How often do you moisturize your hair?

How often do you moisturize your hair to prevent dryness?

  • Once a week

    Votes: 26 4.7%
  • Twice a week

    Votes: 54 9.7%
  • Once a day

    Votes: 263 47.1%
  • 2 or more times a day

    Votes: 194 34.8%
  • other (please explain)

    Votes: 21 3.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Daily with Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1. Hair stays soft and moisturized :yep:
Hi all,

I joined a few months ago then life got too busy so haven't been on this site for a while but have missed it!

My hair is natural, type 3a/b around the sides and front to a very stuborn 4a (crown part of my head). Currently trying to find the right products and regimen for my hair but moisturise 2x a day with Jojoba oil or sometimes use African Royale hot six oil. I have very dry hair by default.

At least once a day.

I have chronic dry hair. Isk even know what to do about it anymore. It could be my diet. I Dc every week and that doesnt help either.

Maybe you have a porosity problem? Ever try Porosity control? I use that plus I do oil rinsing when my hair is really dry (See Sareca's thread). Lifesaver! Especially during 17 week stretches.
Maybe you have a porosity problem? Ever try Porosity control? I use that plus I do oil rinsing when my hair is really dry (See Sareca's thread). Lifesaver! Especially during 17 week stretches.

Hi I just saw your reply.

I did try Porosity Control. It didnt do anything. I think I did try just about everything. I didnt try oil rinsing though. I'll see it that helps.
I usually moisturize everyday at least once before I wrap my hair and put on my scarf. Yesterday I did a braid-out w/ cholesterol shea butter plus (used as leave-in), sealed w/ castor oil and my hair is so moist and lively looking so, I'll see how long I can go w/o moisturizing.
I moisturize daily with Hairever II: Hair & Scalp Tonic and Dr Bronner's Magic Hair Creme

The Dr. Bronner's Styling Creme is my new favorite too. I use it to seal in my spray moisturizer (H20/Rosewater). I moisturize at least once a day, sometimes twice.
Since my hair is sooo damaged, and I am trying to balance the protein/moisture, I tend to moisturize 1-2 times a day. I noticed it is feeling lots better. I am using a hydrating/water baed moisturizer and staying away from Mineral Oil/Petroleum based products
I was moisturizing 3-4x a week since it was hard to get my hair back in a bun if it wasn't soaking wet. Now that I'm getting my protein, porosity issues worked out I'm moisturizing 2x/day to see if my hair is happy now. I'm using coconut, grapeseed, jojoba oils, as well as, my homemade moisture spritz.
I usually moisturize everyday at least once before I wrap my hair and put on my scarf. Yesterday I did a braid-out w/ cholesterol shea butter plus (used as leave-in), sealed w/ castor oil and my hair is so moist and lively looking so, I'll see how long I can go w/o moisturizing.

Hmm, this is interesting. Did you just apply a bit to the ends of each braid (I usually do this with my moisturiser) or did you rub a bit all over your hair first and then braid?
I voted wrong, minus 1 from Once a Week.

I moisturize once a day. I go through and part my hair and twist cantu shea butter on that section, then I apply a little castor oil to the ends.

If my hair is straightened, I apply extra virgin coconut oil to my hair.
I wet my hair while showering and add in Qhemet's Honey & Olive Hydrating Balm. Once or twice a week when I wash I moisturise with a heavy moisturiser. I just tried the Porosity Control last Sunday but I notice my hair holds on to moisture better. I used to have to use a heavy moisturiser twice a day and wash it more often--even if I just did a quick cowash. I have not needed this yet and hope as long as I watch my porosity it will not be a problem.
I chose once a week. I don't moisturize except for after I DC, before I set my hair. I usually wash every 5-7 days. I use BBD Stretch Growth Creme as my leave-in/moisturizer.
Ideally I only moisturize when I cowash which is once or twice a week. Sometimes I play around with my hair and put moisturizer in it to get another hairstyle, if I try something different during my cowash and don't get the moisture I am used to, or sometimes I just soak my hair with conditioner because I know I am going to wash the next day.

When I have to moisturize more than once or twice a week I dc more often or use heat to dc, basically I do whatever I have to do so that I get my moisture level up so that I am retaining moisture better. Henna has really helped me retain moisture like never before.
I need to moisturize a lot more than what i do now. I'm glad to say that i have made a commitment of moisturizing 2 times a day and also making sure i seal my ends. Send a sista a shout out about some fantastic moisturizers that you have used and that have worked wonders for you. :yep:

sistagirlfriend signing out. :grin:
Daily and sometimes 2wice a day.

qp mango butter and coconut oil.

tonight i found i didn't really need to do it so i added very little and baggyed.
I live in Vegas and two words sum it up DRY HEAT.I moisturize twice a day. I just got my water filter (ya know to make the hard water not so hard) in the mail so hopefully it'll halp my hair and skin cope this summer.
i moisturize once a week. i cowash, leave-in, moisturize/seal.

i used to have to moisturize daily, then as my hair started maintaining more moisture i'd do so about twice a week and now my hair stays very well moisturized through the week.
I moisturize twice a week. On Sundays I pre-poo with a hot oil treatment that takes 45 minutes then I poo and dc (I use a protein dc followed by a moisturizing dc) then I spray Hydratherma Follicle Invigorator on my roots, then I put Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioner on my scalp and a mix of castor and coconut oil on my hair. Next I rollerset and airdry. On Wednesday's I do the same thing except I co-wash only (no pre-poo, no poo and no dc on Wednesdays).

My hair stays well hydrated and soft.
Whoaaa...I'm bad. I moisturize about 1x a week if that. But seriously, that's enough for my hair though in the past when I first started I would do it religiously like everyday.:yep: