How often do you rollerset?

How often do you rollerset?

  • > once a week

    Votes: 60 30.3%
  • weekly

    Votes: 75 37.9%
  • every couple of weeks

    Votes: 16 8.1%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 16 8.1%
  • Never- But I would like to start

    Votes: 25 12.6%
  • Never - Not interested/tried and failed

    Votes: 6 3.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I rollerset once a week.

I usually go for a straight look, so I saran wrap afterwards.

If I'm wearing it curly, I pincurl each night before bed.
I roller set every time I wash or CW.

I also do "dry roller set" every night. As for moisture I put must of my moisturizers on wet hair and then as needed I put a little oil on my hair maybe the 3rd night after washing.

I have found out that my hair doesn't like a lot of "stuff" on it dry and no matter what I buy and use on dry hair it didn't work.
i rollerset every Wednesday and Saturday after i DC. i'm wearing a curly half wig so i cornrow my hair after i take the rollers out.
Do you moisturise/seal everytime you wrap or pin curl?

If I'm wearing it curly, then I may put a little oil on my hands and run it through my curls when I un-pincurl. That's it.

Most of the time I rollerset to straighten and then rock a bun all week, and I moisturize and bun everyday. I don't really seal anymore, I've found that just moisturizing works best for my hair and doesn't leave it feeling heavy or sticky.
I wash and rollerset weekly.
My roots don't stay straight really past week 4, so lately I've been getting my roots blown out and then I'll wear my hair straight for about 2 days and then pin it back or put in a ponytail.
Every Sunday and Wednesday after I dc. I maintain my style by pin-curling or wearing satin rollers to bed.
Everytime I shampoo - maybe 2-3 times a week. I maintain it at night by using velcro rollers. As far as moisture is concerned, I use Lacio Lacio to set my hair (sometimes a smidgen of lottabody - if it is humid outdoors)
Lately about once a week, but sometimes I'll do it like every 5 or 6 days.

I either wrap my hair or I just pin it up into a bun.

Drying your hair in a rollerset helps your hair retain moisture b/c your natural oils can travel down the hairshaft better when you hair is straight. So, I do not use oil or any other product on my hair during the week.

Also, using a wet product could make the hair less smooth and using using oil weighs my hair down.
I have never tried. Until joining this board I had never heard of rollersetting. Sadly enough, I recently had a big cut so I have to wait to try it. I am looking forward though, after obtaining some reasonable length.
I rarely roller set my hair. I am big fan of protective styling, but this one I am not. I especially won't sleep with rollers in my hair because it's wayyy too uncomfortable and secondly it takes me forever to do them. I like the way they come out but, ehh, I could do without it. I will however rollerset only when I am going out and want a curled look. I use my falt iron and curling irons rarely too. I like wigs, instants and braids:yep:, they're quick and easy.
I roller set once per week after my shampoo, I usually wrap each night for a straight look, for curls I pin curl each night and for waves I do bantu knots.
when relaxed i did every two weeks and seeing now that my natural rollerset still lasts two weeks ill probably pick that back up...i spray with cantu shea butter or natural oasis oil sheen after taking out the rollers then since its cold out i re-spray every couple nights before wrapping
I put rollers in my hair EVERY night. I wash or co-wash and rollerset wet hair three times a week. Then I also rollerset my dry hair the other four nights a week. Two nights ago I didn't go to bed until 3 AM... but I put those rollers in before I got under those covers. Past experience tells me that this is the best way to keep my hair healthy.
Not that often, it's just too time consuming.

After I get a fresh relaxer I usually rollerset for the following 3 or 4 weeks after though.
I put rollers in my hair EVERY night. I wash or co-wash and rollerset wet hair three times a week. Then I also rollerset my dry hair the other four nights a week. Two nights ago I didn't go to bed until 3 AM... but I put those rollers in before I got under those covers. Past experience tells me that this is the best way to keep my hair healthy.

This is me all the way. It's the best for my hair.
when relaxed i did every two weeks and seeing now that my natural rollerset still lasts two weeks ill probably pick that back up...i spray with cantu shea butter or natural oasis oil sheen after taking out the rollers then since its cold out i re-spray every couple nights before wrapping

wow:drool: your rollerset pic is stunning
Every week. I'm under the dryer now. I'm trying to stretch it longer, maybe every 1 1/2 - 2 weeks.

ETA: I wrap nightly & sometimes pin curl. I'm looking for alternative ways to preserve my hair at night. Since I really want to get to APL, I'll probably start wearing my hair up more, but right now I wear it out almost every day.
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I voted twice a week. I do a wet set after deep conditioning twice a week. If I need more curls during the week, I use my Caruso hair setter on dry hair.
Right now, only once a week. However, I would like to move to 2x a week. My hair loves the style.

I do them on my wet natural hair and when they're dry, I pick them out until I have a curly-fro, which is gorgeous :love:. I get nonstop compliments on my hair when I wear it like this. :yep:

I'm lazy so I only tie my hair back at night around the edges, and then put the rest into a satin bonnet.

I'd like to start re-rolling it at night, but it's a little harder being that I separate the curls so much.

The next set I do I will try to roll my hair back up at night (definitely with many fewer rollers) and then pick it back out, hopefully I'll still get the same look.