How often should I moisturize & seal?


Well-Known Member
I wash once or twice a week. When my hair isn't being washed it's in large braids about 10-20 under a durag under a wig lol or just under a durag.
Anywho I usually moisturize and seal after washing and cond. After 5 days I still have a little moisture but it feels a tad dry. So, I know it's different for everyone but I have 3c/4a hair with medium porosity and thick strands but thin hair I guess that's how u explain it. I just don't want to overmoisturize but I know I should moisturize more because in winter I either use a protein jojoba shampoo or tea tree shampoo also with proteins. Any advice is appreciated.
I follow chicoros theme of moisturize and seal
water, leave in & oil mixture and then seal with melted shea butter.
When not weaved up, I moisturize and seal twice a week. I tend to use more heavier products in the winter but the amount of times a week is the same.
My feeling is you should moisturize when your hair needs it. I didn't use moisturizers for years, and would get my moisture from washing.

Initially, I just listened to my hair and did what was necessary. So I didn't really have a wash schedule. I would just wait till my hair felt dry and would take that as a cue to wash. In time I found that twice a week seemed to be the ticket.

So no one can really tell you what your hair needs. Only you can. And you obviously know how to read your hair because you say "you have a bit of moisture but it feels a tad dry" so why not moisturize a tad. No one says you have to use the same amount of moisture all the time. Use less if you find that's all you need to bring your hair to the point that feels normal to you.

Many times people get it wrong because instead of listening to their hair, they are looking to others to tell them what to do. Not saying not to ask questions, but just sharing with you one of the greatest lessons I've learned: your hair will help you figure out what is best for it if you stay alert and listen to it. :yep:
As often as you need. It really is dependent on your own needs. In the winter you will need to moisturize more and in the summer less....other than that just listen to your hair...
I moisturize and seal everyday when my hair isn't in extensions. When I'm in extensions I moisturize everyday with a water based leave in (Oyin Juices and Berries). That's what my hair needs and has responded well to it.
My feeling is you should moisturize when your hair needs it. I didn't use moisturizers for years, and would get my moisture from washing.

Initially, I just listened to my hair and did what was necessary. So I didn't really have a wash schedule. I would just wait till my hair felt dry and would take that as a cue to wash. In time I found that twice a week seemed to be the ticket.

So no one can really tell you what your hair needs. Only you can. And you obviously know how to read your hair because you say "you have a bit of moisture but it feels a tad dry" so why not moisturize a tad. No one says you have to use the same amount of moisture all the time. Use less if you find that's all you need to bring your hair to the point that feels normal to you.

Many times people get it wrong because instead of listening to their hair, they are looking to others to tell them what to do. Not saying not to ask questions, but just sharing with you one of the greatest lessons I've learned: your hair will help you figure out what is best for it if you stay alert and listen to it. :yep:

And the church said.... "Amen!!"

I think I made a post, a while ago, about being conscious about what you do to your hair. And I don't mean "conscious" as in some airy fairy I-see-the-light type consciousness. I mean just being aware of what your hair is doing and what it feels like - "listening" to your hair. That's the only way you'll know how best to treat your hair.

If your hair is dry then moisturize it. If it's moisturized to your liking then leave it alone. There's no point in diligently moisturizing your hair 3 times a week when your hair is feeling mushy and is over moisturized. There's no point diligently following someone else's "moisturize once a week" regimen when your hair ends up dry and brittle by the end of the week.

I know it may sound really simplistic and obvious, but it truly is the biggest lesson I've learnt on this site. From what I've seen from the longer haired ladies around these parts, this 'listening to your hair' business is the real secret to growing long hair :yep:.