How often do you wear 'your hair'???

i started out wearing weaves initially to get over that neck length wear your hair up so it won't rub against your collar hump. when i took my sew in out I was apl and began to wear my own hair till' now. i mainly wear pincurls in pin ups or a pinned up braid out.
everyday! Even when I hate it I deal with it. This has been the best way I've grown my hair. Weaves were def. a BUST. Braids and twists were alright..but I just like dealing with my own hair.
I used to NEVER wear weaves or wigs until about 2006. I bought my first wig that summer, and started using one every blue moon to just change up my look & hide my hair. Since late 07, I have been doing the wig and draw-string pony thang HEAVILY. I haven't worn one of my draw-strings in about a year, but I have been consistently wearing a wig since like late Sept. 09. I basically only wear my own hair in the summer months (too hot to wear a wig, but even then sometimes I do rock a draw-string to keep the ends baggied).

My hair is growing faster with the wig due to the low manipulation...I'm just wearing wigs until I get to my 1st goal length (WL). I have hair anorexia, as I feel like my hair is short though it's MBL+. In a few weeks, I will touch-up my color (brown roots & black length ain't cute), and wear my own hair, just in PS (buns, clips) to retain all my length. When it cools down again in Sept, I will likely go back to wigs since they work best for me during the cooler months. I could never picture myself wearing wigs years ago, but now I'm always shopping for them! I love the versatility.
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Lately it's been all me. It's been almost a year since I braided with extensions. It's highly unlikely I'll do braids this year.
I wear my hair out maybe twice a year. I normally wear protective styles because it grows faster that way.
I haven't worn my hair much really. I make one year in my HHJ next week and I think maybe I wore my hair at the most 2 months out of the year and it was not a consecutive 2 months either. I wore my hair after a touch, braid outs, and buns sporadically. My hair thrives when I leave it alone. I try and wear my hair more this year because I want to enjoy it.
I wig it up all the time b/c I want to. I'm in this grow out phase and its easier w/2 kids, FT job and other responsibilities to style a wig 5 out of 7 days a week then to take the time to twist and tango w/my own hair.

It benefits my hair anyway, why not?