probably won't see it that way in the end, when things suddenly go awry.

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Co-signing! I agree with Armyqt on this.