How often do you rollerset?

How often do you rollerset?

  • > once a week

    Votes: 60 30.3%
  • weekly

    Votes: 75 37.9%
  • every couple of weeks

    Votes: 16 8.1%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 16 8.1%
  • Never- But I would like to start

    Votes: 25 12.6%
  • Never - Not interested/tried and failed

    Votes: 6 3.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I rollerset twice a wk I love this style! I now do a upsweep deal with the back of my hair b/c it is nape lenght and I do not want it rubbing on my coat, sweatshirts etc.
Whenever I try to rollerset, my ends go NUTS. They dry out, and they just always look different from the rest of my hair.
Once a week if I am lazy, and twice a week when I'm not. Most often, twice a week - Wednesday and Saturdays are hair days - wash, deep condition, roller set. I don't know how to wrap or maintain a style, but since I wear my hair in a bun anyway, it doesn't really matter. Though I do wish I knew how to wrap...:ohwell:
Once or twice weekly--just depends on how much I am working out that particular week. It seems like rollersetting is the only thing that makes my ends smooth and my hair soft. I've tried airdrying and my hair doesn't like it. So, I feel like rollersetting is basically my only option. :ohwell:
Ponytail Rollerset -- 1 time per week.

That's as much as I can handle. I'm shocked that so many can do full rollersets multiple times a week. My arms get too tired!
I used to roller set once a month but I'm on the roller setting challenge now. I have been roller setting 2x a week lately.

I do a variety of things. I rarely wrap my hair (I only do that when I want straight hair with no curl). I like to pincurl my hair; put it in two high ponytails and tuck the ends under with a hair pin for sleeping; Sometimes I even sleep with a few rollers in my head.

Once I used some flexirods to set my hair before going to bed and it was a disaster. I looked like a curly poodle. Never again.
When I first started growing my hair I was rollersetting like crazy.

Now.......well I can't remember the last time I did.

In fact, I'm sure I need bigger rollers now, seeing how much my hair has grown. I really do want to start back though - rollersetting brought me past SL
As with a couple of the other ladies, I dry roller set at night. I use extra large rollers to achieve a "wrap" look. I usually do this 5 nights a week.
I rollerset once a week. I've tried rollersetting twice a week, but it's hard for me to get that 2nd wash in during the week. Nightly I use 2 extra large flex-rods to keep the curl.
As with a couple of the other ladies, I dry roller set at night. I use extra large rollers to achieve a "wrap" look. I usually do this 5 nights a week.
When you rollerset at night what type of rollers do you use because I cant see sleeping confortably on magnetic rollers? TIA!
When you rollerset at night what type of rollers do you use because I cant see sleeping confortably on magnetic rollers? TIA!

I sleep on the magnetic rollers. But I have been rollersetting my hair nightly since I was 13 (except for my lazy period which caused my hair to break off) so I am well used to sleeping on the hard rollers.
How do you sleep like that?:perplexed
It was painful in the beginning, so I learned to sleep on my stomach with my arms as my pillow. It seems like a bit much, but I get the desired hair effect and no hair to sweep up off the floor. I only use direct heat every other week when I wash.
I wash, deep condition and rollerset once a week..preferably on Sundays.

I normally wrap my hair, but by day 4 or 5..Im in a ponytail.
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Once a week, on Saturday. I try to get it dry before bed and put it in one pony tail and roll my hair into a bun and pin and put on my du-rag. Sunday after church I go to my weekly protective style and it stays this way until next Saturday.
I usually try for 2x a week but at least 1x. I pin curl to preserce my style. When I take it out the pins and finger through I get the Victoria Secret Sexy look. DH loves it. Now I have a problem with HHIMH (HisHandsInMyHair):lachen:
I rollerset after every wash, which is now every 10 days. My rollersets last all of one day. :look: I don't mind. After one day, its back to the bun for me! (my extended stretch makes it hard to wear my hair down often) with all the new growth and relaxed ends.
I rollerset after every wash, which is now every 10 days. My rollersets last all of one day. :look: I don't mind. After one day, its back to the bun for me! (my extended stretch makes it hard to wear my hair down often) with all the new growth and relaxed ends.
HI - please excuse the intrusion on the thread, but how for into your stretch can you roller set before you get bad results. Anything past 5 weeks for me and I shed.

*Also I voted for weekly but that is at the beginning of my relaxers.
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Now that my hair is about 3 inches (a little longer in the back - the beginnings of a mullet), I rollerset every 3 days.

This was also the case when my hair was long, lush and healthy.