How often do you wear your hair "out"?

How Often Do You Wear Your Hair "Out"?

  • Never

    Votes: 10 5.8%
  • Very Rarely/Special Occassions Only

    Votes: 56 32.4%
  • Less in Winter/More in Summer

    Votes: 37 21.4%
  • Frequently

    Votes: 43 24.9%
  • Always

    Votes: 27 15.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Okay, I'm a new member but I've lurking for a while and I've noticed that most members seem to wear their hair in PS most of the time. Is that true?

In the past I've worn weaves, braid or twist extensions, or wigs but since I found this board and learned how to take care of my hair I love wearing it out (Thankyou LHCF!) :yep:

I am trying to be better about bunning etc, at least while its winter.....but I'm wondering how often others wear their hair out.
It depends what is good for you. What one member does for their hair, might not work for your hair. You can go through some old threads and start reading to get some basics first then you will be able to make a better assessment for your hair. Me personally don't wear my hair out often and if I do it's a braid-out.
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I would say at least 90% of the time I am PS. That just works best for me. I do twist outs and braid outs, inverted braids, french braids, buns, and try to spice things up with cute accessories but, PS works best for me.
I wear my hair out every day, unless I'm having a bad hair day. For years, I wore my hair up every day unless I had just gone to the salon to get it done. Now that I know how to style my hair myself, I take advantage of that and enjoy it :)
I would say at least 90% of the time I am PS. That just works best for me. I do twist outs and braid outs, inverted braids, french braids, buns, and try to spice things up with cute accessories but, PS works best for me.

Thanks for your post Prudent.

Question: I didn't think twist-outs or braid-outs counted as PS since once undone the ends would be exposed. Am I wrong? Or am I confusing your post?

Also, what are inverted braids?
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I voted always but I have short hair so my twist-outs (pretty much the only style I wear these days...) don't touch my shoulders.... out is about the only way I can wear my hair...
Hardly ever...
I straighten my hair maybe 4 times a year, tops.
I can't to twists, because they unravel and my braidouts are a JOKE.

I am trying to retain as much length as possible and I don't like wearing my hair out because I don't think it's long enough.
I rarely wear my hair out because of working out, so it's mostly in a bun or under a half wig. Trying to wear it out would take more work than I'm willing to put in.

You're right braid/twist outs are not really protective styles because the ends are exposed. They're low manipulation styles.
Almost never...I'd rather keep it up all the time, fast-track my journey, and then enjoy it for longer.

From September to now, I wore my hair out twice. Once for family portraits because my mother forced me to. And the other time, I did it on a whim, and some dude tried to touch it. I've since taken that as a sign that my hair should be in a bun at all times. :lachen:

My birthday is coming up though, so I may wear a ponytail to celebrate. :scratchch
maybe once or twice a month for a week at a time. I am a lazy hair I like to wash, DC, seal and rollerset one day a week and then put a wig on or wear a bun. I may moisturize 1-2times after.
Rarely. I think in 09 I can count on one hand how many times I wore it out. I am paranoid when I wear it out and my hair gets dry so much faster. I don't know how to properly wear out my hair and it's still about SL curly. That and the shrinkage makes it look off so even if I wear it out by the end of the day it's in a ponytail or bun or updo.
I do not wear my hair out anymore. My hair is almost apl and I do not like the mullet that I have going on so I am bunning or wearing wigs until the summer.
Extremely rare that my hair is out. Mine is out of pure laziness. I rarely attempt to make a bun look pretty. :perplexed I know, I am a total "hair bore" :yep:
I have always worn braid extensions but only recently learned how to manage them through the crown and glory method so once I started doing this and retaining length. i figured why not being in college I need low maintenance styles that will help me grow my hair out. So I am in braids 98% of the year and the 2% being the few days I take them out for washing and conditioning before i get them braided again
I voted rarely. It used to be every weekend (I would get it done on Friday, then enjoy it out Sat & Sun, and back to the bun for work Monday). But since the baby I dont have time to make it to the salon like I used to......... so its mostly PS and out once a month (which is about when I can make it to the salon).

ETA: I should add that DS (12 months old) loves to pull my hair when its out. So even if I could manage to get to the salon more frequently, I'd likely still wear it in a bun around the house just because he loves to wrap his little hands in it and yank, which is obviously not cool! :lol:
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I voted "Frequently ".
I do a wash and go on a regular basis, and like to wear my hair out. I protective style with partial weaves or braids on a regular basis, so when it is not under a weave or extension - I like to have it out, although I bun it or ponytail for exercise or if it will be in the way.
I voted rarely, but I guess I should have answered never. For the last 8months I've been in back to back installs. Like literally, back to back. Take it down one day, do my regi, and reinstall the next day. When I took my hair down in Dec I flat ironed and wore it down for like 2days that was it. When my hair reaches my goal of MBL (Hopefully by May-June) then I will wear it out more often.
mostly everyday. if its straight, its always out except for when i'm exercising, and when i'm at work; then i will put it in a banana clip, and as soon as my shift ends, i take that sucker out. :lol: when its in a curly style, like a bantu knotout, i wear it out all the time, even at work. ♥
I am too paranoid to wear it out. I kept feeling my ends brushing against my shoulders...blowing in the wind...and obviously I was not cool with that... the last time I wore it out for state board pics, I put it back in its bun IMMEDIATELY after they were done...I don't know if I'll ever feel comfortable wearing it out again. I hope I can get over this paranoia once I reach my goals
I absent mindedly clicked frequently but that's not true, it should have been very rarely/special occasions. I dont think i even wear it out as much as 1x per month.
I hardly wear my hair out. I'm too lazy for that. I honestly have very little patience that if I had to style my hair daily, I'd chop it off.

I wear braids and twists, and sometimes even styling them is too much like hard work so I put on a baggy and a hat or scarf.

I'm in braids now. My morning regimen has been: put on a hat or scarf over my baggy. My evening regimen: take hat/baggy off to shower (and wash my hair if it's wash day then airdry). Indulge in HIH disease redoing braids that need redoing while watching TV. Bedtime regimen: put on a baggy with hair braid up to keep it compact (when I'm feeling enthusiastic) or just loose and call it a night.
I've been wearing my hair out quite a bit but that's just so I can embace it a bit more and because I can't afford my usual protective styles right now, hopefully I can do something on payday tomorrow...I plan to braid my own hair with extensions. It'll be my first time so wish me well. :) I have a desire ot protective style my hair more and in more ways at least til I can put it up in a bun.
I voted frequently... I like to wear my hair out, I used to bun religiously but haven't been really feeling the way I look in buns lately...
I only wear my hair out on my way home from the salon lol. When I get home, it goes up. I guess I dont really wear it out and all my friends are dying to see it doing because they see my hair pics.