How often do you shampoo?


Well-Known Member
I am trying to get to once a month.:look: :look:

It's hard cause I like doing stuff to my hair so right now I am at every two weeks, which means I have to really make every wash day count. I have fine hair and I find that less washing equals less shedding. I put infusium 23 or the gro works in my hair about 2 -3 times a week along with a ceramide product.

How often do you shampoo your hair?
Once per month at the most. I co-wash mostly. Or, if I'm flat ironing, I clarify.

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Usually every 10-12 weeks (during relaxer process & 1st wash afterwards).

OR: If I need to Clarify. I'll usually clarify right before I do a Henna/Indigo Treatment.

Specifically for Cleansing: I'll just use a Clarifying Conditioner, Cleansing Conditioner or Cleansing Pudding (if I feel I have some sort of build-up or need additional cleansing that Cowashing may not provide).

Otherwise, I just Cowash.:yep:
I shampoo every weekend and at times will co-wash 1x a week. My hair and scalpbecomes too dirty and flaky if I don't shampoo at least once a week.
I shampoo with a clarifying shampoo about once every other month or after I take down braid extensions.

I cleanse my hair once per week with skikakai/amla/neem powder in my condish.
I clarify shampoo once/month when I take down my cornrows. I co-wash 2-3x per week, alternating between clarifying and moisturizing conditioners.
Once a week. I usually use a sulfate-free shampoo. Once in a while I use a clarfying/chelating shampoo.
I shampoo twice a week even though I don't use any leave-in products. I also have fine hair. I don't think my shedding rate is affected by my regimen. I expect to lose 100 strands a day so if I lose more after not manipulating my hair for a while, I'm not alarmed because it's all those days of non-mani combined that are represented, IMO. I consider shedding a healthy part of my hair growth. I'd be worried if I didn't shed at all. I'd consider that as a sign that my hair isn't growing because in a normal growth cycle, each day some strands should've finished their growth cycle and the rest that follows and be making way for new strands by leaving.
Once a week. My scalp gets oily naturally plus the fact that i use sulfur-tek 3 times a week. I would!start to get a sludge layer of skin and oils, gross. I use whatever shampoo i have on hand, i dont really have one im particularly loyal to.
1x a week. I twist my hair weekly so I want to ensure that the build-up is out when it's time to re-twist.

It use to be 1-2x a month, when I was bunning or wearing my hair under a wig.
My goal is to almost never shampoo & just co-wash and use Pure & Basic to clarify (It's sulfate free). Shampoo dries my hair out something awful :nono:

However, I use shampoo to wash out bad products.... And b/c I'm a product junkie & like trying new things, I usually end up shampooing about once a month after trying a product that my hair doesn't respond well to. I usually follow a shampoo with an overnight DC.

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I use a sulfate-free shampoo and spray a acv rinse on the scalp twice a week. I used to wash once a week but by day 5 or 6 my scalp started to feel dirty, flaky, and didn't smell fresh.
I typically shampoo once a week. Every now and then two weeks will go by between washes but that's rare.
I shampoo every two weeks but I'm about to do it once a week. I have thouht about doing it once a month but I don't think my scalp could handle that.
At most: Once every week
At least: Once a month

Depends on how I am styling my hair... straight hair=more frequent shampooing... low manipulation/PSing, less shampooing
@Nonie - What kind of shampoo do you use?

@greenandchic, I'm not fussy about the shampoo I use. If it's clear and says it's for dry hair, I'd probably use it with or without SLS. I prefer gel shampoos because cleaning my scalp is my main focus and I feel as if creamy shampoos just coat my scalp. The only time I use a creamy shampoo (Nexxus Therappe) is after using Nexxus Emergencée and only on my hair not scalp. (I do know it's impossible to avoid it getting on my scalp, but just as I apply conditioner skipping the lowest part of my hair close to my scalp, I do the same when I use Therappe).

So shampoos that are usually in my circulation include Garnier Fructis (any clear one), Trader Joe's Nourish Spa, Giovanni 50:50, Giovanni Tea Tree. I consider Garnier a "strengthening shampoo" so suppose I haven't had time to do a reconstructor DC (Emergencee or GPB) for a spell, then I will usually shampoo with Garnier Fructis before doing a regular conditioning, and I can either use GPB to condition or any moisturizing conditioner following Garnier. While GPB is a reconstructor, I've used it as a regular conditioner w/o any problems, so if I may use it if I "feel" as if my hair has gone for a while w/o a protein (reconstructor) DC. Otherwise usually Fructis just makes me feel like I've added some strength to my hair and gives me a peace of mind for my slacking way (ie long spell w/o a protein DC). :look: