How often do you wash your hair?

How often do you wah your hair?

  • More than once a week

    Votes: 34 29.6%
  • Once a week

    Votes: 55 47.8%
  • Once every 2 weeks

    Votes: 21 18.3%
  • Once every 3 weeks

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Once a month

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • other

    Votes: 1 0.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
After reading the stagnant scalp thread & just doing some personal musing, I thought I'd post this question, with a poll.

I wash my hair frequently (if I'm wearing it curly, not straight) because it's very hard for me to get second day hair.

What say you LHCF?
That scalp thread was something else...
Most of my products are sulfate/-paraben/-cone free and my scalp tends to stay pretty clean. I wash a minimum of once a week but there's usually some scalp cleansing midweek too, if only just water, ACV, or conditioner.

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I didn't look at that Thread...but will go back & look at it.

I do my Hair x2 per week. Tuesday/Friday OR Wednesday/Saturday
Curly - wet every other day, washing every 3 days since I work out a lot and sweat from my scalp.

The rare times I wear it straight, I will go 4-5 days before washing.

Kinda torn on this topic. I understand the necessity of washing the hair/scalp frequently, but I've also seen women with luscious hair hanging down their backs who wash once a month at best.
It depends on what's going on with my hair.

When wearing shorter hair it gets shampooed 2-3 x/week and rinsed on the days in between.

On longer hair (SL and longer) it gets shampooed 1-2x/week and rinsed another 1 or 2 times with a good finger-scrubbing of the scalp. I wear my hair in twists 90% + of the time and wash with them in.

I never could get with whole washing once/month thing. My scalp starts to get sore after a couple of days without water hitting it.
I just recently did my BC, so I'm newly natural and I love it. When I was relaxed and transitioning, I'd wash my hair 2-3 times per week. Now I wash daily. That doesn't mean I shampoo daily. I still cowash 2-3 times per week, but my hair is at least rinsed every day. And it's thriving.
I wash my hair religiously once a week. When I wear my hair in braids, I can wash my hair more often, but since I wear my hair in twists, washing n twists is a no go. It leads to angles & matting.
Shampooing/co-cleansing 1x a week
Co-washing - 1-2x per week.

I love water on my scalp so doing anything else would be punishment for me.
3-4x a week

Shampoo/dc - 1x a week
Cowash - 1-2x a week
"Water Wash" for honey treatment - 1x a week

My hair/scalp thrives on water! :yep:
Once every 2 wks, but maybe I'm one of those "older ladies.":lol: I rinse it & scrub my scalp w/o shampoo on the alternate wk.
I think that people who can go longer without washing their hair are just doing what works for them.
I'm more concerned about the people who think it's bad to wash their hair, are afraid to, or have terribly itch scalps/scalps with major issues/hair loss related to poor scalp health and use that as the reason for going without washing for long periods of time.
For instance, I'm so confused by people who use petroleum and mineral oil on their scalp and then only wash once a month. Or people who have bad dandruff/scalp related hair loss and think washing more often is the problem...

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I shampoo wash my hair once a week. A few times once in two weeks but that was out of laziness - I've found that going beyond that is not possible for me. In the summer I shampoo wash on the weekends and cowash midweek because my scalp gets dirtier faster.
Not as often as y'all. My goal is to at least cowash and dc weekly but tbh that doesn't always happen. Though for the last couple of months I've been consistent. But usually if it's more like once every two weeks if I'm good. I clarify once a month. Honestly, washing my hair is a chore. I do it when I feel like it usually

I don't mind washing weekly for the summer as much but for the winter. :nono: wet/damp hair leads to headaches and sneezing then.
Since I started wearing wigs this January, I wash 1 time every 2 months. I've retained all 3 1/2 inches of my growth too.
At least twice a week. But I think the issue in that thread was how often did you wash your hair prior to starting your healthy hair journey.
On freshly relaxed hair (weeks 0-5, I like to shampoo/DC 1-2 times per week. From weeks 6 onward, I shampoo/DC once a week and CW 1-2 times per week.
I clarify/cowash/rinse as needed. I just listen to my hair and give it what it wants. If I wash less often, I can't go longer than 2 weeks. In that case I'm either forcing myself into low manipulation, have no motivation or am just entirely too preoccupied. Roughly its been @1x weekly because I like a fresh style for the week ahead. If I wash more frequently its because I'm working out, don't want to layer certain products, want to play in my hair, think it should smell better or just feel it would appreciate the moisture.

Proverbs 31:30
I shampoo as needed but will co-cleanse or cowash at least once per week, sometimes more depending on my hair's hydration, gym workouts and the scorching hot weather.