How often do you trim?/split ends edition!


I'm really curious if everyone follows the golden rule which is to trim their ends every 6-8weeks?

do you trim your own hair?

how often?

what type of scissors should be used if you do it your self?

how much do you take off?

how do you avoid split ends?
I do search & destroy method (see split strand clip it) Last relaxer done salon stylist did not even ask just layered my hair again. I saw scissors next to my ear was speechless. The manager commented about me letting her cut it. Next relaxer stretch homegirl better not even think about cutting my hair.

Whenever I discover splits or L shape just know it will be cut.

I purchase my scissors from Sally's Beauty supply can't remember price.

Keeping my hair properly moisturized(ors in jar) and co-washing helps a great deal.

Great Conditioners below
Moisturzing conditioners
Keracare Humecto
Kenra MC
Nexxus Humectress
Creme of Nature conditioner
I don't really trim I just look for splits and cut those only. I do it once a month. I have hair cutting scissors I think I got them at Walmart. I don't know how to avoid splits. I haven't used heat in two years. I think my hair is just dry and I need to do a better job of keeping it moisturized.
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i don't trim, i dust maybe about 1/8" off every 6-8 weeks.
occasionally i may do the search & destroy method. I'll more likely do that on my uneven sections. Its hard to completely avoid splits 100%...eventually u'll get them, but i try to focus more on lowering the rate in which i get them.

Baggying has helped me dramatically!:yep:. Pre-Lchf I used to need up to 1/2"+ trimmed off everytime i went for my all i need is 1/8" if that.
I trim every 3 months, usually a 1/2 inch or less. I don't trim my own hair I always go to a salon. I just like blunt ends.
I'm really curious if everyone follows the golden rule which is to trim their ends every 6-8weeks?

do you trim your own hair?no

how often? every other relaxer(8-10 weeks) at the most-play it by ear

what type of scissors should be used if you do it your self? n/a

how much do you take off? about 1/4-1/2 inch at most

how do you avoid split ends?

no double processing
no direct heat on my relaxed hair
rollersetting once a week
detangling once a week with a seamless comb
SEAMLESS COMBS!!!! immediate difference in amount of trim needed
products that really work for me
using diluted shampoo
setting with a creamy leave in vs. setting lotion/foam
ceramides and collagen
being gentle
protecting my ends/keeping them moisturized
no brushing
silk scarf at night
do you trim your own hair? no

how often? i get my ends trimmed once per year

what type of scissors should be used if you do it your self? n/a

how much do you take off? i got 1" taken off this last time

how do you avoid split ends? protective styling and gently handling